The more I play this game the more I realize that it is designed for babies

I personally only play when I’m drinking… sober i quit after one game as i find the mechanics so bland and boring… if I’m sober i tend to stick with single player narrative games where i don’t have to put up with screaming angry babies… drunk i just laugh at them and keep playing :smiley:

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Maybe FPS isn’t for you?

Tried fighting games? I cut my teeth on Street Fighter, which you needed crazy reaction times and split second timing to make a name for your self, but there are many others out there worth a peek.

Have been playing fps since late 80s haha… it is specific to overwatch… same maps 6 games strait often or if i play 15 games i will get a pool of 3 - 4 maps… the bickering and arguing is part of what annoys me sober as i just want to play so usually end up getting off voice…

I love playing with and against higher skill players! Been bronze to gold.

I dunno, Overwatch is a pretty hard game to play… I’ve played a lot easier games for sure!

Doesn’t work for me and anyone else above diamond because no one uses it.wecant make the fanbase use it.

You sound like a expert head clicker. Maybe you should play Counterstrike instead.

I would heavily simplify the match making system. I wouldn’t force a 50/50 win rate. I would make it so you had a game with even SSR, and if you were a good player that decayed you would do well and climb quickly to your actual skill level. No more sneaky and untransparent separate SR/MMR system that has been discussed in great detail on this forum.

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This is only a suspicion, not reality.

Counterstrike is old and full of hackers.

I’ve seen around 8 hackers on OCE today, I think it’s one or two people changing accounts so that only receive a few reports so their accs don’t get banned.

Ok, you need to think this through. Go have a look at the win rates for the speciality heroes.

Are they doing badly? Most are doing better than the non specialist ones.

It is people who look at the specialists getting picked on their team and get upset about it which are the ones who think they do badly.

I group up with non meta players, it is literally how I got out of Bronze and to Plat was by keeping on finding the non meta one tricks and grouping up, and playing to their strengths.

When I look at the overall top of the winrate charts I see, Torb, Sym, Brigitte, Orisa, Mei.

They are not weak, they are hell of a strong, and their one tricks are VERY good with them.

Don’t tilt when you see them picked, rejoice.

Complains about “low skill” heroes and the people that play them then goes on about “high skill” heroes not being able to carry.

Got a problem chief?


quality post mate!

Even Blizzard has admitted that it didn’t think people would main speciality heroes and that it made a mistake during the game design.

I don’t consider this is an issue worth discussing, feel free to ramble on with it if you’d like…

Fair enough, I just wanted to point out, that if you think people taking speciality heroes is something you would get grumpy with in the game, then you are doing yourself is disservice, because they typically do better than the main line heroes now.

You sure about that?

Sounds like you’re trying to put words in Bliz’s mouths.

Nice troll post :wink:

He’s right about it actually. I don’t know where the quote is but they confirmed they didn’t account for maining and 1-tricking and this caused them to rework heroes they thought the playerbase would be fine just playing in niche scenarios

Pics or it didn’t happen.

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I appreicate your skepticism, so here you go

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Thank you for digging it up.

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