The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I work till 11, then probably just sleep.

I just started getting stick drift on my Nintendo switch controller. Got to love planned obsolescence.

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I probably have less than 30 hour’s on the stupid thing which annoys me the most. I’ve read alot of articles on the switch stick drift but mines still going strong.
Figures the PS5 controller would mess up on me on a game that has some jumping puzzles(divine tower of Caelid for example).

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That’s a LOT of microaggressions. Rivers of tears will flow from the baawwww brigade.

I’ve gotten two since the game came out. They look nice, but aren’t worth the credits.

I was just playing with a player whose title was Grandmaster Role Contender.

In Comp, I am just upper Silver. I’ve been playing with a girl that’s Plat/Diamond, though, and I’ve been surpassing my limits, but that’s nutty.

Unfortunately, he and his crew were throwing, so we lost.

Women inspire us to do great things. Like play Overwatch better.

What about my x5?
I brought back my whole team.
We won that game because of my super rez

It’s funny how some guys just try too hard.
They start goofing just to get a shout out and get noticed…
I played Diablo 3 with some girls we had good fun. Eventually we fell off but not after jumping in each others games GtA RDR2 MHW i remember one got a boyfriend i don’t know about the other two.
I remember my guild on WoW we had some girls my guild leader and her VP loved Akky(Akaras) we went on lots of quests together.

Im a support (lucio) main and i used to think mei was the devil.

When i was against her-- shed interfere with my skating and slow me down… when i was on her team-- shed put up walls that made no sense and blocked me from healing my own team. Or trapped teammates in bad situations in a selfish attempt to save herself…

As ive leveled up my mechanics and rank— im now pretty sure she is just a misunderstood fallen angel.

The enemy meis cant keep up or reach me… and friendly meis isolate enemies for the team to gang up on… and block the enemies from healing instead of teammates.

And both sides give me free extra walls to ride on. =)

Every once in a while ill come across an enemy mei whos iciscles are just crazy accurate at range… especially considering im frog hoppin around–
and i start to think… maybe this one is the devil???
but then i realize shes jus misunderstood and shes really jus tryin to teach me to be less predictible in my movement.

So thanks meis!!! You angels!!!

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I am just saying, a Mercy POTG is so rare that buying Epics for it seems wasteful.

I just want to be able to play with the super-cute girl. That is a good reason to practice hard.

I wonder if Lucio’s music is riveting… or ribbitting.




It croaks to you… errrr… it calls to you. Yes?

Buying anything from $Overwatch$ 2 is wasteful.
I had my brother ready to get into Overwatch with the Overwatch 2 we saw at blizzcon 2019.
We know what happened there…

The news devastated us being lied to for so long hurt the most, the second they knew Overwatch 2 2019 wasn’t gonna happen they should have told us. Instead they just kept the fake face on having us think we were helping the development of the campaign on the shown Overwatch 2…

I didn’t say you couldn’t.
I was just saying some guys don’t know how to and end up scaring the limited girls that actually play away
From what i remember you weren’t that bad, didnt really rage at the team but you did give up too quick. Never really got the Overwatch goggles on when we played together.

I just get the Season pass, nowadays. The exception was Lifeguard Mercy, I freely admit I shelled out the $$$ for that beauty.

Sometimes, the outfit is so pretty that you can just catch the scent of Mercy’s sublime perfume.

Maybe we should try playing together again.

What is your Comp rank, if you don’t mind me asking?

I haven’t done comp in Ow2
Back in the day i was mid to high gold

That’s probably why we did well together. I am at silver, but I think I could do gold pretty solidly. Plat, I’d have to try super hard, even if I ever made it there.

How’s your day going?

What’s your plan for the weekend?

I remember being in plat briefly.
As healer.
I got messages about how i was a great healer, just suff i already knew :laughing:

My day is going… Elden Ring beat me up today its actually more appropriate to say stick drift beat me up

Hey bro! How did your weekend go? Are you going to play Starfield? It comes out in a couple of weeks.

Im too caught up in Elden Ring, haven’t even had time to laugh at how poor Overwatch2 is doing

Oh! Got it. :smiley: have you seen Dodo and Widowmeiker lately?

I’m not sure if the forums have changed, but im not getting notifications when you quote my posts anymore. It’s weird.
I just got a job with a freight shipping company, and they are giving me so much overtime, its awesome. The first week i worked here i worked 66 hours.
If im not on here as much as i normally am, it isnt you guys, im just busy.

What part of the game are you in? One habit i had to break was saving runes. Spend them if you have them, otherwise, you might lose 110,000ish (the most i lost at once, it was near endgame, i was pissed).

How far have you gotten into elden ring my friend? Are you enjoying it?

I havent, personally


as I mentioned when I first brought up this subject, I am struggling mightily to level up after about level 30 or so. Things are either too easy to kill (Godrick soldiers, wandering noble) and provide little return or are just too hard for the little more you get (like caiden mercenaries, especially those on horseback). I cant even conceive of fighting a boss. Night cavalry just about killed me even though I strive to hit and run from range

the biggest single issue for me is the poise system, which is more aptly called the stunlock system. I get hit once, then I cant act at all. hit stun hit stun hit stun hit stun hit dead. I have a full godrick knight set so my poise is in the low 50s and pretty much anything can stunlock me, even the weakest possible opponents

near as I can tell, the only way to win this game is to not get hit. at all. Which makes the melee warrior archetype useless

Still making my way to the second Rune lord but you know how it is, open word to explore, lots of Lost graces to discover, cave bosses to murder.
Last thing i did was kill a boss at a minor erdtree in Caelid(best part of playing a caster is all the cheese you’ll find) there is a “cave” to explore there. It’s probably the path that will get me to the giant pot in Caelid ive done enough now to know im definitely not getting to it without dealing with the boss and since Caelid is really out of my level range im better off going to Liurnia and hitting that castle. Recently got a new controller so stick drift isn’t trying to kill me anymore so i gots more to explore.

Say their name and they shall appear!
It is unfortunate the executives cannot see what’s going on with this once beloved game. In effort to maximize profits on all ends they have sacrificed a good thing that kept devoted players who spent money on merchandise to show off our love for the game. Now im too embarrassed to display my former commitment to it.

Clearing Godricks castle(north west Limgrave) a few times might be what you need to do. There are also a ton of catacombs in Limgrave to explore of course they have minor bosses at the end so be ready for that but its all in the quest to get runes and experience. As much as i thought i knew im still learning, spirit ashes have really helped me burn through some bosses or run away.

cant run away from most bosses. you get sealed in a room with them and its a battle to the death, with no escape

my death

I got to caelid really early in the game. I thought that caleid was meant to be an endgame location, because of how difficult and terrifying everything was.
In reality its a mid game location.
There are about 6 maybe 7 locations off the top of my head that are way tougher than caelid, but you’ll level up, so they are doable.
Have you gotten to the raya lucaria academy in liurnia of the lakes yet?

Agree with everything here.

Dont get hit.
Roll. Get good at rolling. When i started the game, i would roll too soon, and get hit because of it. Also try rolling towards the enemy, then get a couple of hits in. You’ll get it eventually.

Dont run away from them kill them.
I may have told you this already, but the area south of Limgrave (its called the weeping peninsula) is the easiest area of the game.
Maybe hang out there and try to explore and kill all the mini bosses you can there.

My first playthrough was mostly melee, you can get hit just not too many times. I would cast spells sometimes, but not often.
I used a weapon called the bloodfang, you get it fairly early on and its really good. That weapon got me through the game.