The majority doesn't like 222

The majority doesn’t like 222

Oh, you’ve got the stats to prove it?

Except the one’s who are relived they don’t have to be on a team with 5 other instalock dps anymore.

I’m not even sure this was English, but fr, flex just queues for multiple roles now. And even then they’re flexing in that role for main/off.

er, one trick tanks and supports are queued for dps now, did you think that one out? If they’re on a different role, i don’t think they’re one tricking bro.

That you’ve misrepresented to fit your own bias.

Can you really say that if you’re here complaining? just saying.

I just want to see how many consecutive people still play overwatch so I can laugh at blizzard for claiming 40 million people play this game.

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I really like RQ, if queue times were ok it would be one of the best changes yet.

But yes there is problem, DPS queue times are a major problem now and i think blizz knows it.

I play only tanks and supports as a DPS main now except arcade, its still fun yes, but being almost unable to play DPS is a huge problem, some changes needs to happen.

Did someone else notice that the guy that posted 76% also has soldier 76 as picture?

So you are willing to sacrifice the a large portion of the remaining 6% of tanks and 18% of healers, when many DPS have already gotten rid of the rest through how they play the game.

Just cause your competition is your own player pool instead of ours?

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I used to say dps were their own worst enemy when one or two dps hero’s would destroy the viability of every other dps hero. Now it’s more true than ever, with every dps player making it hard for one another to even get a game.

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Thank you for speaking for the entire community and declaring the “majority” don’t like RoleQ. (That was sarcasm for the context impaired.)
I for one love RoleQ. So sick of hearing “We need a healer”, repeated over and over while the person yelling we need a healer refuses to switch because they have convinced themselves they are way too valuable as DPS and if they could just get a healer they’d carry us sorry sack of losers to a win. Get over yourself!!

Gonna suck when you have no DPS to fill the role after we all quit don’t ya think?

Last time I saw a game in the state of unrest as it is right now in overwatch.

They lost 700,000 players in less than 6 months from launch. Out of a total population of 1.4 million.

All because 2% of the population in terms of financial contribution had their main nerfed to a useless state.

That and that dev company told the community publicly that They didn’t contribute enough to the game to be deemed important.

Hey Blizzard, you know which company that was? Bioware, do you know who was calling the shots for them?

It took 18 months before Bioware admitted they were wrong. “Day late Dollar short… Literally.”

There will never be a deficit of dps and even if there is any, it is not a hard role to fill for.

Its not selfish if you main something that matters

Imagine being this wrong lol.

I remember more than one game where that was stated, both are now dead in 2 markets because that person was wrong too.

Is it unlikely to happen, sure. But it’s not impossiburu, because it has in fact happened.

majority? no. thats all personal. you then pull a hypocritical move and call supports and tanks selfish.
As you said in a previous thread “60% of players queueing as Dps have a support or a tank as the hero with more hours played”. a lot of people wanted to go DPS, clicked on DPS, then 3 other people instalock DPS. and refuse to switch and/or dont join voice chat.

hahahah, this is where you enter the bs land. Support and tank mains still have to do their DPS placements. just like you have to do your tank and support placements.

Get over it. the majority likes 2-2-2. you just get this info from the forums. where pepole go to complain. most of the people i see complaining are either 1-trick dps, private profiles, or have never used forums before(usually all three).

I know a crap ton of people who are DPS mains who love 2-2-2.

if you want a shorter queue, either play with friends, or create a LFG.


Different people wind up with different experiences. It was common enough to clearly frustrate a not insignificant portion of the player base.

Personally, I didn’t run into 5 dps too often, especially not in comp. 4 dps was more common for me, but that wasn’t a particularly great situation to be in either.

I’m fine waiting 10 min to play DPS

I’m a flex player and I enjoy RQ

Someone made a poll and the majority said they liked it.


Lol, originally 2/2/2 was implemented not because of whining but because of hero balance issues.

So you dont like this game because of its bad desing and hero popularity while blaming it on selfish tank and heal while its obiviouly DPS that are usually one trick and dont swap or flex.


Then suck it up and deal with the long que times.

Doesn’t change the fact that you’re talking about separate game modes. The roles of comp or QP are not separate game modes. They are within the same game mode.

It’s a bad analogy at the end of the day.

Again, separate game modes, as well as separate games, is a false equivalent to separate roles within the same game mode!

Console and PC OW players do not interact with each other in gameplay. Support, Tank, DPS all interact and play with each other IN THE SAME GAME MODE!

Stop it with the silly analogy.

Same applies to quickplay. If you want to be selfish in quickplay, then accept the consequences that selfishness brings.

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Nothing posted is proof. I’m sorry your standard for evidence is very low

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