The most balanced hero?

they said they’re working on fix right now, so i didn’t mention it.

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Soldier 76 all day everyday

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Tracer, there is no question :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (she is just extremely annoying :shushing_face:)!

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S76, Pharah and junkrat on the DPS category they are easy to use and provide effective results

On tank category Orisa and Dva. They are not op and they can do their work property

On Healing Moira and Zeny. Both have their pros and cons

To me, probably pharah.

Balance is all relative to the other heroes, so most balanced is a weird thing to say.

I’d say the best baseline is Soldier 76.

If Soldier 76 is balanced, why is no one playing him? Only heroes you won’t get reported for picking can be called balanced.

Cause in comp you’re not going to pick a balanced hero…you’re going to pick the ones you think are (over)balanced in favor of the win…hence the meta

I think it’s soldier as well

Or zen cause…cause come on…monk…balance…zen…it’s his theme :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, but that doesn’t make sense to me.


tRuE bAlAnCe Is ImPoSsIbLe

Put it this way…if a character was a guaranteed win…you would pick it…you don’t want a balanced character…you want the one(s) that gives you the best chance to win

Why do you think grav Dragons is the meta atm…because it was OP…hence all the nerfing they’re doing to it

Poeple are so hypocritical when it comes to balance in this game

I’d go with Tracer, since alone she’s useless, and the danger behind the hero, comes with a players ability to calculate any possebility into his actions. And the use of any of her abilities at the right time.

(also bc she’s somehow what blizzard is balancing around)

Like look you get a good dmg output, you get the skills to avoid anything but not anything at once. if it really went wrong you can make a second step, or go back since your mission is succeed.
But, get hit and you will die!

Amen to that

I’m joking. It’s Genji.

It isn’t? The entire reason hog got gutted was because low tier plebs couldn’t handle him.

Blizzard doesn’t know who they’re balancing for, that’s why this game is becoming trash.

They balance for what will bring in the most profit, sadly. Dive will return because it draws in viewers. $$

I mean I guess?

Overwatch League is destined to fail whether dive is meta or not.

Tracer has been and will always be the most balanced hero.

I agree with this

Tracer is one of the easiest heroes with one of the lowest skill floor, and i dont get it why people say otherwise.

Playing her for 10 hours is enough to see that at some point she IS OP, if she can just with a little practice or aiming oneclip most of heroes, so yea, its not balanced.

and Genji on the other had, he IS

People say that Genji and Tracer are the same, that they need practice to be good etc, but its not really true because Tracer kit is simpler

just the thing that you can play Genji for 50h and still be bad, while on Tracer you can have 2hours have bad positioning blink on bad directions or overall be bad, you still will deal damage, because its easy to do and almost easiest to do comparing to other heroes

I dont really care about people who dont know how to aim, but i and my friends who have played FPS games for years say that Tracer is one of the easiest heros in the game, which means she is not balanced.


I’d like to think Soldier is. Unfortunately he suffers a lot against shields. Outside of that? He’s universal Soldier.