The majority doesn't like 222

This happened to me also on junkertown once lol

You can play triple tank, triple support, triple dps. The thing was whoever played the worse comp didn’t always lose. But now if u dont run orisa sigma and or mirror enemy orisa sigma, goodluck dealing with either widow, hanzo or doomfist. GG forcing something that wasnt needed. Barrierwatch could have been easily avoided just by running 3 dps but ok make it just about people being selfish.

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I won quite a few matches against Orisa/Sigma teams this past night while playing as Winston. When non pros pick meta, it usually isnt hard to counter them if your team counter picks

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As a support main I love 2/2/2 but not because I get faster queue times than a DPS player. I like it because:

  1. I know I will have at the very least a foundation of a team comp.
  2. I can play DPS/Tank without feeling like I’m throwing since it has it’s own SR. I’m really enjoying learning Rein and a few DPS heroes. Also in QP I know I can practice these heroes and I’ll have a team and not a death match. I’ve also been practicing Ana which was difficult before with a bunch of DPS in my games.

I agree queue times are an issue. I think opening up the training range or adding mini games while in queue would be helpful to stay warmed up and give the player something to do while they wait.

It was needed and people have been asking for it for the past year.


I don’t think 2/2/2 is the issue. It’s the current balancing of the game that is the issue. Despite the yawning you see on these forums a lot of the player base are FPS players. Right now, this isn’t even close to an FPS game with its current balancing. It’s a snore-fest. No fps players want to play crap like mei, sym, reaper, etc. This is currently Mobawatch.

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The Majority loves 2-2-2 and everyone else that doesn’t frequent these forums have already proven it. You cannot dispute facts. And there’s always Custom games and QP classic if you don’t want to play other roles.

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There has been a cancer growing in Overwatch for the past couple years.
Right now the game is looking kinda ugly and sickly because of heavy chemotherapy in the form of 2-2-2 being applied.

But we’ll grow out of this stronger and better.
Perhaps with less overall players because some people will quit. They’re the cancerous growths. Nothing of value is lost if they go.
But those that remain are quality players that care for the game and we will all be better for it.

I know this is kind of an unpopular opinion. But I stand by it.


They only hate 2-2-2 For:
Long Queue times
Trash support/dps/tanks

When 2-2-2 Didn’t exist
-5DPS Comps
-4 snipers
-1 healer
-1 tank 5 DPS
-Rarely switchers

And they hate 2-2-2 for only 2 or 3 reasons?


DPS Main love 2-2-2
Also learned to play Tank and Healer because not useless , love 2-2-2.

People who don’t like 2-2-2 don’t understand the team aspects of this game.

Do I like waiting? Not really , but I would rather wait than spend the same time in countless games with no substance.

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I’m a dps main who plays all 3 roles and i absolutely love it . Majority loves it. Go play cqp or leave the game.


222 is supposed to help with balance as well.
They won’t have to worry if 1 tank is weak but stacking 3 is OP.

It is another question that they do poor balance decisions.

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I don’t know if someone said it, but most of the time those two dps players are very bad players, this cause bad game, foce me (support) to play more like a survival mode, not support mode, so less heal on tanks , less heal on dps => no fun, the balance is tilted so heavy on one team, so the weaker team will be crushed! Good luck! And …uhm, have fun :slight_smile:

Speak for YOURSELF.

Because you’re not speaking for me.

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I’m talking about comp. QPC, qp and comp all are enjoyable anyway. :slight_smile:

I haven’t read the entire thread but most of it seems to be complaints or rebuttals of complaints.

Complaining can be nice to vent how you feel but solutions and ideas are what create change.

Here are my ideas:

  • Enable triple DPS vs triple DPS games. Opt-in or enforced. Maybe only at peak DPS queue times.
  • Enable 1 or 2 flex spots. Maybe only at peak queue times. Randomized probably to avoid angst.

I have played this game since release. I have seen many metas. Many team compositions. Won with 6 DPS msny times. Lost with 2-2-2 against 6 dps many times.
Its HEALTHY for different compositions to exist. This game needs ideas and new strats. With every hero and map that is implemented.
Enforcing 2-2-2 is a bad idea. Maybe its the “best” composition at pro level but pros are pros because of adaptability as well as skill.

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Who are you to tell him to leave the game? Have you bought a game copy for him or what?

Woah, looks like a mass insult. I’ll better report you.

Your analysis falls short in so many ways I don’t even know where to start. The math is omg level bad. No one should take this seriously.


Everything I’ve seen makes me think that the majority supports 2/2/2, so I reject the premise of your thread.