The majority doesn't like 222

I was surprised that this thread got so many responses for such an obviously false unprovable statement. Then again maybe that’s how he did it?

It’s similar to that “Moira has a lock-on” thread that pops up once every week or so. It’s so obviously false people want to point out just how dumb that claim is. Also good to set the record straight I guess?


I’m a flex/support main and i like RoleQ.

I like that i no longer get 4 dps on my team.

Believe it or not, i’m having fun.
And i can play dps as well now without throwing the game! I go make me a coffee or something when i Queue as DPS.


when you are terribly wrong xDDD… stop creating this nonsense and selfish topics. Thanks!

99% of all statistical numbers posted on these forums are made up.

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Man you’re pulling an awful lot of numbers out of no where. You think the majority of people don’t like it because that’s your view and you look for people with the same one. People tend to find more of what they’re looking for. There are plenty of posts about people loving 2-2-2 also.

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We can go higher.

57% of all statistics are made up on the spot


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74% of all statistics are made up on the spot sir.

Oh my mistake! I made mine up on the spot!

I’m a flex player and you don’t speak for me, thank you.

I’m more than comfortable flexing within my role, whichever role it may be, always have been.

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it did happen, especially in higher ranks. Also, you can also one-trick a hero. I’ve seen lots of Mercy, Brig, Lucio, Zen and Moira, as well as a lot of Rein, Winston, Orisa and especially Dva, Hog and Zarya one-tricks. Lately there’s been a lot of Sigma one-tricks, but that’s not a problem, right, because he’s Meta?

Playing a role that’s less popular doesn’t make you any less selfish than me for wanting to play my favourite role. Yes, I agree, you should switch if it’s not working, but I’ve seen so many Tank/Support one-tricks not willing to switch, don’t come at me.

No? Some of us like having healers/tanks when we inevitably flex

69% of all statistics are Nice.

I will gladly wait 10 minutes for a game where I’m guaranteed to play DPS with a good comp rather than having to choose between flexing and having a 4 DPS throw comp.

Sorry that I learned to enjoy the role I slowly got forced into because trying to get people to play support was pointless. I would pick Lucio, and guess what the other 5 players would pick? 1 tank and 4 DPS. Then they whine in team chat about not having a main healer, after clearly seeing me pick off-healer. But I’m the selfish one? Oh, ok.

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Or… get yourself a Group a friends and have no issues at all? I play with 3-5 people regularly and even if we have double DPS picked our longest Queue time has been just over 4 minutes, and that was double DPS, double Heals. So don’t go saying 2/2/2 queues are all insane if you play DPS. If you’re solo… well can’t help ya there other than say what I did at the beginning of the post… “play with a group of Friends” and don’t Say “Majority doesn’t like 2/2/2”, because I’d safely bet that you are wrong.

Peak delusion. If 50% of the DPS mains suddenly quit, we would still have too many players who only play DPS and the queue times for DPS would still be 6 minutes for DPS and instant for tanks

horrible update… the fact that some games end faster than what time it takes to find a match as dps alone proves this… fast paced game huh? I also like how ppl start playing symmetra and torb on defense because they are aware of the situation too that playing a hard hero and risking a lose while you have the queue time wont really worth it at all
If they start nerfing on some of the dps instead of doing something with the matchmaking then this game will die… I mean die even more or something

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I’m a flex player and I like it just fine. Why? Because if I want to play any role, I can just select it. You know what playing DPS before meant? If I wanted to play DPS before role que, I’d need to be the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or even 6th DPS in a match in order to play that.

Gotta love this forced narrative. Want balanced games? You’re selfish and terrible for wanting games where people aren’t throwing every match because their teams are comprised of 3+ DPS who all don’t wanna work together.

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Lol, wut? No in game, you can’t. Flexing is no longer possible for anyone. You are locked to a role for the entire duration of a match, no flexing is allowed, period. Flexing is too fun, which is why blizzard decided to end it entirely.

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