The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

If you get hit, you get stunned

if you get stunned, you cant act/react

so they hit you again

you get stunned again

if you get stunned, you cant act/react

(etc etc etc)

so you are doomed as soon as you get hit once

A trap box sent me to Caelid, then another one sent me to the castle near the erdtree. Both times i got destroyed and lost thousands of runes…

I think i remember something about a key to get in.
What exactly do you consider mid level? I know for sure im 46 when i get home im gonna try and get through the Minor Erdtree Catacombs if i cant im heading for Caria Manor.

I play a caster so maybe Rodgers knows what hes talking about, of course being a caster doesn’t really save you from cqc so i have to roll alot also and a well timed roll saves me from that one hit kill. Glass cannon is fun to blow stuff up but sucks if you get hit.
So it turns out the trolls in that area i mentioned earlier actually drop 1000 runes and there is 5! So clearing it twice is an easy 10,000! And even if you die the Warmasters Shack lost grace is just a little north of the trolls.
Of course this is assuming you got past the Gatefront sight of grace. If that’s where you are hung up just get through it, spend your runes and get through. 5000 runes are waiting on the other side!

Now the obligatory Overwatch2 bit…
It’s cool that it’s free now, it’s also cool it’s on steam.
I get the crippling monetization that comes with free to play, and i am part of the group that would leave a negative review on Steam.
But with everything does it have to be such a grind to get access to the new hero. Cant we get just one thing easy? 15 games is hard but you want 30 for a hero i probably won’t even like. I did the neat challenges in the training room for Ram but when i saw the last one i made my mind to part ways.

the trolls wipe me out, except of course the ones chained to the carriage

anyway, one imperfect roll and youre dead. maybe not on the first hit, but the ones after that while you sit stunned and unable to react while you get beaten to death

I guess it just depends. I think i beat the game at around level 135-140, at that level i think i needed around 5-5.5 million runes to level up (there are a few areas in the game where you can farm runes really quickly).
There is an area in the game called altus plateau, once you get to that area, you are about halfway through the game.

You cant panic roll or you will get punished. You are supposed to roll right as the enemies sword is coming at you, a lot of enemies seem like they are about to attack, but they delay it a bit. You are likely rolling early, like i used to.


Almost every enemy and boss has a weakness (slash/pierce/frostbite/bleed/ etc).
There were times i had to look up their weakness, cause i was getting my butt kicked so bad (cough cough, valiant gargoyle duo).

I had to think about the Rodgers thing for a while before I understood it

I thought it was funny

shouldnt be as hurtful now that he doesnt play the Vikings twice a year

also sometimes the creatures pulling the cart are sometimes called giants, some places call them trolls. I dont like how none few of the creatures I have dealt with are named in the game proper

my playstyle is dead is dead., so I start over with a club and a loincloth each time I die. so learning this timing is problematic, and it certainly means that the tank style of play is an impossibility in this particular game - which I absolutety hate given that it is nearly required that one wear super heavy armor like a, uhh, tank would in any other game. The rolling playstyle is more suited to a light armoured type in any other game

When you come across a giant you will know it.
Also i hope the jets have a terrible year.

ok, so what is the thing called that shoot arrows twice the size of my horse at me near Castle Morne?

and also the thing laying on the ground - well, he starts there - kinda sorta near the catacombs near saintsbridge?

and are you saying the things pulling the cart arent giants?

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Consider those ones(in the group of five) practice, it’s what built me up. Im not gonna lie and say they never kill me because they still do… but i did learn alot from them.
Dispite them killing me ALOT, im telling ya the Warmasters Shack helps alot if you are interested in farming them.
But id say the castle is your best bet if your able to get in.

I have no idea where im going :laughing:
Right now im in the MEC


He’s not your bad guy anymore

I hope you’ve looted those carts

Hes right you know.

I call those trolls

Im too unreasonably mad about how the Overwatch2 team released the new hero stuff. We usually got the origins first then the play stuff… guess Overwatch2 team is doing the best they can.

Im not sure what those things are called, big robot guys???
So with the trolls try attacking their legs until they fall down, crit attack, rinse and repeat.

Have you beaten the tree sentinel at the start of the game (the knight guy on the horse)?
F those guys they get soooo tough.

Yup! I climbed on top ofvm the church and glintstoned him to death :D.
Ive cheesed alot of the in world bosses even a few dungeon bosses like Magma Wyrm Makar. I just cleared MEC took out the two flying cat statutes they’d one shot me if i got lazy

Super cheese, i like it. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do. Do you use spirit ashes? Spirit ashes would probably help out dodo quite a bit.


So when i fought the single cat statue boss for the first time, it gave me so much issues as it was one of the first bosses in the game i had fought.
When i ran into the two of them i was terrified

I didnt know you could climb on top the church near the first tree sentinel.

I will try that

I have wolf spirit ashes and baby jellyfish ashes, both +2. they do help. but usually the boss latches onto me and as I said, one hit and its over, regardless of whether that first hit kills me or doesnt, because of stunlock

what is the MEC

another thing I dislike intensely about the game is the invasions where you are penned in and cant opt out. again, one hit is death. If I had the option to run away that’d be fine, but there’s a wall added around the area

so trolls (except those pulling the cart, which I did loot for a big axe) are out. any other mid-range opponents for me to slowly build up my hp and maybe find better defensive items? a poise enhancing item would be extra super

Minor Erdtree Catacombs

Im always looking for cheese. Like a mouse.

Yup i used my wolves to help with the double cats.

I was annoyed they spent most of the fight floating over my head.
Night Maiden’s Mist is a good spell.

Errr it was all cheese and the horse double jumping skills

Minor Erdtree Catacombs

I don’t have PS+ so i cannot get online :laughing:

You’ll get it, they are intimidating but not too strong as far as taking hits. They still rough me up.

You’ll probably want to raise endurance so you can carry better/heavier armor which can raise you’re poise. You can carry up to 70% of your max equipment load before you start fat rolling (rolling slowly).
There are talismans that can raise your poise but you dont get them till later in the game, i personally never used them, cause i had high endurance.

You can be invaded by npcs while playing offline. I lost a few thousand runes at the start of the game, cause i was invaded by bloody finger nerijus and couldn’t beat him for the life of me, and eventually gave up.
I mostly played offline.

I fractured two ribs at work today :frowning_face:

Ive killed them all so far, yeah they roughed me up abit but i always get my win.
The one at the round table has killed me more than anything in game.

On your new job

What a bummer


To no ones surprise they say the new hero is getting nerfed. Apparently her healing thing is too strong

sory to hear about the ribs

hopefully they wont push back on workmans’s comp - some companies do

I am wearing the highest poise armor I have managed to find so far, which is the Godrick Knight set. If I could find better Id absolutely raise my endurance to handle it, but I havent found better. I check every piece I manage to acquire

This thread is still going niceeee

Mei is Bae

I guess I need to reimagine this character as a wizard - who wears heavy armour

ah well

the whole heavy armor thing really does not sit well with me, including but not limited to sneaking around in heavy armor

Im no expert on the game but i believe it might help.
Get your sea legs first then jump in the water.
It should be remembered that as a mage you will NEED to dodge EVERYTHING and new spells aren’t cheap. As far as the requirements to use them.

You haven’t seen yourself? Is the mirror giving you lip? Cause that’s not cool.

What do you do with this company? Are you driving a huge truck? Or is this one of the “stationary” jobs at the company?

I know some people who like Elden Ring ,but they seem to be more into D4.