The more I hear about Supports in OW2, the worst it seems

Point is, people may change states, but they do not change their preferences when it comes to politics. Even if they were moving because of result of said politics.

A lot of people are very hard set in their political views, but they can shift over time, I’ve seen it happen both ways.

My grandfather got indoctrinated into Fox News before the trump era and went from a moderate democrat to a pretty hardcore right winger that didn’t even support me marrying my wife.

My grandmother saw that happen and became so disgusted with his constant negativity that they eventually got a divorce, and she went from a mild-republican (with some pretty conservative views for modern times, but mild ones for her generation) to a hardcore liberal who now goes out and protests against Trump.

It does happen.

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How is OW in any way becoming a tac shooter? It feels like it’s going more TF2. Low ttk doesn’t automatically make it like R6S.

It requires to see connection between your actions and consequences.

Which, if applied to Overwatch, can be described in 2 sentences:
“I finally can kill my enemies quickly!”
“My enemies are killing me quickly too, that’s unfair!”

After all, there are enough people, who can’t even connect not wearing a mask with getting Covid-19.

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Which is why it’s up to the dev team to be educated and good at their jobs rather than just listening to the masses. I’m all for them taking player feedback into account, but I’ll never be convinced that somehow we should be ‘making choices’ for the game; that’s their job to do, and to do well.

Problem is that they seem to be both too stubborn on some things and constantly capitulating on others, it’s like dealing with one of those bendy car tube men that waves in the wind; just random chaos rather than reason.

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For that, they require experience in FPS games, which they got none of.

Blizzard devs did create MMO and RTS games, but they didn’t create a single FPS game.

Yeah, I understand the phenomenon. Overwatch won’t be the first game I walked away from because the dev team radically changed game play to chase a trend. Looking at you Fortnite. And I’m talking about real Fortnite, not the costume party royale side mode. Sigh.


I didn’t realize that had happened to Fortnite; wasn’t it always sort of a fun costume party? I only played it a bit, and well after it came out, so I doubt I got the ‘real fortnite’ if it changed much over time.

The original Fornite (now called Save the World), was a unique hybrid shooter/tower defense PVE game. To survive the higher levels of the game, you had to understand how build defenses on a procedurally generated map. Shooting was very necessary, but you needed well built defenses to have a chance at winning a round.

Once the Battle Royale took off, they restructured the PVE to accommodate the influx of PVP players. Enemies were made easier with decreased spawns. You no longer had to build, well, anything to defeat the highest levels in the game. You could shoot your way through.

I’m a bit concerned Overwatch is headed for a similar change, losing uniqueness to be a more generic game. Similarly to what happened to Fortnite, I’ll have to decide whether to stick around as changes go through. Will simply have to see.


They did with the “pro” playtests, theyre complete trash, especially Mercy. Dont believe a single word they say until you either see it or play it yourself. They have no idea what theyre talking about, and the fact that we are able to see it first hand with these alpha playtests is more than enough proof. The majority of the supports do NOT fit into the 5v5 gameplay, especially the passive heroes.


I get your point, but you also have to consider the flip side. With one less tank to worry about, it becomes much easier to focus heal, and even double up healing on a single target if needed.

Like, sure, Rein might take a little more damage individually, but now I don’t have to bounce back and forth between healing a Rein and Zarya so its easier to keep up with. And I can promise you, an extra fire strike every here and there isn’t going to make up for the thousands of damage a 2nd tank would normally end up doing over the course of a game.