The most balanced hero?

Most balanced is probably 76.

mcree ana soldier lucio winston rein pharah widow

(20 characters)

I’m not sure anymore. I used to say Moira, but she lost ability to heal through barriers and she’s getting buffed. I’d like say that she is most balanced, but it’s hard to say with changes happening to her kit.

It’s too early to tell, and i’m probably biased but i think Mei is currently one of the most well balanced heroes. Buffs helped her escape F-tier, but they didn’t buff her too much, and she still has plenty of weaknesses that allow counterplay. Bonus points for being one of the more difficult heroes to play in her full potential.

believe it or not in many cases ana or mercy was picked before zen was by 99% of the community.

even in GM zen, mercy and ana were equally competing for second support.

I wanna say Orisa is probably the most balanced. I never felt that she was OP or UP and her kit isn’t ridiculous or anything.

I used to think Zen was balanced and I still kinda think he is, but I’m noticing more often that players are getting super easy kills as him just by holding rmb and releasing around a corner the enemy happens to be at.

Ana used to be balanced and I still think she would be if there weren’t shields all over the place and other healers who do her job twice as better with less than a tenth of the effort.

At the moment I’m actually going with Genji

Throughout time tho I think soldier aged the best.

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Every heroes actually have their meta moment excepted the common F-tier like torb and symmetra.

Even Soldier is quite dominant during the tank meta because of his buff, or underpower because bliz tried to stop the macro players.

Only hero that didn’t get any change since the beginning is tracer (but since people complained about dive, they nerf her ult. She scales quite nicely with skill too.

Oh, I would also put orisa in the list.

I think tracer is more difficult than Genji. Genji is just too forgiving to be that difficult.



I believe Torb is properly, 100% balanced.
No auto-winning ultimate.
No massive hard-to-hit abilities.
Brings damage that is entirely reliable on your awareness, etc,.
Mid-ground survivability.
Well designed kit overall.

Yes, he’s a victim to “powercreep”, only because the “powercreep” is what you can abuse at any given situation in a competitive setting. That’s what Meta is and always has been, abusing game mechanics to gain an edge on enemies that aren’t doing it. Like the dreaded double-shotgun in that one game that the entire internet is 50/50 for and against.

Torb is well balanced, but he’s not really abusable.
He has an above-average skill floor to get good results out of consistently (against Gold/Plat+).
He has a pretty high skill ceiling, and it takes a lot of work to be a really great Torb (Fuey500).

He brings utility and CC too! But in the way that CC is meant to be- Crowd Control.
Crowd Control isn’t always stuns.
Crowd Control in WoW is like a Warrior’s Ravager talent. Or a Demon Hunter using Eye Beam in a corridor. You do NOT want to walk into those.

Hunter Snake-Traps, etc,.

Torb has traditional CC, that isn’t a stun or a slow. It’s also counterable.
Therefore, his CC can’t be abused.

Torb is literally the most balanced character in the game from my perspective.


tracer or soldier probably

Id say Genji but until he gets Sombra invis and Pharah fly ability, hes far from balanced yet.


Who knows. Only broken heroes get played :joy:

If you get into trouble with Tracer, all you have to do, is to press one button…

How is she less forgiving than anything else in this game? xDD

Junkrat and Lucio!!!

I bet it’s McCree. But MOST balanced doesn’t mean there’s only one balanced hero.
Actually, Mercy is balanced. But poor dps mainers cant kill her pretty quick and asking Blizzard for that.

Moira in my opinion.

Genii is still easier, as his hit boxes are massive, he gets two mobility passives, and a dash reset. The only forgiving thing about tracer is recall.

Genii is still easier, as his hit boxes are massive

The only massive hitbox that Genji currently have, is his dash which needs to be like that, because of how dynamic his playstyle is.

You literally don’t have enough time to aim that stuff properly, and if you miss - you’re probably already dead :stuck_out_tongue:

(and no, deflect is no longer an easy “get of jail card” because of how many heroes have some kind of ability to stop it. Most of the time there will also be no wall to climb on)

There is also his ult hitbox. It’s pretty big, but i think literally every other hero have a big hitbox on ultimate, so that is not a problem in this case :smiley:

His ult hitbox is massive, so is the dash. That’s what makes him easier. It’s just my opinion, but people really overrate Genji’'s difficulty.