The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I am not sure how a heterosexual psychopath who murdered her own husband in his sleep can be shipped with a shy sweetie that probably just wants a hubby, two.five kids, a dog, a minivan… and a super-high-end refrigerator.

I mean, I can sorta extrapolate the degenerate deviancy that is Mei and Widowmaker, but I don’t want to get banned.

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______ is the perfect assassin; a patient ruthless, efficient killer, who shows neither emotion or regret.
This could describe either Widowmaker or Mei.
They are also both thicc. They both stare in your eyes with a cold ( no pun intended) expression before they put a bullet or icicle in your head.


Professor Chaos? It that you?

He can tolerate Junkrat so there has to be a good guy in there. He is probably the best fit out of the current cast, or Luico but his heart belongs to his music and his people.

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Hmm, an area filled with Meis… what to do…


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Followed by
Oh my gosh!


Heh, the advantage is mine!

Joto Da!

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Why would you throw a blizzard right at the gengi? Throw it at the ground noob :wink:

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I thought you consider Mei a kind sweetie? I guess I was wrong. Now that Hotaru left, I alone believe in Mei’s humanity. And :ice_cream: .

I wouldn’t say Widowmaker is thicc. She’s a highly athletic ballet dancer.

Or Magneto. Or Madara Uchiha. Or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. xD

Actually, he tolerates Junkrat because of the 50-50 loot split.

Then, a freeze on Genji. Then, Genji shatters into a million pieces.

Don’t mess with the :ice_cream: queen. >:-0

Hey, no fair, no habla ingles!

We should make the 12th of this month, Hotaru remembrance day.

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…then she’ll come back and ask why we’re mourning her forum death when she’s still alive.

You know how sneaky Hotaru is.

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I truly believed she was a mercy main for the longest time.

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I hope you’ve learned your lesson! (Hint: that’s a Mei quote!)

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I got you something.
Ouch are you okay?
Sorry sorry I’m sorry sorry.
I hope you learned your lesson.

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See how sweet Mei is? She’s worried about you and brought you :ice_cream: .

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allied D.Va sees mistake

I personally have never had one deflected.

You really want politics poisoning our club?

Professor Chaos is Butters from South Park. He has hamster minions.

And he is a nice guy. Mellow, well mannered, protective of those he likes, tolerable, and he can’t run away from hugs.

I give her until the Monster Hunter World event is over so the 25th of this month.


I have had a couple deflected. It’s a major bummer.

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I have lost a couple to Defense Matrix and have lost even more to getting eliminated before she says the whole line. It really does suck…

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Better than getting one-shotted by a DPS the same second as you activate Valkyrie and your team really needs healing.

Not the same. I’d rather lose my ult because I used it when my awareness was not on point than lose it to a basic ability with a two second CD.

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I gotta admit I find it hard to see the logic in that. Losing your ultimate is losing your ultimate. It’s good for the enemy and bad for you – unless the enemy had to use so much resources to get it that way that your team got advantage through that.