But then you have to worry about somebody in the area noticing that the temperature suddenly took a drastic drop.
I didnt pick it up unfortunately…
I gave up on buying stuff for the PS4 with PS5 looking around.
and I have to get ps5 for FF7remake
Tank main
Mei only likes the tanks on Meis team, fight against Mei and she will punish you.
worry about somebody in the area
Freeze them too!
and I have to get ps5 for FF7remake
that is goign to be released on ps4 as well as ps5 (and as of yet no real difference between versions)
HD Space is limited because I got first gen ps4 so only 500 gb.
and who wants to play on a out dated platform? I bet there isnt alot of people playing WoW on their 2004 PCs.
I will still play what I have on the PS4(still play Skyrim on the PS3, Shadow of the Colossus PS2, would do classic FF7 on my PS but the disk wont read…) but the stuff a year before a new console seems abit silly to get.
and who wants to play on a out dated platform?
I do, I still play super smash melee with my brothers.
It’s probably my favorite game of all time.
Pokemon gold, call of duty modern warfare 2, and zelda botw are up there too.
I ment to put a “new” in there…
who wants to play new games on a out dated platform
I did also go on to say I still play old games on the systems I got them on Skyrim ps3, colossus ps2.
I ment to put a “new” in there…
who wants to play new games on a out dated platform
Oh ok, I can agree with that.
What is you’re favorite game of all time?
Have you ever played Ocarina? I have never seen anyone that has played Orcarina enjoy Breath of the Wild more.
I haven’t, the only zelda games I’ve played are botw and links awakening for the switch.
Is it really that good?
Oh, yeah. There is a reason I have never met anyone who enjoyed Breath of the Wild more after playing Orcarina. Not that Breath of the Wild is a bad game. It was great for what it was, but you are missing out my friend. I could not possibly recommend it enough and trust me, I do not recommend games very often.
My second favorite game is Persona 4 and I do not even recommend that to people. Predominantly because 5 is probably the better experience. But even then, I do not actively recommend people check out Persona 5 as I understand it is not for everyone.
Orcarina of Time, on the other hand, is one of the only games that I genuinely believe literally everyone can enjoy.
Orcarina is technically not even my “favorite” Zelda game. I prefer Majora’s Mask for music, narrative, and atmosphere. Even the themes. But Orcarina is just so playable that I put it as my number one game, easily.
I always want it to be replaced because I am all about discovering new experiences and I do not want my peak to be one of my earlier games, but nothing holds a candle to it. If Cyberpunk can live up to the hype, it might… But I am just skeptical that it will. It just sounds too good to be true.
What is you’re favorite game of all time?
Final Fantasy VII. Been my number one since 1999, been waiting for the remake for years now.
You say you like Smash? Cloud has been a part of the Smash cast since the Wii U… sooo only two years
If Cyberpunk can live up to the hype
A character creator on a first person open world RPG riding on the heels of the successful third person Witcher 3. It is hard to be a optimist about the game.
HD Space is limited because I got first gen ps4 so only 500 gb.
:|…you can upgrade size of hdd yourself…
and who wants to play on a out dated platform? I bet there isnt alot of people playing WoW on their 2004 PCs
for 1: wow (iirc) only works with 64bit os now so a 32bit stsem from 2004 ofc wouldnt work.
2: why get a ps5 when you wont use most of the changes? (how many ppl actually have 4k tv’s, will use their “raytracing”, and from pics of its looks…thing is disgusting looking)
and 3: game will play same on both most likely.
4: customary PC master race.
5: so ur gonna get a gen1 ps5 and then QQ its not as good as ps5 pro released later with better specs?
wont get ff7 on ps4, yet knows its a multi part game and it’ll likely be a year b4 2nd one is out after 1st part is out :|…
Pokemon gold
my internal battery died so it no longer saves e_e (and too much a hassle to replace battery to fix it)
Have you ever played Ocarina? I have never seen anyone that has played Orcarina enjoy Breath of the Wild more.
I have played every version of OoT (including the gamecubes windwaker pre-order collectors edition) and beaten BOTW many many times (latest was bow only run).
OoT is more memorable, but gameplay wise BOTW much better.
But I will always stand by Princess Ruto was best girl (even more so than Mipha)
Is it really that good?
its the zelda version of FF7.
it has ppl who claim its THE best game ever.
Others say it was “meh”.
(MM is by far worst zelda game…well the main games <_<)
OoT is the icon zelda idealogy.
You have a planned way to go throguh story and u can’t skip (w/o exploiting) that order.
point a, to b, to c, etc.
also there is a reason Navi is a meme…
oh…and water temple…can never forget that place.
I definitely agree… I hate exploration games and Breath of the Wild really changed my mind. And the physics engine along with multiple solution puzzles (as a result of that), definitely makes Breath of the Wild the better experience gameplay wise. Albeit, Orcarina holds up relatively well, and I do NOT say that lightly. There are lots of old games that I love that I admit are dated.
The water temple was just poorly designed, visually. In the 3ds version, it is pretty easy to clear without the frustration of trial and error.
At the end of the day, I believe Breath of the Wild may have been able to surpass Orcarina if it had real dungeons. That is why BotW lacks the same sort of memorable moments, it is far too loose in its presentation. Which some do see as a positive. I hope the second one is just like BotW (maybe without the charge mechanic on the master sword) with dungeons. That would be a dream come true. Oh, and bring back the gerudo costume.
At the end of the day, I believe Breath of the Wild may have been able to surpass Orcarina if it had real dungeons.
i havent tried them, but the mod community can make custom dungeons and others can play them.
you can upgrade size of hdd yourself
Already did.(external HD)
And everytime Overwatch needs to update I have to start deleting stuff off the system HDD because PS4 dumb way of updating.
its a multi part game
The main reason a upgrade feels more practical to me.
why get a ps5
Why do anything different from how you normally do things
game will play same on both most likely.
It will, Im not concerned about that stuff but my PS4 is old and the hardware old. Finally get FF7 Remake then cant play the new part a year later because my control dont work.
and then QQ
Never have. All my systems are gen1 and I keep them running good. Just remembered my PS3 is gen2, my brother killed the gen1 when it fell off the table. I was on CoDMW2 kill 24 and he lifted the table and it fell off…
customary PC master race
Lack the patience for PC.
I do have a PC but all I have on it is Starcraft 2 and League of Legends. My brother comes by some times to show me some WoW stuff but PC is not for me.
And the number one reason for a PS4 over PS5
THE best game ever
I’ll never say that about FF7.
The best game ever is the one you play with all your friends and have a great time. Right now for me that title belongs to a Mario Party.
Is deming getting rain?
We’ve been getting rain and snow showers all day, It’s nice.
I’ve been in ABQ these last two weeks so I don’t know about Deming. Check out the sandias all snow covered.
I am helping my brother, he just got a new job and his GF got surgery so she can’t drive and he can’t driver her.
I’ve been in ABQ these last two weeks
so Mary and Titos…right? how was it?
www. nmgastronome. com/?p=331
I still haven’t tried it, I try to not eat out too much.
My favorite new mexican restaurant would be gardunos, my favorite non new mexican restaurant would be one called twin peaks, an ex gf of mine used to serve there.
What is your favorite restaurant, and what kind of food do they serve there?
Mary and Titos
Next time I’m in ABQ on my dollar I will have to give it a try.