The mercy situation

I did not post this here, my friend did and I didn’t even know he did. I wasn’t expecting it to gain traction at all. Your “explanation” seemed very condescending and patronizing to me, but hey, I could be reading into it too much. Good day.

Let the mods do their job. If they find the thread to not abide by their rules they will deal with it. Simple as that ? :woman_shrugging:

Talking about Ghost icon over there. And yeah, it’s pretty popcorn worthy.

Mhm, on what of what i said do you disagree? And also, would you care to tell me why? Thanks!

That you just overdeveloped what you said in the other post, without adding anything to counter what i said and that this post is completely useless apart from showing i was right? Yep, that fact remains. We agree, naisu~

Meh, pass.

I am. But i am also aware that the end goal here is not “don’t violate the CoC plox”, it’s deeming the video as offensive, because it was to you. And why was it to you offensive? I’ve got a really good guess here, but please, lemme give you the spotlight on this and have you tell me. Also, don’t limit yourself at “mimimimimimi the names mimimimimimi”, explain further.

So it’s fine to mention someone when you have a good opinion of him, but when you have a bad one then it’s not allowed? So, selective enforced speech it’s better than free speech, basically? Wow. Also, Aria Rose is also a youtuber. Since we are making idiot claims, let’s claim he was only referring to her as a Youtuber user, not a Blizz forum user. This way she’s out of the picture. Works for you? Works for me. It’s funny to shuffle words around, isn’t it?

Don’t worry, he’s on to that already. He’s just as flag happy as The punisher is trigger happy. Bang Bang, Flag Flag.


Currently just waiting for this thread to be closed…

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In this context, yes it is.

The Forum’s CoC

Real-Life Threats
This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

Refer to violence in any capacity that is not directly related to the game world
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be temporarily banned from the forums
Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums

Around 2:47 in the video, there’s a part where they say “When all you do [referencing mercy mains] is parrot a thread you saw a week ago over and over again, it makes everyone want to commit ______”

Without risking being obscene, this part is joking about the threads making “everyone want to cause their own deaths,” while showing various forum users posting Mercy threads - inferring that the people making those threads are the cause. That’s a pretty dark “joke” to make. Does this count as a Real-Life threat? Yes or No? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Hello there! While I dont fully agree with everything in your video I still want to reply to some stuff in it. I do understand that all these Mercy threads are annoying and do sometimes come close to spam. Having them coming for a year now must suck for the community and I do understand that but to be honest if any other hero would get the Mercy treatment I am certain a lot of people would be mad about that as well.

About the mass-rez thing. Well yes most Mercy mains want it back. Why? Because it was an amazing ultimate that didnt destroy the hero or break the game like the rework did. I am sure a lot of people would be happy with a totally different ultimate if it would pull off what all the other support ults are about.
Saving the team. If we get a bursty ult like that which grants a heroic moment for Mercy once again and isnt a braindead bore to use than I do think a lot of people would be happy again. Even RevertMercy here would probably be alright with it. :stuck_out_tongue:

That we still get constant threads saying the same so much or throwing around weird ideas for Mercy just shows something is wrong with her. And I doubt any of that discussion will go away till Blizzard finally gets the message and makes changes.

I agree with you! And while the idea that these posters don’t only care about Resurrect sounds good in theory, I haven’t seen it in practice. That could just be my own personal experience! I remember seeing multiple suggestion threads that include ideas that aren’t mass res and seeing them get shut down just because they aren’t resurrect. It was quite upsetting to watch and that’s why I made that point. I agree that resurrect is the best choice though, I just don’t think Blizzard will ever bring it back tbh so I think people should be more open to new ideas

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That’s not a real life threat. At all. Who is he threating? At max, considering what you wrote, the masked language who is a threat to the lifes of other users are the poster he showed, which by your reasoning, deserve to be flagged and banned because they are a threat to other users lifes.

So, he’s exposing their bad bad actions! He’s basically a hero and you are the villian’s goon who’s tryin to cover them up. This is litterally gold.


There’s a way to make a joke without threatening / mocking specific users or groups of people. :blush:

I’ve already given an explanation? But hey! I understand that this video means a lot to you and you seem extremely passionate about it, so let’s go ahead and leave it at that. Thanks for sharing your opinion on the topic! We’ll just have to agree to disagree there. I’ve said what I needed to say on it. And it’s up to the mods in terms of what to do. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
“the cult of St Olaf”

Nah, doesnt count. Theyre not a Mercy main so their exempt


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Ok, I guess that saying that the threads make people want to end their own lives is a Real-Life Threat by the CoC (for some reason, it isn’t an actual threat to mention violence), but Aria’s post wasn’t on the screen when that happened and the context of that sentence was referring to the Hide and Rez threads, and which Aria never even made, or at least it didn’t come up when I searched her and Hide and Rez

I thought this was gonna be a fun thread, then I remembered it was about Mercy. :I

I’m just gonna mute this, I don’t feel like dealing with this thread any more


Have a good one! :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

By that definition, literally everyone is a cultist.
Im an artist, and Im devoted to art especially to drawing characters I like. Guess Im a cultist. Or peeps who love OW characters like for example, or any fandoms or games with said scenario. Are they cultist as well?

Heres a definition of cultists

cultist - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cultist

(noun) a member of a religious cult Definition
(noun) a member of an unorthodox cult who generally lives outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader

h ttps://

Stop slinging insults that doesnt make sense. It sounds like youre the type of person who’d say literally as an adjective for everything and not know the correct way to apply it to.


Point is if they dont wanna be called a cult they should stop acting like one.


here you go

Point is, if you don’t want to be called a derogatory slur, you shouldn’t call other people derogatory slurs. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Just because your opinion doesnt align with theirs? Sure, some of them get overly dramatic, but the sentiment of being upset with such a shi%^$ way Blizz handled Mercy is still there.

You cant blame a group of people whose hero got turned to garbage, then all their feedback went to a megathread that the devs made so its a garbage bin since after all that discussion, the ingenius idea they came up with was a 10hps nerf which made no sense.

tl;dr You cant blame peeps for being upset with the way the devs handled Mercy. Id be upset too if they did it with Mei, the closest they did was to but luckily that got fixed.

You can call me what ever u like,

Will never flag u, i am indifferent towards you.

Coming up with something entirely new is difficult because it has to fit Mercy and shouldnt be a copy of the already existing ultimates we already have. So people just go the way they think is the easiest. Mass-rez did work and was mostly UP and got buffs every now and then.
Yet I am sure they could implement a new ultimate for Mercy which would be satisfying to use. Same goes for another e-ability. I think they could have done a much better rework than they delivered and thats a big reason I am so disappointed in it.