The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)


that is all

What we need to do is enact laws to replace water with vodka. Humanity will enter its next stage, being perpetually happy and relaxed.

as of a few minutes ago, Godrick will never have the chance to try Stolichnaya

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You got him?


he ded

Hey, Akaras, I tried to poke you the other day on bnet app, is everything ok?

I am just about to get the Prime Evil title in Battle Pass. Who do you think will be the next Mythic skin?

Hey, Dodo! Who is Godrick? And why Stolichnaya, and not, say, Grey Goose?

because in our conversations, it is Stolichnaya

Is Akaras mad at me or something? :frowning:

I doubt it. he’s a pretty easy going guy

unlike Mei, who is the devil and a mass murderer

I hope you’re right. x_x

How have you been?

I check in every now and then

Nice the last thing i remember doing was killing a dragon beyond the erd tree

Have you come across the sleeping dragon in caelid?
It had a ton of hp, but will not attack you. (Bleed works well on him, as bleed takes down a percentage of hp, and he has something like 90,000 hp)

His second phase was awesome, huh?

Ive seen it, beat it a bit and walked away

Not these days…

Honestly, i dont know how you are supposed to beat that dragon without using bleed, scarlet rot or poison.

Why do anything to it, its just sleeping

Got it!

What game are you guys talking about?

Hey Widow! So are you all playing some new game I am not aware of?

I am the Russian here, and I am the only one not drinking Stolichnaya…

Are you saying Mei is NOT evil? Why the change of heart?

That’s technically true of all super evil things. When they wake up, bad things happen.

A proper fun game. Elden Ring.

Im pretty sure you’ve heard of it

Exactly what im saying.

Overwatch2 removed CC because the “pros” didnt like it with that a crippling change came to my hero.

But that dragon is just sleeping, even as you beat it it’s sleeping it might roar calling smaller dragons but it doesn’t do anything.
And im quite sure it doesn’t drop anything.

it drops 5 dragon hearts and about 90k runes

Is that how you leveled up?

several websites claim you can kill him multiple times, but Ive only been able to do it once

so just the one chunk of runes

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