The Incoming D.Va PTR Buff is probably a Bandaid Again

DM is not inherently problematic; it’s inherently necessary for the overall health of the game–and if that’s problematic, that’s on the projectiles DM is needed to counter rather than DM itself. It’s like Lucio’s speedboost: it was buffed when Lucio was already meta during bunker because Lucio would make Reinhardt more viable.

My hypothesis is that D.Va needs a separate self-sustain. Zarya, sigma, and roadhog all have distinct abilities meant for self sustain in addition to their ally peel abilities: KG, personal barrier, and take a breather. D.Va HAS to do both with DM, and it’s clearly not cutting it.


if you make her really good outside of DM then she would be a must pick because of how good DM is.

if you dont she stays this clumsy and gimmicky.

its far too easy to destroy her mech. if you make it hard to kill then she becomes instapick because of DM. if you don’t well we’re here

Between this misguided buff and the remarks on power creep…I completely give up on this balance team.

They honestly don’t see any issue with how their balancing and believe the problem solely lies in our “perception”, they’re just going to keep on ignoring the real issues while constantly chipping away at hero identity and power creeping away. Never-mind the unhappy and dwindling player-base, no, Blizzard balance is flawless.

D.Va’s essentially never been a must pick, and the closest she got was because of Ana’s busted wrinkly butt.

Nix the missiles and add self-sustain–she is now a peel tank and not a dive and delete tank.


she was pretty much a must pick during dive. tho back then we had a bunch less heroes.

She wasn’t.

Dive was map-dependent even at its peak. Several koth maps and push maps employed zarya and roadhog

Even then… The only dive off tank at the time is good during a dive meta–and she wasn’t even the first off-tank in dive (it was Zarya). I see little issue with this fact. Especially when she wasn’t driving the meta herself.

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dva never drove the meta by her self. because

  1. she was never tanky enough to hold a team by herself like rein can sometimes

  2. she never did enough damage to be a huge threat

3)not much utility

shes just a well rounded tank/bruiser type hero and those kinda heroes are not very good when everyone has healing and armor in their kit.

the biggest reason dva is bad because the last few new heroes have basically made dive impossible.

if they didn’t exist she would be half decent at filling up her ult bar and ulting into backline. the amount of shields and armor and cc is just unreal at this point its impossible to dive.

Blizzard would use the word “iconic” instead of “archaic”

Except D.Va wasn’t bound to just dive like Winston is. And Winston is still outperforming her. D.Va is not a pure dive tank and should theoretically be seeing play because she’s more versatile than dive. But she isn’t.


thats because winston bubble is much stronger now because they nerfed most other barriers. and because of armor and barrierwatch his primary is actually decent

dva was a better dive hero than winston actually because winston was terrible for most of OW existence. except in very high ranks.

winston is better now because hes always better when consistent dps heroes like S76 and Bastion are bad. but hes always good against AOE type damage dealers because his bubble is great vs them.

So if I followed what they tested it was to give her more mobility.

As a soldier main I can honestly say that will do jack and crap to me farming her for ult. If is running around, she isn’t tanking, she isn’t using defense matrix properly, and she isn’t helping to take space.

She just makes her self a ever so slightly harder target to hit, and basically is still just an ult charge battery.

Revert her changes, make her useful again.


Winston is pretty much what makes a comp dive. You said dive was impossible at the moment–so how is Winston outperforming D.Va, who is not a pure dive hero?

you’re brave dude I respect that and stand in solidarity

Let the man reload while sprinting


winston bubble provides infinitely more protection to your team than dvas robot that junkrat can instantly kill.

he doesnt need to dive. Dvas butt needs to dive because DM is not enough to hold anything. winston can somewhat hold now because in 2-2-2 theres always an another tank.

also to follow up. currently Winston sits at the 2nd lowest winrate in the game. which means hes objectively worse than dva. Dva sits at the 3rd worst winrate. I think winston is slightly better.

the only dive hero that has a positive winrate is doomfist. and hes hardly a diver really hes just overbuffed right now

her self sustain isn’t much different to winston, get to healthpacks thing.
it’s her survivabilty when she has to get close, she loses way too much health in the process when fighting other characters.

beam characters ignore her DM, other characters can crit and essentially make her hp feel like 300 hp and the other characters has just really high damage.

the issue she has is damage mitigation i think and defensematrix can’t be up while shooting except for missiles which is what? 126 damage at the most?
which is fair enough because defensematrix deletes every projectile which wouldn’t be fair to fight if she could dm and kill you without you being able to fight back.

but when she engages someone she is allways gonna lose half her hp or her mech just for going in on people even in a 1v1.

so giving her better boosters sure, she could run to healthpacks more often but she has still problems with damage mitigation in fights.

the subsequent thing they could do is give her more damage, but this would make her a terror to play against especially with better boosters.
so the only thing i can think of is putting her critbox somewhere else that isn’t as easy to hit.

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Was Symmetra objectively the best hero in the game in her launch state because she had the highest winrate in the game with Torbjorn? You cannot run by winrates alone.

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those are outliers with extreme low playrates

D.Va has a .40% pickrate in GM. She’s just as much an outlier as them, then. Same with Winston, who’s also <1%.


look at overall stats not GM. most people do not play in GM

Balance is (and should be) based around high ranks. The devs just admitted such today.

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lmao thats silly as hell. Balance should be based around above average players but not players that are Elite.