The majority doesn't like 222

I also think that its a win win for everyone beacause the healers that were underappreciated before are now much happier to have a short wait time and be appreciated more because without them, you can’t play comp

Avoiding your best role is literal throwing in some ways. Its less competitive and can ruin Overwatch games for others.

You don’t need to play your favourite game mode all the time.

As mentioned:

The dps options are more ‘compressed’ into the jail bins. Meanwhile they can’t even fill the tank/support roles quick enough. Multiply this out by everyone’s playtime hours - and even assuming DPS wasn’t by far the most fun and most popular (it is) - then you’re trying to pack hundreds of thousands of hours of people’s game mastery into the same bins, or forcing them to explore areas they always had the option of playing, but never did (because its fruitless).

Absolutely. And I’m sorry but if thats what the playerbase is/wants, then thats what they should get. Instead of making the masses jetison creativity to bend to an arbitrary structure, why not suck it up, adapt, and use LFG. Nope that was too hard…

Instead of pushing for better LFG features, the vocal minority tank/supports got us all jailed. And it’s even a subset of those, in fact, cause many support/tank mains loved being solo flex/role for the challenge and git gud aspects.

  • There is no ‘selfish dps’ argument in a video game.
  • There is no ‘selfish’ argument when you’re in the majority.
  • There is no ‘moar competitive’ argument with 28 min queue times and everyone cooling off between matches.
  • There is no ‘ranking up argument’ when people can’t even get real dps experience, and require 60 hours of outplaying and hard carrying to go up a tier.
  • There is no excuse for not using LFG if you truly needed your 222 crutch.

There is just no excuse to defend 222.

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Screw 222 and its queue times. Id rather have 6dps quick comp games than this.

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This argument doesn’t work. Overwatch is a damn game, games are supposed to be fun. For some reason, you and way too many other people don’t want to get it into your thick skulls that people don’t have fun on other roles. There’s a reason DPS players like these heroes, not all of them are balls to the wall people that want to play a generic shooter. They like the heroes concept, they like how they play.

Aren’t tank and support mains selfish as well? How about tanks that don’t want to play support and supports that don’t want to tank because they don’t have fun on that role. Just because there’s a bigger portion of the playerbase that prefers DPS does not in any way justify this “being selfish” bs because literally every main that refuses to play another role is selfish as well.

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Cool stats dude. Making up stats is fun.

A lot of times for me actually. Because we had multiple support mains that couldn’t play anything else so, we lost. Stop acting like that never happened.

I’m a flex player and I like the role Q. You don’t speak for all flex players.

Each one to his own opinion.

92% of the forum statistics are pulled out of thin air.


Lmao how about any actual, non - anecdotal evidence that proves your point?

Because even the developers themselves admitted in a latest community interaction that “the reaction to 2/2/2 role - queue so far has been overwhelmingly positive”.


You can absolutely back out the inference of ‘a dps majority’ from the expected queue times. And thats after all the ‘incentives’ they’ve tried offering to load balance. More/most people just want to play dps.

Math101. Next?


No it’s not. Throwing is deliberately losing or sabotaging a match. Picking a role you’re not best with, but still trying your best, is in no way shape or form, throwing.

To say that it’s throwing is to say that not picking your best role is a bannable offense, which is a moronic thing to say.

I don’t need to not to either. If I don’t choose to play a mode, then whatever happens in that mode, is none of my business. It has no effect on other modes. The different roles of 2-2-2 within comp are part of a single mode, however. That means not choosing to ever play a role within that single mode, will have an effect on THAT MODE! All of the players within the roles, are playing with each other and have direct interaction. Someone playing QPC is having no direct interaction with with someone playing Lucioball. I don’t see the silly equivalence you’re attempting to make here. It’s nothing more than a false equivalence fallacy and a poor argument.

Playing not at your best is considered as pure throwing in higher ranks.

If it’s on purpose. Someone not playing their best because they are, say, tired, or their cat is distracting them, is not throwing. Same goes for simply playing a role/hero you’re not best with.

Just to be clear. I never said it was reportable throwing. Any ‘sub-optimal’ gameplay is in some ways, throwing. People call it soft throwing or whatever. Its not reportable and totally sanctioned. I never implied that.

Playing a role you’re trash at would have been similar to soft throwing in the classic sense of unjailed comp.

But they’re all part of a ladder. They’re coupled in the same queuing/ranking experience. You can absolutely trash the ladder and ruin many peoples time/efforts by derping around on an attrociously bad Hammond because ‘hey 25 credits and 1 minute queue? sign me up!’

yeah imo they should’ve just balanced the meta around more DPS

or at least implemented auto-fill like league has, so people who flex have a chance to play DPS

Instant queue for tank/support. 10-45 minutes for DPS!

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But but but!..We have no data/proof!
DPS aReNt ThE mAjOrItY

You can’t be selfish for playing dps.

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Here’s some relevant data that can be at least assumed since what you’ve provided can’t be proven in the slightest ~

Tanks: Some of them like 2-2-2, some of them don’t!

Healers: Some of them like 2-2-2, some of them don’t!

DPS: Some of them like 2-2-2, some of them don’t!

Flex players: Refer to the above

And last, but not least: A lot of people don’t have an opinion at all, and have second monitors with a video playing that gets paused when the queue pops. Who actually sits there and waits on a queue?

if the majority didn’t like 222, QPC would be just like previous quick play. but it isn’t, isn’t it? it lacks support and tank players making qpc a dps screwfest. what does this tell you? well, if you haven’t figured it means most support and tank players stick to the new 222 QP and never touch QPC.

honestly, i agree. sadly the game was developed to make dps independently fun, while tanks and supports were made to be extremely dependent on the rest of the team. with the lack of a more diverse roster and more independent gameplay in support and tank roles, 222 was necessary to ensure the two roles had the proper support to be played effectively. that being said, the prior time before 222 meant that most people didn’t even want to play tank and support due to the extreme team dependence and lack of team support.

wow the ignorance really is spilling here folks. most tank/support mains were flex-fillers that took the last picked role in team compositions, geez. tank/support mains aren’t playing 222 for low queue time, they’re playing because tanks and support were and are extremely dependent on each other you dingus and solo tanking/healing rarely felt great.


Again, you have separate ranks for each role, so what is the problem here?

“Trash” is a relative term in this case. If someone is diamond on support, but gold on DPS, you can arbitrarily say they are a “trash” DPS. But the reality is, they are no different than another person who’s best role is DPS who is also at gold. The fact that they are both gold DPS, but one just so happens to be a gold DPS who is higher ranked on other roles, is completely irrelevant.

Whatever rank you are at, you get matched up with a support, and that player happens to be better at DPS, guess what? They are at your rank with support anyway. Technically, they are no better or worse than your skill level at whatever role you happen to be playing at the given moment.

Wrong. Role que actually prevents this. Prior to role que, you had one rank for all roles, despite individual people being better at some roles than others. And there’s no denying that prior to 2-2-2, people still ended up having to play roles they are not best with from time to time.

2-2-2 ranks actually better reflect people’s skill level.