The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

The simple answer is, yes.


That is what inspired widow to take the name but add meiker at the end.

Na, he was takling about Mei. He is finally coming around

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But why…?

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Akaras discriminates against Mei though she was found innocent in a court of law! :-o

Anything with the word “hatch” in it has to be roasted. It’s a tradition.

We are agreeing on something?!


Aaron is a good kind person.

Not every “why” has a “because.”

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Kinda hoping a new mexico resident would reply to that one :slight_smile:

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She wears glasses. The face of concentration when she’s about to head shot, after she freezes someone, is an indication of target focusing problems up close. :wink:

Mei-be the glasses are a type of sniper rifle scope that helps her aim?

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Nooooo… I came too late!

Anyway, how are all you guys doing? Enjoying the autumn week, I hope?

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I am thinking about eating some unroasted hatch chiles


That’s pretty chill (e), just make sure you wash your hands after touching the chile.

I once learned that the hard way, and rubbed my eyes. They burned for the rest of the day.


Oh, man, I had that happen to me when making hot sauce. What was worse was I had just gone to the bathroom, and well, you know… :open_mouth:


I did that with a yellow hot once, I didn’t mention it, cause it’s a bit… embarrassing.


Autumn is by far my favorite season.
Things are going well here in albuquerque. It’s balloon fiesta week, so the mornings are extra pretty, but traffic is so much worse.


This thread has my blessing, as OP of the Hong Kong megathread.

Remember everyone:

Hong Kong Is :ping_pong: A :bear: Mei :honey_pot: Zing :hong_kong:


All Glory to our Dark Lady and Dread Mistress Mei!

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I keep reading that hatch chiles MUST be roasted


True? Untrue?

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give mei rule34 to me pls

I remember there was this dude named Orrin Hatch in Washington. Senator I think? Anyway, I don’t remember much else about him.

Sorry that happened to you, Aaron.

Sounds like spicy stuff is a menace to society. We must milden it up to avoid being overrun.

Everything is a learning experience. :smiley:

That looks awesome. Those balloons are pure win. :smiley:

Are you sure Lijiang Tower is in Hong Kong and not in Mainland China? Honest qwuestion, was hoping to know.

More like Dark Choco Ice Cream lady.

We keep it PG here, very sorry! Lots of little kids in these forums.

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(there is a mention of Sparky’s towards the end of the piece)

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Do you think Snowball is actually Sparky with frost damage instead of electrical?

I know it’s a far-out theory, but it does conform to most video gaming damage type laws.