The most balanced hero?

Out of all the heroes,who do you believe is the most balanced?

I personally think it’s Zenyatta. He’s never really been a problem


If you think it’s Zenyatta, you’re out of your mind. He’s been top tier ever since Winston was buffed.


Soldier 76. He is good but not great, even his ult is fair: Auto hits without headshots, can be blocked, avoided, etc. There is nothing too strong or too weak about him.


Reinha- animation cancels removed
Oh, I guess Moi- can no longer heal through barriers
What about Zar- ult nerfed and passive charge buffed
Screw it, let’s just go with Zenyat- meta for two years
Alright Winston I guess!


Zenyatta was a problem multiple times, in early overwatch he was an absolute menace on 2 different occasions and today he has been a problem for a long time already.

Closest thing to a balanced character was lucio, he was picked a lot because there wasn’t many options and even then, other healers shifted and got picked depending on the situation.
Wasn’t overbearing and was easily dealt with, was more of a “everyone else is kinda underpowered” situation, and it showed when they released more healers, but blizz came in with a late answer when he was already balancing himself out and created a whole heap of new problems with him.

Short answer: almost everyone has been unbalanced at one point, this game is a rotating mess of 3-4 overbearing characters overpowering the rest and making the game revolve around them for a season or two, then switch to the next batch.




God no, at one point 6 soldier 76s was a valid team comp.
After the damage increase he completely overtook mccree.

It’s Zen. Don’t listen to these troglodytes.

He’s never been a major issue in the main game, he was back in the beta when the numbers were bloated.

He’s favored by the Meta right now but he’s pretty easy to pin down.


Yeah, I feel like we can’t count pre-OHL days. That was garbage.

What is 50% Discord for 500 Alex?

The thing is though, he shouldn’t be favoured by the meta. He was good in Classic Dive, he was good in Moth Dive, and now he’s good in Deathball.

At what point does it stop being the meta favouring him, and become that simply his kit is ridiculously good?


Just because he’s been a higher tier character over the course of his lifetime does not mean he’s overtuned.

He excels at higher levels of play where the skill is much higher. How many insane Zenyatta’s do you see at plat and below (where a majority of the player base is placed)?

He’s a great all rounder because he has decent utility and decent damage, all while having the weakness of immobility to balance it out.


Tracer. High skill high reward and viable in all meta. Doomfist as well.


pfthahahahahaha come on, literally one of the most problematic characters since day 1


A hero also doesn’t have to be overtuned to be imbalanced.

Irrelevant. The game isn’t balanced around the average player. If it were, neither Tracer nor Widowmaker would have ever been nerfed.


This reply is perfect. No need for me to bother making a decent reply to the OP when this one already exists.


The skill required to play her to her full potential justifies her power.


Tracer has never been significantly nerfed on her own. The only major thing to happen was a decrease in the DPS of her ultimate which has always been lackluster and non-favorable.

Widowmaker was nerfed because she was fundamentally broken on day 1 with how fast she could charge shots. She’s only received minor/major buffs since then. The most recent nerf I can think of is the one on the PTR which isn’t even that much of a nerf.

Soldier: 76


This papi

Jack of all trades, pretty good at everything. I do believe he’ll be able to thrive in a different meta soon. I’ve got a gut feeling, man.

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Torbjorn good in low rank decent in higher
I mean somebody correct me but has he ever been buffed or nerfed guys if yes I do not know

Genji and Soldier: 76 are my top two.

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