The official boom boi fanclub

yes and i’m saying their locking and shadow banning people. you can read right? anyways im done with this reddit tier thread.

No, I was saying what blizzard is doing is wrong too.
And it’s an honour to have one of my threads called reddit tier

a riptire circled me until I came out of cyrofreeze and exploded my dumplings so I hope your fan club dies in a mei blizzard.

(this is a joke btw lol)


Ah i see my mistake then.

shouldn’t be proud reddit is pretty terrible, just a bunch of people in a circle doing a specific motion. here’s a meme mass copy paste KARMAMMAAMA

OOhhh pull celeb they haven’t thought or cared about in years Robin Williams died time to comment it everywhere oooOOOOhhh sweet sweet free karma.

but then:


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Ah I see. Don’t worry, there’s a Mei fanclub too.

i called reddit people bad people and a bad website and i do believe a thread like this would only exist on such a terrible website since it wreaks of wanting likes and responses.

or if you referring to the fact i stayed its because i made an error i’m arrogant but not so arrogant i can’t admit to a mistake.

I don’t want likes, I want junkrat mains

haha sure sure. i don’t think even the most hungry of Instagram models would admit to such a thing. but you enjoy it, clearly.

What do I have to gain from likes? Some feeling of pleasure at a number under my post? My life isn’t that sad

i nominate that the junkrat club should be called the BOOM BOI club :3


Your wish is my command

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Let see Boom Boi be as famous as Zappy Boi!
All the bois!

Should we call this the “Sparky Sparky Boom Man” fan club?

I feel like He smolders more than he sparks

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We gotta keep the fan club open… I know there aren’t a ton of us.

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That Junkrat holidays drink victory pose looks familiar.

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Finally got that level 3 back.

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Hrmmm, this reminds me of something.