The Mercy rework did nothing good for the community

Took just 1 year, 14 nerfs and her whole soul and kit to be gutted


Low pickrate in which rank? Up to gold she’s in the top 2. In plat and diamond she’s still a top 3 support pick.

It’s only in Masters+ where her pickrate drops sharply, but this is inherent to her design. She has zero utility for your team, but she’s a perfectly good pub-stomp hero because she’s self-sufficient.

That doesn’t make her a horrible pick, but the best players clearly get more mileage out of other support ults and abilities.

Just because she s ‘fixed’ now doesnt mean the rework didnt cause more problems than it sought to fix. Which is the point of the thread: that the mercy rework was the most problematic change the devs has done to date


The one person, who had gotten the golden in the middle of the video, was just a really bad Mercy, I rarely stopped contributing healing to my team to get a resurrect off. In some cases hiding was fine, but that was more or less if you knew the team had multiple ultimates, it was possibly there last push, and you had your resurrect. Of course I never really hid, and only did if we had a second main healer or a good Lucio/Zen with their ultimates. I would rather be able to reverse picks after they have used their ultimates, and not risk dying mid fight, then pull of a VERY bad res and force us to lose the game.

Just because there are reddit threads, doesn’t mean EVERYONE hides ALL the time. There are plenty of times you shouldn’t hide, and some where you should. There is a difference.

Such as one of my favorite mass resurrects:

The gate in Hanamura on attack to the first point, I flew up to the top of it and healed my team from there, everyone died and I resed them all.

Was I hiding? No
I was contributing to the team, and could not outheal the damage they were taking, it is just good positioning, not hiding…

The invulnerability was the second most stupidest thing they did with Mercy (only beaten by the rework). It removed all risk from no-win situations and promoted a bad gameplay style in conjunction with the broken SR system. It’s what allowed for Mercy to survive these 1v6 situations where other heroes die.

If you can’t play Mercy with LoS, then you shouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole, because you lack the basic skills to play her properly.

LoS is one of the easiest ways to fix Hide 'n Rez, and, combined with replacing Invulnerability with Damage Resistance and only having the Rez go off at the end of the 1 second cast time would’ve fixed most, if not all of the issues.



I’d much rather have OP healers than OP DPS. It incentivizes people to pick healers instead of no one wanting to play them like it is currently. And no, I don’t just want one OP healer. I’d prefer them all to be viable and GOOD at healing rather than one good and the rest terrible or one super terrible and the rest underwhelming.

Most people don’t talk on mic. Because I play Mercy, I usually help when they are in rezzing with a shield or something. But most of the time the tanks won’t help, probably in higher tiers they would. She has to go in cover or something like that to rez. Just go watch a few video. You would see she has to hide a lot more.

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Truly a correct approach to this situation. May your days be happy and bright.

It’s sad to see how incredibly bias mercy players are with the hero
(I’m gonna leave this thread now, don’t bother replying because I’m not gonna read it, it’s just gonna be a mercy player arguing with me anyways lol)

The rework pretty much killed my usage of Mercy, and also in many ways marked the beginning of the end of my interest in OW. Yes, they’ve added some heroes I really like (like Moira) and there are plenty of others I like, but that they would carelessly rework a popular hero (and have done multiple times at this point) does not inspire me regarding their decision making.

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Just remove rez and the auto lock on beam. It’s so bad to have a hero with such a stacked kit while also having zero mechanical challenge in an fps, I don’t get how blizz doesn’t realize that

That has nothing to do with with rez mechanics or any of her buffs or nerfs over the years. Mercy is heavily reliant on team positioning. That’s a given and it’s always been that way.

If you have to hide constantly because everyone is clumped up constantly, then you’re better off playing a different support.

Hide and rez? It encouraged massed positioning.

No thanks. I don’t want a repeat of Symmetra.

Well I belong to the Mercy mains that are meanwhile outraged of her constant nervs but I can back it up with data. When you have a closer look at the meta analysis of Omnicmeta you will find that she has overall the worst winrate of all healers (with a few exemptions). Even GM players barely manage it to have a winrate over 50%. It’s a great irony that the author of this article sees Mercy in a good place. She is not, not at all. How can you say that of a hero with this low winrates compared to others in its class? IMHO Blizzard gave in the Mercy haters and murdered her.

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You say no thanks as if there would be no other solution than what happened to sym?

There are many ways to make mercy more mechanically challenging.

And there are many ways to leave her be and just give her necessary balance changes.

For example? How would you balance rez in a way that isn’t just a brainless “revert” argument?

Maybeeee remove Resurrect and give her a new e ability?

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Agreed! That is essentially what I was going for. :slight_smile:

something to keep in mind with her win rate is her pick rate. the stat’s aren’t reliable where Mercy is concerned because a lot of mercy mains set their profiles to private, and almost overnight overbuff dropped her pick rate from 95% to 70%. but with a 95% pick rate, it would not be possible to have a win rate higher than 51% because if both teams have a mercy then one of them will always lose.

she’s already balanced, the latest nerf finally balanced her, what we’re complaining about is that she is no longer fun to play. she has very little impact on the match.