The most balanced hero?

Zenyatta, discord is only op if there are comms or the zen is good enough to discord targets already being attacked. My second choice would probably have to winston.

Unpopular opinion warining:

Tracer is hard to learn, but when you finally get how you play her, she will become one of the easiest heroes in the game. She can be literally invincible, but because “sHE tAkEs SkIlL” people are too scared to admit it because of the flame, they will probably get for saying that… don’t kill me please
By no means, I don’t think she is op though. I just think people are overcomplicating her kit

Allright, back to the thread:

In my opinion the most balanced hero in the game is… (Another unpopular opinion) Genji.

BUT, let me explain why do I think like that:


None of his abilities are crazy op, or bad:

  • Swift strike: Probably the most important ability. Deals 50 damage, cooldown resets after getting a kill, or assist (something like that is nessesary for assasin type of hero, which Genji is). It’s consistant, It’s good, It’s effective, but not busted.
  • Deflect: Before its hitbox fix, I would say this ability is broken, because it was. But now deflect seems fair to fight against. It hitbox fits very well the animation. Despite being very powerful, you can quite easy counter it (stuns stuns stuns), predicting, when Genji will use it is also not a big deal. And yes, it can be used against some enemy ults, but deflecting a gravitron surge for example is now much harder than before, because of the new, much smaller hitbox.
  • Dragon Blade: it’s one of the most powerful damage dealing ult in the game. Despite that, it’s quite easy to avoid or counter it, if you’re smart enough. A simple boop, stun or hack after he dashes will screw him entirely.

Except Season 2, he was never truly op

The tripple jump, swift strike cancelling his melee animation and 8 secound ult… Do you remember that? If no, then you’re a happy human :smiley: . Now all of this BS is gone, and Genji was never a must pick, and never a troll pick since then.


Yes it is high, but is justified and also quite easy to track. He is a flanker afterall. He needs to get to places, when some other heroes can’t go.

Thanks for reading. I know that's a lot of text, but i tried to make your eyes not suffer too much :D

nope wrong zen became top tier ever since mercy went to 2.0 and dva got buffed.
zen before then was either 2nd,3rd or 4th most played support.

well guess what zen is good because he can get easily pocketed. the role of a lucio in classic dive was to pocket zen while rest had share the zen orb. zen is good now because he can get pocketed by a mercy. cough cough jjonak.

it is like saying pharamercy is OP or not balanced because pharah gets pocketed by a mercy.

It WAS Zarya, but Blizzard decided to mess with her instead of tackling the real problem which is Hanzo.



Tracer. Deal with it.


Soldier might seem balanced to PC players, but you guys have a mouse. Hes not very good on console cus there’s no aim down sights mechanic

Soldier 76 is only passable in low skill games where people don’t understand how easy it is to jump on him and kill on the spot. In high skill games in addition to that, Soldier 76 is an easy prey for snipers.

I’d say that Orisa is the most balanced hero. Good amount of strengths and weaknesses. Can be outplayed, has no cheap one-shot mechanics. Can slow down the game with barriers and speed it up with ultimate boosting team damage.

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Sombra is the most balanced hero. She stops when she comes out of invisibility to make sure she doesn’t shoot you without warning(even gives you a lil voice line!) she has no damage abilities other than her primary fire, and is clearly willing to make life harder for herself to make people happy.
Good sumaritan sombra, everybody!

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I got one!


Sesi ammacchiau
BTW she feels much more consistent, but she still has things her kit doesn’t have, like mobility (it’s justified being an antitank/antimobility hero).
She still has the cryofreeze bug that favors the shooter, the issue that makes her lose the ultimate, making her less reliable and the wall bug that makes it spawn closer or far instead of the desired position.

My gold standards for balance are Tracer and Soldier 76 ATM, because they have an useful kit that requires practice and skill to be used at their max potential. Another thing that makes an hero balanced is this one: they could be playable or unplayable depending by meta, but they shouldn’t be underpowered nor overpowered for too much time, also an hero is balanced when he doesn’t need buffs or nerfs for a long period of time but the hero is not OP or UP.
Without the bugs i mentioned before, Mei could be my third gold standard.

Mercy. She’s statistically an extremely balanced hero outside her pickrate which is completely due to her having the highest team synergy with the current meta rosters.

Maybe because he’s just a normal FPS guy without overly stupid ability impossible to balance

Tracer hasn’t been changed apart from bomb nerf(which was not needed if you ask me) since the game was released. So that could say that she was perfect since day one?


Balanced for the team game? Winston. He is pretty weak alone, but is incredibly important in a coordinated attack.

Balanced mechanically on their own? I’m tempted to say S76 just because he’s the most average in all categories, but I’m unsure if that’s the right criteria. I’m gonna go with Zarya, since her potential varies wildly based on how you play her. She can be super useful, or garbage depending on your individual ability.

Category 2 kinda meshes with number 1 with my Zarya reasoning, but I think that also tells me that she’s the most balanced overall.

The grav nerf is being compensated for, but I haven’t tried the PTR at all recently (uninstalled OW on my main computer, so I only play it on my brother’s comp now) and have no valid opinion there.

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Tracer. Easy to pick up hard to master.


Pretty sure he was still the best support in S5 along with lucio

i would argue that that it having a cooldown reset makes it slightly op i mean it’s an ability like any other why is he getting a reward for putting just one shuriken in someone when the rest of the team killed that enemy off. if it’s only for the kills he pulled the trigger then okay… maybe… if it’s really that necessary i mean other heroes don’t have cooldown cancels and can live without it.
he also gets too much mobility without any cooldowns when most of the mobile abilities have smaller or longer uncancellable cd. other than that he is pretty balanced.


Moira is by far the most balanced hero they have released