The Mercy Rework - Part 1: An Introduction

No, those actions can absolutely get value; they just got overturned or reversed by the enemy team’s value.

If a Reinhardt 'shatters five players, but then the enemy Zenyatta uses Transcendence and protects his team through it, that didn’t make the Earthshatter any less huge; the Transcendence was just bigger.

You’re missing the point. The point of contention isn’t whether or not damage boost is an asset; the point of contention is who has control over the value generated by that asset.


It doesn’t really matter what you’re fussed over. It’s moving the goalposts, so thanks for your permission, but I don’t need your permission.

It perfectly proves why increasing chance means nothing if you don’t make the proper play to go along with it. You’re welcome to your incorrect opinion, though, of course.

If you can understand over infinite games player skill will average out and that is the chance increase DMG boost gives is it’s value.

Another attempt at moving the goalposts. Averaging out over time isn’t relevant to this issue. Your argument still does NOT work for skill-based probability. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking 1 game or 100,000 games. If the skill required to utilize the odds Mercy provides is not there, then the value will not increase.

That is the entire reason that Titanium said that (especially at low ranks), there are only only a few characters he found even worth boosting at all. And he played a LOT of games grinding up to GM, so I assume he knows what he’s talking about.


Not that time. It’s a basic of probability.


Playing Moira and fading into the enemy team’s backline to assassinate both enemy supports is a more reliable way to climb when playing in any rank below 3.3k than playing Mercy normally… as a Mercy one-trick.


Because as Moira, I’m taking matters in my own hands to make the enemy team die, while as Mercy, I’m waiting for my teammates to make that happen.


I don’t think you understand the basics of probability, though.


Other supports have better agency, simply because they can do multiple things at once, increasing chances, that at least something works out. There is also chance, that multiple things work out at the same time, creating spike in power.

Even something as simple, as allowing Mercy to use different beams on different teammates at the same time, could go long way in improving Mercy’s agency.

You rework heroes that need reworks because they are either problematic or are struggling. Mercy is neither of those things

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She most certainly is the former.


while there are indeed games where my team is rolled - same as anybody, I suppose - in almost all other games when I play Mercy I have no great difficulty in making a difference on my own

I find the current version of Mercy to be impactful and well balanced, not to mention fun to play.

I also greatly prefer Valkyrie to MR and the unwanted/unheroic behavior it brought with it

I am far from alone in both of these stances


that, and given the horrific results of most of the reworks we have seen, I have to wonder why anyone who claims to love a given hero would ever wish the horror of a rework on them

except that stance is objectively one based on delusion and/or a really low bar rather than the facts around how mercy’s ability mechanics work and the realistic pre-requisites to get value out of them.

Nah, it’s based around Megadodo playing on console where Ana and Baptiste are significantly worse due to controller aiming. Mercy’s always been significantly stronger on platforms that aren’t PC.

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Careful they’ll claim you’re attacking them and state that console and PC are the same game-despite the mouse and keyboard controversies, that aim assist is a console thing, that Torb and Symm turrets had specific changes for console…there was also Ana’s projectile size buff for console only- also the devs even mentioned possibly tweaking Ana’s aim assist for console but we’re afraid it would overtune her for console use. But ya know…same game.


as a clarification…there is no delusion on my part

the fact that Mercy has seen few if any substantial changes other than the buff to 55hps/s is indicative that the balance team feels the same

all that said, the implicit personal attack on me is noted, and as such I will not be responding further to this particular side discussion

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as a clarification, I play on both console and on PC

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I don’t think anyone really cares about the opinions of those who have the attention span of a gold fish anyway so have a nice day.


which’d still be covered by what I said :stuck_out_tongue:
like console mercy exhibits all the same things we’ve been pointing out in terms of how the mercy player does not have much agency around what value boost, res, valk, etc. achieves.

so even if console mercy “feels better” than ana and bap, ultimately a stance from that in this matter simply is still either 1 based on a delusion around thinking she has agency from it “feeling better on console” instead of the facts, or it’s simply from a really low bar of anything, no matter how little or even non-existent, will make them feel like they did something.

she objectively does not have much self agency over her own value and has less than other supports for their own respective value as pointed out various times above. you taking a stance that directly contradicts the facts around mercy’s ability mechanics simply is being delusional.

didn’t someone point out before how you were opposed to 55hps despite blatantly mercy being trash while she had 50hps for the so many months she was left with that low hps? :thinking: :tea:

and balance change frequency is 100% trash as an indicator of whether there is a problem or not. just look at bastion or even sym as a very quick, definitive counterexamples to that notion.

delusion - noun
an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument

is it defamatory if it is true? :thinking:

You are 100% missing the point everyone is making.
Look at it this way.

Lets say damage boost dosnt do anything else, but gives a button to the player you are attached to, to press it. If he/she presses that button, a random enemy can die with a 10% chance.
Are you increasing your chances of winning by using damage boost? Yes. Is it valuable asset to have? Sure. Does Mercy have control over wether or not the player will press the button? No. And THAT is the issue.

I can choose the best target to damage boost in the entire match at any given time, i as a Mercy have no control over my damage boost from that point on. Its up to others.

If we compare this very same situation to Orisa and her damage boost for example, the button appears for everyone in the team, the Orisa included. So she has more control over the situation and can increase the chances of success herself.

Mercy cannot do that, not even during while she damage boosts in ult, because she cannot press the button, because if she does, the effect ends.

Lets take other examples:
Zen, if i put the discord orb on an enemy, not only all of my teammates can make us of that, but i can too. Its still based on chance wether or not anyone even hit the target, but me as the user still can increase that chance after the ability was used.

Ana and her nanoboost. The boosted target will take control on the boost and decides if it was worthwile or not, but the thing is that Ana herself can still contribute to it by assisting in killing the enemy or healing you after the boost was cast and is still in effect.

Believe it or not this whole thing applies to Symmetra as well. You can place the best 5head teleports possible 24/7, if your team dosnt press the button to actually use it its wasted cd. Again, the only saving grace in that, is that you,the Symmetra player, can still get value out of it.

This, is the thing everyone is trying to explain to you. No matter how many times you as a Mercy switch damage boost targets, if every single time the people fail to make use of it. All she can do after activating damage boost, is moving around and dodging bullets, but it dosnt contribute to the damage boost itself in any way shape or form.

And this is not even only about damage boost but almost every single part of her kit.
If for arguement sake, she could use the pistol while healing or damage boosting, she suddenly has more control.
Or if the damage boost stays in effect for 5 seconds after being detached, because from that point, its up to the Mercy to activate dmg boost on as many teammates as possible, or switch to healing, or pull out the blaster herself, the agency is there.


mercy is fine.