The next dev update is make or break for them

I mean, there’s also a large quantity of players who don’t browse forums related to Overwatch in any way, so.

The amount of CC present made the release of Hammond such an odd thing imo. He gets absolutely destroyed with stuns.

Also, they could replace resurrect with an anti-CC or cleanse ability, but then that would make Mercy a must pick again. They kind of backed themselves into a corner. (Any new hero who can reliably withstand or block cc would be mandatory)


If people can’t be arsed to provide feedback, then why should we listen to them?

Have you considered that they don’t have feedback to provide? People come to the forums to complain. If they have nothing to complain about, they will just continue playing the game.


i feel like they accidentally messed up the releases of brig and hammond, i feel like hammond was meant to come before brig.

i am 100% okay with mercy getting an anti cc ability, even if she becomes must pick again, i would 100% be okay with it.

and yes i want more anti cc into the game.

Which makes their voices irrelevant.

You go on these forums because you want things changed. That’s why they exist.

as i see it right now, they need to either decide if they want to have CC and be willing to make the game more dependant on anti CC and CC balanced(like paladins which has almost perfect mobility < cc < anti cc balance) or not.

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It would seem somewhat foolish then for any game developer to dedicate much in the way of resources to them then, wouldn’t it?

No, it doesn’t… Not necessarily.
If they aren’t complaining, it means they are content. They don’t want change.

Why would they release a dive tank right when dive was the biggest thing?

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why would they release a dive tank after brig and heavy cc creep when that character would surely be countered to :poop:


I think balance changes would look like that:


  • No changes for this hero

i like you.

9 characters

I feel like the logic for releasing a dive tank when CC etc. is big is more sound than the logic for releasing a dive tank when dive is big.

How do you know? They’re not on the forums (or other feedback channels).
No feedback on the forums means things are fine.
Feedback means things may need to change. It’s as simple as that.

ez way to avoid character limit
use html and write something like that


The fact that they’re not on the forums could easily be an indicator as to how you would know they don’t want change. They’re content, so they’re playing the game instead of complaining on the forums.

Anyway, my point is you can’t throw around statistics when said statistics are unconfirmed, no matter what convoluted logic you try to apply to make said statistics seem more reliable.
If 100 people out of a thousand say things aren’t fine, 50 people say they are, the rest are silent, I wouldn’t blame those in charge for ultimately making the decision as there’s no true way to know what those other 850 people (The vast majority) are thinking.

To clarify, I’m not necessarily saying I disagree with what you’re saying, I just enjoy talking about statistics etc.

point taken. but eh i dont like abusing something

i get that, still feels a bit off. even you gotta admit its a tad off.

In my opinion, it’s better to have an underpowered hero than an overpowered one. Preferably, you’d want a balanced hero, but sometimes that isn’t easy to achieve.

i disagree, overpowered heroes are a lot easier to balance due to this rule of balancing. It is easier to take layers off than add layers on.

Touche, however I’d wager that having one hero that is unplayable is better than having a hero that makes every other hero unplayable.