The Incoming D.Va PTR Buff is probably a Bandaid Again

It’s where they are played correctly and where the meta is prominent.

They nerfed D.Va based solely on her OWL pickrates during GOATS and literally no other statistic.


“correctly” is subjective. if were balancing for the pros then nerf the hell out of widowmaker lmao. shes been abusive in OWL and high ranks

Tbh I never really noticed knocking back Dva while she was boosting… Sounds pretty obnoxious against doom though.

The original DM size never bothered me. What actually did annoy me was they got rid of the minimum distance travelled before the projectile/etc got deleted as when she got her micro missiles she could just get in your face and kill you =\

The DM change where they increased the time on CD would’ve been pretty obnoxious. I get where they’re coming from, as trying to place a grav/blizzard where DVa is flicking+spamming it about is difficult to say the least. A better way would’ve been to have DM show up MUCHMUCHMUCHMUCHMUCHMICH more clearly on the battlefield (even have it briefly blink rapidly when it turns off) but keep the low C.D. Where DM is protecting can be rather difficult to gauge (personally at least). Wish they would include a subtle ground marker to help make it obvious where your DM reaches too.

My least favorite thing was micro missiles. I don’t really play Dva but adding in circumstantial damage seemed rather odd =\ A type of utility to help reduce the amount of damage she+others take would’ve been more appropriate like micro smoke bomb missiles, or maybe let her pick people up (if they F it). Just seems such a bleh way to take her =\

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Yes. She’s inherently problematic. If not her kit, her interaction with map design.

Minimum travel time was a burdensome caveat that shouldn’t have existed. Barriers don’t have it. It was stupid and looked like an exploit that a Zarya fully encased in my DM could look at her feet and ult and grav would go off even if I watched it go through my matrix. It was stupid that DM wouldn’t work at D.Va’s only effective range. Had to go.

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Nah imma disagree with that, though only with the addition of micro missiles. Having her just get in your face and spam free damage point blank with no retaliation is silly. Kinda like Genji being able to get in your face with deflect but being able to cancel at any time with no recovery. To each their own though.

I wish micro missiles would be replaced with something else.

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Knockback isn’t the problem, she’d be in a terrible state even if you reverted her nerfs. needs hardcore power scaling to catch up with the rest of the tank class.

I keep seeing people say stuff like this and yet barriers have been proven to be better time and time again. Heck we even have the posibilty of double matrix stacking but guess what people still opt to stack barriers over matrix. Grasp and Matrix have giant flaws that prevent them from working as reliably as barriers. Hence why we see barriers as the stacked over them.

And barriers consistently get more things that they are allowed to block. And the fact that barriers 3 block support ultimates is always conveniently ignored despite the fact they practically run fights more than anything else while dm can’t block a single support ultimate. Dm isn’t the problem defensive abilty its barriers and always has been. Look back at launch and how Rein was the undisputed king of tanks for the longest time and look at now guess what is driving both of these? The fact barriers out preform other options like Zarya bubble, Dm, and various dps defensives (mei wall, Deflect) by a wide margin for the entire games lifespan. And Rein, Sigma and Orissa have more useable barriers than Winston does in a wider variety of scenarios.


Hmm… it could work.

But it still doesn’t take away that the majority of Dva’s issues stem from having a large critbox in the center-mass.
Effectively this means Dva has about 300 health in the majority of cases, not 600 as her stats would make you believe.
Dva is still a HUGE strain on healing resources. And with less healing in the game overall, Dva just requires too much resources from her team to be valuable.

Her boosters are already on a short enough cooldown to be useful.

Also, perhaps unrelated: if you’d all remember, they increased the ultimate costs for all heroes a while ago. But this was also applied to the Call Mech “ultimate”, meaning that a de-meched Dva stays de-meched for longer than before, in a situation where she is already very squishy both as mech as well as pilot form. A revert to her old “ultimate” cost to re-mech would be welcome.

They did this already, prior to that ult cost nerf going live.

Knockback is partially the problem, in conjunction with the GOATS nerfs. I could work significantly better with the reduced range if I didn’t get booped away from what I’m trying to peel on my way to peel it. Also lord forbid if you try to get a self destruct kill; your careful aim will get pushed off course and it suuuucks.

So, I am trying to reserve judgement on this buff until I see it in action. Here are my current thoughts which I reserve the right to change after I see a PTR patch and get to try it out.

First, I think that I’d prefer the knockback changes to be reverted rather than have more booster uptime. However, I think having more booster up time could for all intents and purposes have the same effect, especially at a 2 seconds shorter cooldown. So, this could work. But maybe also it would be a good idea to reduce the speed penalty when she’s shooting also. If we want her to be faster, that’s another thing that should change.

WIth this, I still think she needs some form of survivability buff. I’ve long been a champion of a smaller critbox or more armor. But another idea has recently been proposed that her DM have some property of regenerating her armor or reducing her MM cooldown or something. I’ve also heard people talk about her critbox taking less damage than the critbox on other heroes. I think these are all interesting.

Even though I would love it, I am reluctant to suggest increasing the DM range back to 15. Only because I’m sure that the second D.Va became good again then DM would once again be the poster child for the whiners and the focus of all complaints because of people not really understanding it.

The bottom line is that the booster reduction could help bring her back into play, but in some ways I think it would just make her a trash hammond. He has no critbox at all and still would have better mobility overall, but this would close the gap between them. If she got the sustain buff (even a small one) that I think she needs on top of the booster change then I think she’d potentially be in a really good place.

wait dva is getting buffed again?

Booster cooldown could be 1 second and it wouldn’t matter because D.Va gets bodied by stuns and knockback now.

please do not make booster cooldown 1 second jeff

To be fair, I also think that balance should be focused at GM and Masters. But even if you look at her overall stats, D.Va is still the 5th least picked hero in the game with the 3rd worst win rate in the game.

Even at Bronze where she sees the most play, she’s still only tank #6 out of 8. And at every rank from Gold to GM she’s the least picked tank.

Yes. Booster cooldown is likely becoming 3 seconds on the upcoming PTR.

Meh cool but also won’t do much if she still has a giant critbox with slow moving while shooting and also low damage.


I think this is the general consensus.