The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

ok, no. this relates to the post of mine you most recently liked

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I vaguely remember the post, but I can’t find it.
Did you delete it?

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That is not true, ever heard of the Forsaken?

Well… it will slow her down, one needs two hands two swing their sickle. Her rise to the top will have stairs made of the skulls who dare to get in her way.

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I even used urban dictionary, and I still don’t know what AR means or who it is (is it someone that posts on the overwatch forums?).
I took some accounting courses in college, is AR short for accounts receivable? (I’m joking, but I really want to know who it is)

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You’re a much better Aaron than that Aaron. :smiley: How are you doing?

Football rules. Especially when you win and they upend all the Gatorade on your face. xD

I only played WoW for a very little time, it was as an Undead healer named Perfumus. I severely disliked Sylvanas. Garrosh even asked her what the difference between her and the Lich King was, and she said, “why, because I do it for the Horde, of course!”

It sounds like you really love the shy sweetie Mei!

Alex Rodriguez?

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Thank you, I’m doing great. I skipped the gym 3 days in a row and my body feels better than it has in a really long time.
What are you up to tonight?

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Amanda Rodriguez (an ex of mine)
Aka Ras?
Al Roker?

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Wm: the name of the poster who i responded to is also a twitter account by the same name


Ohh I know who it is now.
Maria Rose (without the M)

Don’t you like her as much as that
Revert Percy (yes I know it’s not Percy) fellow who used to post on the forums frequently?
Just kidding.

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just making sure you know who is being addressed and is still present

Percy is a she and appears to no longer have an active login on the forums

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She was a great character before this update.
After the wrath gate:

She led Thrall and Varian into her home to end the coup that forced her out.

Mei is in Overwatch what Arthas was in WoW, or what Bowser is in Mario, or what Kefka was in FF6, or what Pepsi is in a Coke world.

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Glad you’re doing great, bro.

When I was athletic when I was younger, they always told us runners to take a day off in the week and not run on that day, usually Sunday. Muscles need time to rest. Though, lifting might be a different situation and you’d know better than me cause I don’t lift.

I am still glued to Fallout.

Nice ex or psycho ex? I know sometimes both people are nice but there are circumstances beyond their control which cause a split. But, the sort of exes I’ve mostly had, bleh.

I’ve heard that Twitter is a very bad scene. I sorta own an account but I’ve never posted anything on it.

All people live on the forums. But not all people die on the forums.


Kafka is my favorite villain. I am not sure why you’d liken him to Mei, he’s a perpetually-laughing psychopath that ruined the whole world.

Mei gives you ice cream and hugs.

That’s a lot of similarities, bro.

Unfortunately, I was the psycho in that relationship.
I lent her a bit over $2000 after we broke up the first time (we broke up 3 times).

Anyway enough about me, what have you been up to? Are you still playing overwatch?

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Just like Mei.

I get my nine wins every week!
I got a Mei PotG, I took out two Merys and a Orisa with a ult. Almost exclusively play Mystery Heroes so the Mei PotGs come by rarely.

That is what eveyone means when they say AR

or assult rifle


Not going to lie, that was the first thing that entered my mind when I read it.

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Hotaru, if you ever come back, I want to ask you a few things about this game.

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She’s not a psychopath.

She’s a high-functioning psychopath.

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Oh, that is a good one!

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I am a bit gaga over Fallout 4 right now. That game is soooooo good. Also gives a hint of what Elder Scrolls 6 will be like. Snazzy, for sure.

I can’t play Overwatch, sadly. Mercy cannot Comp without a capable friend or preferably a capable party. I’d say I belong in Gold judging from the matches I’ve played; solo queue had me in low Bronze, because no amount of healing can carry a team that doesn’t do adequate damage.

I miss playing to be honest.

She’s a sundaepath. Loves giving her fans ice cream sundaes, with hot fudge, nut pecan, whipped cream and a cherry on top.

Sadly, I have formally been hit with a diabetes diagnosis, though a proper diet can keep me healthy without being stabbed with syringes. The sundae is just a memory for me, now.

Well, they could be referring to the AR-15 assault rifle. That’s been on the news for months, sadly for very bad reasons.

I guess you beat me to it! I thought of A-Rod the sports player.

Comparing Mei to Reaper? McFortner, did Akaras give you 3000 in-game credits to plaster this? xDDDDD

Anyway, welcome to the show.

This is how Overwatch forums react to humor: