The more I hear about Supports in OW2, the worst it seems

Given the large reduction of defense and CC, the damage taken is going to go up. Also add the increase in damage options for tanks, not really seeing things staying alive for very long. At minimum it looks like you are required spam both supports to try to keep the tank alive.

Healing is only ever an issue when you have a way to block damage for long enough to heal.


Everyone getting some good passives

Blizzard: supports you get a weaker mercy passive! enjoy

one of the goals of 5s is to make teams less staggered across the map. it looks like they did make the spawn points closer too

The majority of healers need to be able to see their team to do some kind of healing, even be close to them for Lucio, Brig, Moira, etc.

Kinda hard to just hide 24/7 when you’re also supposed to be watching your team and healing them, or if anything; the flankers can easily figure out where you are, based on where your team is. It’s not like I’m going to be looking for a hidden Mercy halfway across the map, logic dictates she’s going to be near her team so I can come up from behind and get her more often than not.

Acting like somehow healers aren’t going to be attacked more frequently in the new game when there’s literally less targets to attack is just foolish. DPS players are going to want to go for the easiest and most lucrative/valuable kills; that’s always been healers. The DPS players are coming for you, your DPS players will be going for their healers, not peeling for you because no one ever manages reliable peel in this game, and the one tank that you’re supposed to be propping up will be in a space-race with the other tank trying to carve out space and needing gobs of heals most likely to do so.

So basically, enjoy doing your job with less protection unless you’re duoing with a DPS or Tank that you know is going to look out for you.

While that sounds good on paper, I’m skeptical about how it works in practise. Because, come on, they added this rail-gun type of thing for Winston and double Fire Strike for Reinhardt. So these added DPS abilities AND the reduced healing ON TOP of reduced damage negation from deleting an additional tank… is the damage really going as down as they claim / people think? Guess you can always go for the “but it’s inconsistent damage” angle but still, ngl, I don’t have much faith for their ability to balance this right so that it actually feels good for non-DPS focused players.


please stop by “(Mig) art of ow delayed by a month and half” because it’s actual news and needs more highlight, aka want a response from Andy or a Dev about it.)

With how quickly players die anyway, healing becomes kind of pointless already.

True; makes me wonder why people are so against abilities that extend the fight like TP, shield gen, and mass res. I thought the whole reason we were logging in to the game was to play it and have these fights? Why is it so bad if the fight isn’t over in .3 seconds to an instadeath ability?

Seems like the longer the game goes on the lower the TTK is and everyone but me is applauding it. I just don’t get it.


We live in time of instant gratification, so any kind of delay would make players unhappy.

I don’t get it either. My favorite games are almost universally ones where we have an extended brawl over control of the point that ends when the right ult comes on line. The fight that ends 0.5 seconds into the engagement is horribly boring and uninteresting to me. I want strategy, set plays, or clever play to win fights, not constant one shot kills.

You’d think more people would be of the same opinion, what with the extreme dislike of one hit kills like Widow headshots or quick combo kills like Roadhog hook.

I understand people dislike super extended fights that last minutes as well, but you would think we could find middle ground.


There is no middle ground to be found - ideally enemies have to drop in mere seconds. And people like one-hit kills…they just hate being victim of one.

Which I’d assume should put more importance and pressure on the dps role to be able to secure kills…but it won’t. More pressure and importance will be placed on the single tank and two supports if a team fight goes south.

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There are literally hundreds of other shooters with instant death ttk. Why does Overwatch have to become like that? Part of its uniqueness was that winning took time and coordination. It’s what set it apart and made it popular. Popularity it could have maintained with better content and balance management.

Chasing the tactical shooter model to spark interest again doesn’t feel like it will work. Overwatch will simply become another generic shooter. A trend chaser rather than an innovator.

At least to me, YMMV.

Yup. I don’t get it either. There are numerous FPS games in which TTK is so low it’s almost instantaneous… and there’s a reason why I personally never bothered with those games. Because I find them boring af. I prefer a game in which the outcome is not decided with “who shot first” but instead there’s time to react and so the more skillful player can even turn an unfavorable situation around if they have the right answer for that situation. There’s actual interaction between characters and players, both team and enemies.
This is also (one of the reasons) why I dislike Widow one-shots (in this context, a.k.a core OW), because there’s nothing interactive/involving about an encounter like that; getting instakilled by someone standing on the other side of the map.


Because such players are coming here.

You probably can notice it in real world, when people escape from democratic states to republican states…yet vote for democrats at their new place. Turning it into same place they escaped from.


Exactly - I constantly see people complaining about one shot headshots, but then also applauding when the dev’s say they’re raising the TTK, or trying to make the game feel ‘faster paced’. The game is already incredibly fast! Making it faster will only make the gameplay itself (battles, fights) shorter because everything is going by faster, it’s like basic logic here.

I miss when the game had more set, structured battle times; you’d have the pre-fight setup peace, the initial break of the fight, the actual fight, and then the clean up after, and then another pause usually - now it’s basically just constant chaos, what with all these super high mobility heroes that can be anywhere at any time. It breaks up the rhythm and removes a lot of strategy time that we used to use to get into a better position or kind of re-orient ourselves for the next fight.

The devs have been making that claim, and there’s likely at least some truth to it, but it (and their response to it) breaks down when you look closer.

In Overwatch 1, if both teams traded Zaryas, you’d never think - “Oh no, now nothing will die.” The fight proceeds at a reasonable speed despite the trade.

In the Overwatch 2 PvP showcase (the one where the devs were playing), the healers didn’t have reduced healing and fights progressed at a reasonable speed with people dying on both sides.

I believe the devs that having one less tank slowed down their games. I think the extent to which this happened and the reaction to it has been vastly exaggerated.

What’s more important, I don’t think their response to the slower pace they experienced was reasonable. Some healing abilities are likely to be too strong in their current form in the new environment. Without an off tank on the opposing team, Ana, Bap, and Moira would be able to keep a tank alive much easier in Overwatch 2 than in Overwatch 1. It’s likely that high throughput healing needs to be nerfed. Especially high throughput aoe healing.

Zen’s healing, however, is not a problem. He’s not the one causing fights to be overlong. Mercy’s healing is also not a problem. Most of the time she’s healing the dps or the other healer off to the side in situations that are almost entirely agnostic to whether or not the teams have one tank or two. Neither of them were keeping the Rein alive under focus fire. Their combined healing is less than the dps of a Zarya with 0 charge.

Some sources of healing might need nerfing. Some sources should not be touched at all. Some are a problem, some are not. When the devs nerf all healers in the PvP showcase, it’s concerning because it makes it seem like they’re not operating with this basic principle in mind. Their explanation that the global healing nerf was a shortcut so that they wouldn’t have to tweak each healer individually makes it worse.

They do not want to change balance between healers - Ana/Baptiste still have to be at the top.

You know that that’s actually baloney being peddled by republicans right? There’s no ‘red flight’ out of California if you look at actual statistics and measurements. People move states, it’s normal; cherry picking some statistics about people leaving and acting like somehow they’re the only people moving states is just silly.

Plenty of people move from Idaho to Washington for better health and work benefits, my wife lived on the border for years and people would choose where to move based on how beneficial it would be to them - and most picked the WA side of town for good reason. But you don’t see me lauding that as some kind of ‘republicans are leeching off democratic states across the board’ narrative.