The Mercy rework did nothing good for the community

It’s honestly too quick to determine anything yet. Give it a week or two and then decide.

fair enough, but as it stands we’re seeing a lot more balanced pick rates. I still see mercy here and there but I see Ana more often than Mercy, and lucio, Moira, and Brig are being picked a lot more often now.

That’s kinda the norm whenever she gets nerfed.

If you remove invuln, Mercy dies instantly after res and your team still loses because your Mercy is now dead.

You didn’t read the first part at all did you.

LoS wouldn’t change anything, most of the time Mercy players would fly out anyway.

However, removing invuln, adding a cast time and adding LoS certainly would kill Mercy off entirely, considering she was a D-Tier hero before that.

I’ve considered the pickrate as well. According to the mentioned OmnicMeta article her pickrate in the higher ranks is below 40%. That means that there isn’t a Mercy in every team any more. Her pickrate in the higher ranks dropped drastically -25% (Diamnond) to -40% (GM). Considering this, she has been nerved too much. (It’s a pitty I’m not allowed to link the article here. :frowning: )

Another attention seeking post. Look op, i do not need to change your opinion, because i do not care about your opinion.
As long as Mercy is considered and treated like a main healer she is going to be imbalanced and mandatory to pick. The only way to make her balanced is to change her role from main healer to just healer. Then she can have finally some competition that is long over due.
Frankly i do not care about, rez or not rez or any of that. I want to be able to play the healers i want ( does not include Mercy) and not be forced to lock a hero i hate because it is mandatory. I have the same rights and needs as any other main in this game. Mercy is not above all and her needs are not above others.
Stop being egoists and accept that.

This rework was a mess, but I also thought mass res was a mess and a mechanic that I never liked.

Giving the easiest healer to play the most powerful ability in the support category, maybe even the whole game? Nope.

It was ok at first, but blizz ruined it with her invincibility, and such.

The rework was just another mess.

Mass res could be balanced if done right, but will blizzard do it right? Most likely not, hence why I don’t want it back.

Honestly I would prefer another rework.

Just my opinion.

Typical snobby comment again. Somebody rustles your jimmies

you’re only looking at high ranks, where’s she’s supposed to have a low pick rate and low win rate. Try taking a look at gold and below and you’ll see a difference. Also remember that, as I said in my last post, such stats are not accurate where Mercy is concerned. other heroes had a balanced number of players with private/public profiles, but Mercy had more private profiles than public. this nerf won’t have changed that.

like me and a lot of others, you didn’t read the post. this isn’t about her nerf, it’s about the rework as a whole. not a single mercy main wants her to be a must pick, everybody, literally everybody, wants her to be both fun and balanced.


but no one wants to play mercy because she is lame. Ana is fun for people who like shooters, if any of them should be OP, it should be Ana.

Healers are not weak right now. Heros need to die

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There is no everybody. It is a minority that expresses mixed feelings on the forums. Others have said they want complete revert, others say no revert just remove rez, others say keep rez remove valk etc.
Like i said, all i want is to be able to play the characters i love, without being forced to play one specific character because people tagged her as a main healer.
My needs are not lesser than everybody’s else needs.
We all have equal rights.
Also fun and balanced do not go together. There is not a single character in this game that is fun and balanced and can be played whenever you want to and not get flamed.
This game is by design toxic. Which makes players toxic, which makes the forums toxic, which makes people like all my friends (casual players btw) quit the game forever in under 1 year and never come back.
And no i am not going to read the 198032910th post about Mercy that repeats the same things that all the others have said just in different wording.

That’s the whole point; Mercy should not survive these situations, unless the enemies are potatoes. If any other hero dies when going 1v6, why should Mercy, specifically, survive?

So? What’s the problem, then?

You’re completely ignoring my suggestion of adding Damage Resistance, which would work wonders, here. You’re also ignoring the fact that people can’t even kill the current Mercy half the time, who has a .75 seconds longer cast time than Mass Rez had. (Yes, Mass Rez had a 1 second cast time. But the effect started at the start of the cast, and not the end)

Here’s a metaphor:

Your roof starts leaking.

You try to call the roof company to complain. Not only do they not fix it, the refuse to acknowledge the problem. Their phone number stops working, too. They tell you to write down your complaints, but don’t show those anywhere they can see.

The roof keeps leaking. You complain some more.

The roof company fixes a few stray tiles on your floor. “Look!” Says the people who have been hearing you complain about your leaky roof, “they did something!”

You are unamused. They may have done something, but it had nothing to do with the roof! It’s still leaking!

“Just get a different place where the roof isn’t leaking,” says the bystander.

After you had spent so much time and effort making the place all nice? How heartless! That formerly nice house with the pretty roof was the reason you even moved to this neighborhood in the first place! What kind of sunk-cost fallacy is this?

You take their advice anyways. The new place is okay, but you still miss how nice your old place used to be. You’re still upset that your old roof is still leaking, and is in plain sight no matter where you are in the neighborhood… haunting you.

You continue to complain, because that’s what happens when something breaks and makes things unpleasant for you. You remember how nice it was before it was broken, and have lots of ideas to make it even better and fix the problems that caused the roof to start leaking in the first place. But no one seems to be willing to listen, and people are now telling you that you’re a bad person for complaining at all.

Who’s in the wrong, here?

The people complaining about how something they once loved is now broken?


The people who were the ones to break it in the first place, and refuse to even acknowledge that it needs fixing?


and all of these suggestions are ways to make her both fun and balanced. we just can’t agree on which one will do that. Nobody wants her to be a must pick. I challenge you to find one person on forums who has said they want mercy to be a must pick.

Zarya, Lucio, Moira, Zenyatta, Tracer, Genji,, Orisa. all of these are both fun and balanced. the only reason they seem unbalanced is because other heroes are OP.

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I’ve looked at the lower ranks as well. There she has a high pickrate and a low winrate. But that doesn’t change my statement that she has a very low winrate: Low winrate in the higher ranks and (because of the more frequent use) in the lower ranks. In both areas she has quite a low winrate. What’s not clear to me is, why Mercy aught to have a low winrate (in higher levels) compared to other healers. Isn’t it a sign of balance when all hereoes have roughly the same winrate?

Says who? mercy mains? Oh yeah i will believe them, sure there is no conflict on interest there…

Are you serious? You challenge me to find people on forums that would say they want their main to be a must pick??? Who on Earth would ever come out and say that here? I know for a fact there is 0 posts FROM EVERY SINGLE MAIN that demand their main to be a must pick.

You are trolling. Lucio is fun? Go ask Lucio mains then how they feel each time they pick him and what the team tells them to do instantly. Zarya fun? How? When she must rely on her team’s position 24/7 to get charge and even 1 mediocre member in her team renders her useless.
Also other heroes are OP? Classic Mercy line. No Mercy is not OP, the meta is enforcing her. Really? The meta is enforcing her for 3 seasons now? The meta that changes every single season enforces one character for 3 seasons, but they are not op, there are other characters that are op…

Everybody that counters someone seems op. How do you even measure op exactly? Pick rates and win rates on OWL? Completely different game on pro level than masters, gold or any other rank. Also what stats? The ones that are inaccurate due to hidden profiles? Or the ones that are innacurate because people do not use their sites, hence they cannot monitor exactly who picks, what but just the few thousand people that use their site and have given them permission to extract stats from their computers?
What about people in EU that by default have revoked said permissions from all sites? Do they count?
Or maybe we should continue to balance from top to bottom since that seems to have worked great so far huh? No problems there, we just ask pros, that get paid by wins, to tell us what they think should be nerfed next. What can go wrong.

yes , allied mercy commanding you to die was the single most ridiculous thing in this game

Lmao, do you want them to read out a whole paragraph? It was just a quicker way of saying, “if you’re going to die, die on point so I don’t get shouted out for not ressing everyone because someone ignorant rats decided to die off of point. Also, because I don’t want our team to be scattered, giving the enemy team an unnecessary advantage. Oh and btw, I’m not telling you to Intentionally die. Those with common sense would know this. I just don’t want you to report me for not ressing you. Thanks team”.