The "Mercy" Situation

Her old ult for me required more thought and strategy. I had to pay attention to each ally and keep them up to the best of my ability. Make sure to damage boost at the right times (this hasn’t changed).

Then I had to keep track of the enemy. Notice who used their ult and who is holding theirs for certain moments. When they start to push go to the tank or a dps in back, but stay in the team fight.

When 3 fall or more I would pop it only if I know we can win it. If the enemy used only 1 out of 3 ults its risky, but it could work.

It was like that for me

But that’s the past. Now we have to hope in the future a rework comes out that can do that but better.

That trash video again?

She doesn’t even make a point there, she is just repeating the same things that have been repeated ad nauseam. All the things she adds are insults and nothing more which she had to take them out.

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Oh, of course. Judging by the past few months, they won’t say anything unless it’s to silence or shut us up. They can run away from the issue on the forums by locking threads, but they can’t do that to Youtube videos.

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The devs have been pressured by the Mercy fanbase for years now to revert her to her old state. But they haven’t listened to those people ever since.

The reason they listen to big streamers and the pro scene is because those people usually know more about what they are talking about, unlike the kind of people that one trick a specific hero. Those people tend to have a biased opinion.

Pro players play the game so much that they have a really good understanding of how things work. They tend to play the game on like a daily basis for hours and do scrims with their teammates to practice new strategies and what not. They have a much better understanding of the game then most of us.

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Now didn’t I say it was optional to watch it. If you didnt want to see it then you didnt have to.

Nobody is forcing you to watch anything, but thanks for the feeback. I’ll let them know :sunglasses:

It does not matter if it’s optional or not.

Spamming the same trash video which has nothing of value to bring to the disscusion is annoying.

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Aww, sucks doesn’t it? Don’t worry, if they fix Mercy, I won’t have to make videos exposing how garbage the rework is and people won’t keep sharing them. :slight_smile: So let’s hope for a great future for Mercy!

Also, “Nothing of value to bring to the discussion”, how ignorant, hahaha.


Blizzard will nerf every aspect of amercys kit until she is only barely viable, and purely because of her res.

They dont care about community feedback, or stats … They have an ideology, and they are sticking to it, no matter how damaging.

And all because Seagull complained.


Back with Mercy 1.0 you got punished for making mistakes which is alright in a pvp game. But now I have the feeling that even playing Mercy is a punishment. The devs keep nerfing everything about her but somehow still want people to play her and have fun. I have no idea how they think that will work. The balancing of Mercy is just terrible and at this point they get desperate with their nerfs.


The solution to the situation is to remove rez from the game because with this version it will always be op and broken and with the old it will always be the worst feeling in the game for the enemy team and an awful experience for the team that has mercy

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That’s why we must fuse the old with the new, and work from there. This can work. We just have to make it.

Somewhere there is a idea with a balanced and impactful rez. We just have to find it

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No it won’t , accept it rez needs to go away it was always hated ,unfun and horrible .I know that it is her iconic ability but if this iconic ability is ruining the game for everyone on a regular basis it needs to go for the better of everyone that is playing this game

Rez doesn’t need to be gotten rid of just because babies cry about it. As said many times, put it back on ult, make the charge rate slower and add los fixes, even a cast time. Give her a proactive E even. There are MANY ways to make rez as an ultimate work.


It’s only ruining the game with this rework. Before she was a troll pick with mass rez. Yes it was annoying, but not completely broken.

Think outside the box. Rez can work

And so let’s make the experience awful for both teams in the match and fun only for mercy. Do you realize how dumb it is

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Stop being blind, resurrect could have easily been balanced as an ultimate.


No rez can’t work no one likes it expect for mercy mains it needs to go for a better experience

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And it still can, but not as a regular ability

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So you can’t think of an argument and cry that “everyone except Mercy mains” disliked mass rez. Wow, solid argument, I don’t know how I’ll ever rebuttal.


Only because a youtuber said that , it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing

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