The "Mercy" Situation

I love Moira. Her orbs are great for AOE heals, but love using them to take out low health enemies. She is very good on the right hands

it was balanced more that solider aimbot or death blossom

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My point exactly. There is absolutely nothing any of the Blizzard officials have said about rez being a problem because it isn’t. The same players you’re talking about call Mercy moth once every now and then and now that she has gone through changes these opinions aren’t even about the same Mercy anymore even if rez itself hasn’t changed. Multiple proplayers said that reworked Mercy was broken because she was blatantly broken at the time. As adjustements have been made less and less proplayers have complained about her being OP and those who’ve complained about her have called her a moth or made similar subjective remarks about her. Blizzard isn’t concerned by some singular proplayers disliking certain heroes for subjective reasons like “I just don’t like her” because these are not considerable arguments against her balance

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You’re still mis-reading my quote. Makes you look rather dishonest.


I don’t get why these mercy posts always directly state “only a select few people were using hide and rez to manipulate SR” when i literally saw it happen every single game and if you didnt your teammates would yell at you to go hide. I feel like I was playing a completely different game.


And still blizzard isn’t responding or even reading these posts :disappointed_relieved:

I’m still waiting for an answer to this. :joy:


I guess trans isn’t considered “ezpz” since zen has to dive into grav with everyone else.


Not much of a daring move considering he’s immortal when in Transcendence though… :thinking:


Very true. But “omg at least he’s not hiding” would probably be the counter argument people would try to use. :roll_eyes:


I once did a 3 man while caught within a Grav, so Zen’s not the only one.

I once got a rez off right after a Hog hooked me. He forgot to reload his gun

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…Rework has been out for 11 months. Are you meaning pre-invuln or something?

Anyway, I’m literally just talking about the pace of their decisions. I get why they listen to pros over a fair amount of the community - but how well do you think pro players know a hero that almost never saw play at that level? General support vs Mercy mains.

Sorry if it seems like I’m saying we know more, but both sides should be considered. I’m half asleep and I probably make no sense.

About a year, 2 years, what does it matter. People have been bugging the devs for a long time now, that’s for damn sure.

Almost never saw play? you are kidding, right? you must have not been around when old Mercy was a thing and people were doing the hide & res strats and what not. She was played fairly often back then. Not quite as much compared to nowadays, but still fairly often.

I disregard any video made by that person. But anyway, Mercy’s kit is simply too bloated. It’s not JUST rez; the average amount per game is only about six, and not all of these are gonna be crucial rezzes.

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“i dont wanna argue with good points so i’m just gonna dismiss it out of hand”


Which can be side about both sides. Different people have different opinions.

Because people have a blind hatred for rez and bandwagon to hate on it. There is no counter argument to this statement that is not hypocritical. :slight_smile: All they can say is “because I blindly hate rez”.


I’ve rebutted that video before. They didn’t bother to respond to that, they just called me a troll. Which I’m not. Lol. I’ll find my post if you really want

No need for the disrespect

Ypu obviously didn’t get a team kill with your ults if you missed the Mercy, so yes, all that careful planning being undone by one person is okay. You were too blind to see that the healer wasn’t in your killfeed, that’s bad gamesense and your fault.