The Mercy Rework - Part 1: An Introduction

This is an easy way to justify why I have a differing opinion but it’s not true.

My basic point everything mercy does is player agency. People wanted to argue that point and I made counterpoints to that. I also added, a lot of the issue pointed out is not a mercy thing but a support issue/game issue. Which I do think is being projected on mercy by players that mainly play that hero.

One counterpoint is you’re useless if someone misses shots.
My counter to that is if your boost you will increase the chances of winning and basically if you increase chances of winning = value regardless of the outcome because if you perform the correct plays on mercy you will climb and win games meaning it has value. No other supports have a sure thing and measuring value in a single case is a bad way to determine value.

One person wanted (in context to this) wanted to say Lucio always has value with speed when mercy doesn’t with boost because something could happen with mercy. Look, I tried to explain if you wanna measure the value of an action in a single case that’s not how probability works and I was talking about increasing chances of a win.

The other thing people trying to say is that some supports can correct for bad teams when mercy can’t. My point is no support can correct an extremely bad team and mercy does have tools to adapt to bad teammates like someone said if their DPS sucked they would boost the tanks. All supports have the ability to correct bad players with their own actions including mercy and I’d argue mercy is better than some (not all supports) at this right in the current meta.

I don’t want to argue too much about things but I’ll highlight an example of yours…

Your point is that mercy can’t do this…

Except when you boost someone you can use cover, dodge with angel/mobility, draw fire which are all things you can do to get value. Sure there will be the time when your afk right-clicking on mercy but climb in SR and see how those moments disappear as people learn to focus you. You may argue you need your team to do that. I said all supports need help it’s a team-based game and no action is truly solo based (outside of someone taking a 1 v 6 and we all know how well that goes). I can’t dps on zen 1 v 6 I need to play around my team to do that.

Now you can say that’s not the point and that is not what I meant. The thing is it doesn’t change the one side statements they want to make and it really isn’t my problem I’ll disagree with what I’d consider an emotional statement but let’s get back to what you said.

So you don’t think I get it even 1% … or 30% … or you think I don’t get it at all. Then why clarify anything because you know I get it somewhat even if I could be wrong. So why make a statement like this because you want me to be wrong and them to be right. It’s an emotional statement. (I’ll add, in my opinion)

To add to this I said I support a rework if it makes mercy more interesting. I may not have an issue with the agency but it doesn’t mean things could be better,

Look personally, I’m out, I’m not gonna continue when people say nad is like an ult once it’s landed but not consider the context of landing it or Ana sleep dart is easier than Rez because she can walk to high ground and sneak it behind rein barrier or rather than address potential issues with her agency they make illogical like a statement that she doesn’t have any.

I’ve played 4k hr on PC. With most being on support. I’ll agree with these statements.
Kinda sad to profile snipe to soft insult someone rather than argue the point, even more so when you hide your profile to… yikes. Kinda shows how little you care about a fair argument and how low you’ll go to prove ya point.


Ana was console buffed to accommodate the fact that aiming is harder on console. She has since been nerfed back to PC level. People hate to say it, but its true, console aiming is harder than PC aiming, its the reason that there was console exclusive changes, the reason that console players hate playing with PC players, and the reason that console players complain about K&M users. While it hurts people’s egos to admit it, PC players do in fact have an advantage over console players.

Having more precision over one’s ability to aim and an increase flexibility in turning ability is an advantage. The console joystick just can not compete with a mouse.


Interesting that you still make the effort even tho nothing will change till OW2.

Strangely enough in a 5v5 environment, single target resurrect becomes more powerful, and mass resurrect becomes less powerful.

And Mercy is best at healing low hp targets, AKA DPS and not tanks, I’m actually willing to bet they will need to nerf Mercy in OW2.

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I think also that current mercy with no changes will be stronger than she is now even with likely less healing. I did not see the video but the time of mass rez is long over. They made clear that they dont like such ultimates (like old sym teleport) therefore its completely pointless. And another note: when did they listend the last time to the community…

My profile is public. I just haven’t played in multiple years so my official profile eventually deleted itself… which is actually not a thing I knew it did so there’s that. If you searched me up on Overbuff, you’d easily find me. Congrats on the failed call out.

Besides, that’s not even a soft insult. The fact that M+KB is far easier to aim with is a generally known fact about gaming. Also, according to Overbuff, Mercy has always been significantly more viable higher up the ladder for the entirety of when I was checking on such things. Especially on PSN for some reason. Maybe PS4’s controller is even worse than xbox’s? I don’t know, I’ve never owned either.

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By not playing for 2 years you still hide you profile all you need to do is play one game it’s still your action. All you doing is adding context that you argueing about balance without actually playing the game. haha.

Also an active console player will have a better understanding of balance that someone that hasn’t played for 2 years and for someone like me who plays every day my experience is tiers above yours. You just argueing for the sake of argueing cause you gave up 2 years ago.

Yea opinion but still you’re not gonna change that now.

Mate, I’ve kept up on the balance changes in that time. Literally nothing has changed that would fix Mercy’s issues. The literal only difference in Mercy’s kit from then to now is +5 HPS. I played Mercy back when she had 60 HPS and I know that that wasn’t enough self sufficient impact, so I know that 55 HPS isn’t going to be enough on its own.


Almost every hero has been patched since you stopped playing. You literally will have no idea how strong mercy in context to other heroes without playing. It is that simple and on that note I’m done. I’m so glad you made things about experience.


Seeing as none of this argument is about how balanced (or not) Mercy is, my lack of current Overwatch is completely and totally irrelevant.

Is Damage Boost still reliant on your teammates hitting shots? Yes.
Can Mercy move souls to make Resurrect easier to get off? No.
Can Mercy somehow cover herself while silenced and snared for 1.75s? No.
Is 55 HPS enough impact on its own? Considering every other Support’s maximum output? No.
Is the majority of Valkyrie still a projected aura (which are almost never impactful) and force multipliers for force that simply doesn’t exist? Yes.

Is Mercy still overly dependent on her teammate’s skills to actually gain value? Yes since none of the above have changed.


Not when I’m arguing about supports agency in general. You are argueing based on an experience that doesn’t exist anymore, 2 years ago. It’s pretty flawed.

Same as any other support.

No, she is not.


Mate, you’re talking about someone who doesn’t have any arguments. They state their opinion, but they have no reasoning for that opinion. Literally everything I’ve seen Megadodo say in recent history can be countered by saying the negative right back to them, and the second assertion is just as valid as the first.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen them attack the foundations of an argument. Their most common response to a well-founded, persuasive piece with supporting evidence and logic is some variant of “I disagree.”


You don’t need to play the game to be informed on balance. Statistics are far more reliable than any tiny sample of gameplay you will get from personal experience. You can glance at GM pickrates and have a better take than most Overwatch streamers.


I still to this day think Valkryie is a terrible ultimate and Mercy deserves better.


I would avoid saying these kinds of things, no matter how true/false they may be. Nothing positive comes from it, and it only gives people a reason to flag you.


No. She’s fine. Low elo players aren’t who we balance around for this exact reason. They don’t get a say when she’s fine where people are actually good.

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Attitudes like this are the reason why the game is currently dying.


Lack of content is why it’s dying. The state of the game in terms of balance is the best it has been in in a very long time, mainly due to them balancing around the 1%. Is it any coincidence that when heroes like brig are in the state they’re in the game is automatically better?