The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

She claimed to be a Mercy mei-n

I definitely am. Sparkys is better than FG.


Mercy says that with devil wings on. Makes you wonder what her intentions are.

Orisa! She is also the youngest character in the roster

Are you cold?

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Yes, but it’s not like Hotaru would ever admit she’s wrong!

Actually, a joint near me is better than both of them. Vienna Beef Hall of Fame, baby! They got killer service, and people come from the South Side to sample the gyros. My folks live 3 minutes from them.

It’s not my fault the Gold Elims psychos are psychotic. xD

She actually says it with most wings on. Not as Valkyrie Mercy, though.

It’s -56 with windchill by the lake and I got something in my throat just by going near the front door – not even opening it. Now I gotta gargle with Listerine.

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If Mei was “good” she would spare you.

And they are not team players.

Need I say more?

That’s why she just ran away

ORISA!!! Mei is the wicked frost queen!

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She is the sweet :ice_cream: queen!

I bet she’ll return with a tazer. And Winston. I hate his blanked tazer, he always fries me with it.

It’s a food joint, not a mind-altering substance. Sheesh.

Of course they’re not team players but GOLD ELIMS!!!

I am not dead. Heck, she hasn’t killed me even ONCE yet!

Orisa has a puppy.

He fries you with that feather duster?
Not cool.

It’s not in NM therefore it is disqualified. I say Sparkys is the best in NM not the best in the world.

Eww… My last game today I got gold elims, gold damage, and gold objective kills and I wasn’t a snob about it. Heck I didn’t even know till the game was over.

She hasn’t given you a blanket either.

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Don’t forget that you still have a challenge to do, ends till Chap Goh Mei (20 February)! Closing the thread

This is true. And not only is it true, but the puppy is ultra adorable.

Winston is Mercy’s worst enemy. So hard to dodge his giant tazer…

That’s exaggerating it a bit, don’t you think?

It’s not gold elims unless you start being rude to your team while having gold elims.

How do you know that? :thinking:

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Mei is bae. She drew me in to this game. Can we buff her?


^ Listen, heathens, to these words of wisdom, and repent your sinful ways!


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Only the most innocent can keep a adorable puppy.

Guardian angel is your best friend.

No it is not, Sparkys is the burger in New Mexico. I am know there are better burgers in this country, that’s why I am only comfortable say it’s the best in NM.

You might have a point.

Because Mei is evil.

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Snowball is way more adorable and playful than the puppy. So, by your own logic, Mei is innocent – not evil. :stuck_out_tongue:

Winston can cover a lot of ground pretty quickly. He is harder for me to deal with than other tanks, GA or no GA…

I am afraid I’ve never been to NM, so I have no frame of reference.

OMG we agreed on something. O_O


It’s not even better than Wendy’s or Burger King.
It might be better than McDonald’s

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Let the Burger Wars BEGIN!!!

Widowmeiker spars with Akaras for the Golden French Fry award! They’re going at it like fencing champs at the Olympics!

A dog, yes. A puppy, no way!

This is true. Im just testing your Overwatch knowledge, I often pick Winston to deal with a troublesome Mercy.

Exactly! You can’t say your C-town burger is better than Sparkys because you have to try Sparkys first.

We have agreed on this since you brought it up!

What is the matter with you! Of course its better than that garbage. You made a better case for your laguna burger.

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No, seriously, on the scale of adorability, the puppy is 9, but Snowball is a comfortable 10. That, and the puppy doesn’t help Orisa in battle, whereas Snowball is Mei’s trump card.

Yeah, his tazering of comely young Mercys is downright uncivilized, same as his scandalous hunger for peanut butter.

Vienna Beef Hall of Fame is a giant deal for an eatery. You have to have made a big difference in your community over the span of decades. Actually, today I was short by about 60 cents, they gave me my meal with a smile. They know I am good for it for next time. So, not only is the food phenomenal, but all the service is top-tier. Seriously, how often do you see a burger and gyros joint with service that good?

Sounds like Akaras and Widowmeiker will duel over burgers. Hotaru would be proud.

Puppy doesn’t need to, Orisa is protecting it. If it was a tool for Orisa to use it would be a OP ult with a 30 sec AoE charm, if you have LoS on the puppy you get charmed.

Someone has to do it, better a giant space gorilla than a tiny nuclear burrowing roach.

What more could you ask for? I’d take a mediocre salad with great service over a great steak with bad service any day.

I will fight anyone about food, I say this as a former fat guy! My next closest trigger is complimenting EA and Konami, any thing by those two are instantly cut off of my to play list

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To be honest, I think Orisa IS the puppy. You know, one of those K9 unit German Shepherds that the cops nicknamed “fur missiles.” She is loyal, protective, and eager to please. Also, if you look at some of the emotes she does, it kinda points in that direction.

How about NO ONE tazer the doctor?

I’d ask for for great food with great service. Which is what this is.

I think I might have failed to communicate properly how big Chicago is. The joint is in the northern suburbs, if people are driving out from the South Side to eat there, we’re talking as much as 1 - 1.5 hours of driving. Obviously, you’re only going to do that once every blue moon, but no way in hell would anybody truck out that far for anything but the best.

I know that EA is the evil empire, but what did Konami do? I thought it was just a successful gaming company.

You know what they say about opinions. They are like belly-buttons. Everyone has one… And only hotaru’s is correct.

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I’ll only accept this argument if Hotaru comes back and plasters a pic of her belly button.

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Is it still super cold in Illinois? ABQ is nice right now (about 60 degrees). People are actually wearing tank tops at the gym.

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