The "Mercy" Situation

how can i disrespect you ? i know nothing of you and I cant know you already adressed it elsewhere

i’m not your stalker,dont assume i know everything you said.

But sure post it again if you want.

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You assumed that my disregard of a mercy player who admits to gameplay sabotage by playing Mercy as a dps is due to a lack of argument. That’s what the quote was, wasn’t it? I’m just saying; I don’t do rudeness

i see no argument
and i see you only dismissing that video with “i disregard any video by that person”

so i have nothing else to go on. No context no nothing.
be more complete if you dont wish to be taken out of context


I… Included other things in my first post.
Keep in mind that this was a reply to the original video which was even heavier with condescension and vulgarity
“Mercy’s ult was a counter to ult stacking”
ult stacking countered itself. You either invest the ults needed, or you invest too much and now the enemy team is at an advantage in the bank.

“various toxicity”
This isn’t “not sugarcoating” anything, Michelle. Disrespect, which is what the video is chock full of even under the anime voice, is not how you present your side of the argument. You can not sugarcoat things without being rude. Manners.

The lack of self awareness when responding to a post saying that the video was insulting by being insulting… Far too much

The mercy community DID say she’d be useless without mass rez. I’m a D.Va main; I know something about my kin posting in excess overdramatically.

“devs don’t listen”
They’ve responded to mercy multiple times over the months, it just wasn’t what some people wanted to hear

as far as i see when i responded to you that was your only post in this topic,i dont find any other one.

i’m not going to forum crawl to find where you maybe addressed something similar.

“counter to ult stacking” i guess this can be discussed ,i do think mass rez was a good counter to teams just throwing out their ults. This is a nuanced issue. I can se your point but dont agree fully.

the "toxicity "argument cant be used for this video ,its LITERALLY the censored version.

“insulting”,same ,so an update to your argument would have been in order ,but you just dismissed it because it was “by that person”

“liar”,i have no idea about this i wasnt on the forums till after the rework. you may be right about this.

devs dont listen
devs have LITTERALLY responded once in a megathread as far as i know. And that was jeff kaplan saying : ‘please continue giving feedback we are activly reading this!’ whichbrought a bit of hope that was dashed with no real response afterwards

besides that EVERY time mercy was referenced it was in a topic that had nothing to do with mercy. One was in a genji thread and one in a doomfist thread i believe (not sure anymore)
The problem with that is they did not actually adress mercy where feedback around her was supposed to be;there was NO discussion,just a few quick hit and run remarks?
And i believe the last or one before last was SO outrageously out of touch that many people were mad because they didnt even address mercy directly and ,by reading their response it was clear they had NO IDEA what the complaints mercy mains actually had about mercy…

The complaints i have seen for many months about mercy from mercy mains had nothing to do with power or if she was picked a lot ,which is the only thing they addressed. They have said NOTHING about her not being fun anymore for many people who still wish to play her and lost the fun factor mercy had.

This is nothing to do with wanting her to be OP but her kit being made lopsided because rez is FREE and too easy as an ability. Her ult is boring and is mercy with training wheels etc…

THAT is what the devs never have addressed.
and that’s why people say ‘devs dont listen’

but thank you for engaging and looking for your earlier post.


or maybe its because zen is the easiest character in the game to kill and the enemy will usually try to get a pick on zen before they go for a blade or zarya combo and misusing trans means your team is almost definitely going to be wiped.

The situation is they don’t know what to do with her. Short of removing her entirely they have no idea how to “fix” her to their liking. Removing her mass res no, nerfing her ult no, changing it entirely no, giving her an unlimited pistol clip ult no, Now they are going to weaken her healing beam. They won’t be happy until they complete break her, or remove her. Destroying half the community in the process instead of just angering them presently.
I was just at comic con where they where the topic was wrecking ball. When it was time for questions from the crowd they were about mercy lol. About why she was being nerfed AGAIN. Jeff said that she will still be the strongest healer in the game; the crowd all disagreed. I don’t see a good future for mercy. Maybe ANOTHER rework where she is even worse is all I can imagine.


I can tell you right now this guy is mad because I said I liked going DPS Mercy. The funny thing is (which I’m sure he’d cherry pick out) is I said I’d heal if I was in comp or the team asked, but otherwise I’m dpsing. He got butthurt and that’s why he doesn’t like me, it has nothing to do with my vids.


Jeff doesn’t even touch the support roster, so what does he know?

Mass Resurrect could easily have been fixed, but then Mercy would not have been used in the OWL… so we got this mess, instead.


I still play her. I have a lot of fun. #LeaveMercyAlone

I don’t. #RevertMercy


Wow people in the crowd actually disagreed. That’s something

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ok but i don’t understand this argument. Let’s say we’re playing on a KOTH map. We just captured the point. We use grav dragon team wipe except mercy, she comes back rezzes, but we knew she would do it so we just use dragon blade or nanoblade whichever… That’s 4 ults to counter 1, in BEST case scenario that’s 2 ults to counter one. In the next team fight enemy team’s ult economy (provided we don’t run mercy ourselves) is DOUBLE what’s ours, so they’re winning next 2 team fights… You guys love to bring up the argument that ‘you should just save 1 ult for the cleanup’ but even so that’s 3 to 4 ults used to make sure the team wipe you just did stays wiped…

Because it was never done in arcade, bots, or custom? Since there was no reward? Cause I never saw it…like…at all. Including the very little time I did QP with friends.

Well if your entire team used all of their ults to take a point isnt that your teams fault. If your team doesnt have enough skill to clear the point only using a ult or 2 then that’s on you guys.

I have had Mass Rez countered more times than I can count. Grav, Missle Barrage, even a Reaper who was camping for 2 minutes above point with ult cleared rez.

Using more ults than you need was poor ult management, and doing so rez punished you for it.

Now lets move on and fix this disaster called Mercy 2.1 soon to be 2.2

no i didn’t say my whole team i said more ults were spend on our account in order to make sure the enemy team stays dead because of one ult on their part. Because this argument is brought up by many mercy players over and over again. Even the person who made the vid in OP has a video saying and showcasing this exact same thing.1 ult (mercy’s) extending an already won teamfight and requiring more ults to be spent in order to secure the point. It’s not ‘my team’s fault’ it’s badly designed hero’s fault…

Like i said, in best case scenario you will spend 2 ults to shut down mercy’s rez. 1 for innitial clean up, 1 for secondary cleanup post rez. Even so your team is at a disadvantage in the following teamfight.

So then you are against Transcendence? It took a Grav, Spirit Dragon, and damage boost to even counter that.

transcendence can be shut down by a simple ability, and can be bursted through. Can be shut down completely by burst dmg such as tracer’s pulse bomb, snipers. In fact transcendence is only as powerful as it is rn because ana is a non existing factor because of mercy. Multi rez did not have that. You could only ‘kill her’ before the fight and even then if the fight took place on a 2cp map, or got prolonged for a short period of time mercy could easily get back and rez her whole team.

Also let me point out another thing, you’re only thinking of grav dragon combo. Transcendence has way shorter range than mercy’s rez, does not heal through walls nor shields. Mercy’s rez had double the range, no line of sight requirement, not to mention it was unaffected by shields. Was not counterable by a simple ability and it also reset barriers and shields. Also if we’re talking about grav dragon combo, zen can heal through it, but he cannot heal through additional dmg coming from focus fire.

In the end you have your opinions and I have mine, and we are not here to discuss mass rez. We are here to get the solution for this state of the game.

We want to let the devs know that nobody is happy with Mercy out classing all healers. We want a rework that makes everyone happy, and rez back on her ult and not some cooldown. It doesnt have to be mass rez. It had its issues but what ult doesnt. There ults, but as long as rez is no long a regular ability we are heading in the right direction.

We want a Mercy for 1 rework. Not a Nercy for 20 nerfs. Well in this case its 2 reworks

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yes i absolutely agree. This is why i think her rez should be made to be instant, but she can only use it once per valkyrie. That way it’s sort of an earned ability, it’s back on ult, and it’s not obstructive post valk or way early in the game.