The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

My grandma, old man, and brother got that same news so that puts me at risk. Diet and exercise will help and if you ever feel like cheating remember everything is good in moderation. My old man will get a icecream every once in a while.

For a new legenday skin?
Please, I am worth more than that!
The deal was for spreading the truth of Mei and 3,001 credits.

If Hotaru is still around they are probaly playing Monster Hunter World Iceborne

But he wasnt being humorous, he was speaking truth. Mei is a high-functioning psychopath

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As a Mercy main, I live to turn Mei into the frosty little tank of death she secretly wants to be. Eeeeeeeyeah! Sorry…sorrysorrysorry.



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I didn’t buy the mei anniversary skin this year, and now I really regret it.
I have about 22,000 in game credits, so it’s not like I couldn’t afford it. I’m not sure what I was saving them for.

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That was the only 3000 credit skin I have ever spent money on. I love our Dread Mistress and Dark Lady that much. All Glory to Mei!

Actually, both.

There, I said it. Please put down the ice gun, Mistress Mei.

Please? I promise I’ll be good…


That is far from a secret!
We all know of Meis malicious intent!

If I dont get it in a box by the last week I always buy the new Mei skin, even if I dont intend on using it.

All Glory to Mei


FINALLY, somebody in this thread who sees logic and reason. Ice cream and Swiss chocolates go hand in hand.

That is as true as Trulicity.

As a Mercy main who pack-rats everything for Mercy, I advise people to pack-rat everything for their main for this reason. During the Pink Mercy event, tons of people said the skin was trash and who ever would buy the darn thing.

Well, look at the lot of them now: there’s as many “Give me Pink Mercy” threads now as there used to be “Nerf Mercy” threads.

She is the hug-a-tron 1000. Like the T1000, only with hugs.

She hopes you learned your lesson.

Now all we need is a character named Glory to REALLY confuse you. >:-)

I’d marry Mei if offered the chance. My B.Sci is in Geosciences with the emphasis on Meteorology and Climatology. We would have so much in common to talk about.

Plus, she is the cutest little thing ever!

Oh, trust me, I HAVE!

All Glory to Mei!

Death to her enemies!

Confusion to the French!
I’m looking at you, Widowmaker.


It sounds like you actually like her! O_O Akaras’s day job is convincing everybody that Mei is Satan in a sweet disguise, so he and I don’t agree on much.

It sounds like an aside, but it’s important: do you like ice cream? Cause Mei hands that out. With that ice dispenser thingar.

I kinda wonder if Widowmaker aims well when she’s had a few glasses of French red wine.

My guess is, since she has no emotions and no soul, the answer is probably “yes.”


Actually, I take a scoop of preworkout (to help reaction time) and have a beer to relax me a bit (I know you aren’t actually referring to me, cause you spelled Widowmaker correctly)

Rude (obviously kidding)

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Doesn’t Widowmaker have a voice line that actually says that?

Yes, Aaron, I am not referring to you because your exercise regimen does not involve conspiracy to commit murder, first degree murder, evidence tampering, kidnapping, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

You can’t sentence Widowmaker to life in prison because she’s not truly alive. Unless she just shanked somebody.

She does, I almost linked the voiceline.

I killed legs today (I hate working legs, tommorow and the day after are going to be rough)

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So, let me ask you this: are you, or have you ever been, a fan of Tanya Harding?

So, her perfect first date is killing the guy she’s at dinner with. Preferably after he foots the bill. Widowmaker is nothing if not ladylike.

Sadly, this does, however, make it quite impossible for her to ever go on a second date.

I’m a bit young to be a ‘fan’ of hers.
Although I know who she is, she’s the Olympic ice skater who had a rival attacked.

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She got her ex-husband to smash Nancy Kerrigan in the knee, prompting an Olympic uproar. Kerrigan did still win Silver in the Olympics. Tonya Harding was banned for life from the sport.

Fun fact: Nancy Kerrigan and this incident were a key factor in designing Sarah Kerrigan, who is one of the top characters in the Starcraft franchise.

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Was he her ex husband at the time?
Cause I wouldn’t house-sit for an ex- girlfriend, much less assault someone for them.

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I love ice cream, even if my diabetes won’t let me have it too much any more.

I bet Mei could give me sugar-free ice cream. She is perfect, after all.

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Truer words have never been spoken about Mei. :smiley:

I am pretty sure she paid him or something. xD

All Hail our Dark Mistress and Dark Lady!

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do hatch chiles HAVE to be roasted?

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