Can we have the GOATS and knockback nerfs reverted yet i am begging
and yes luvs I know making this already is controversial
I often have my boosters up when my teammate needs to be peeled. I cannot reach them. Boosters cooldown buff will not change this. It will marginally help the whole FeeD.Va issue, but only marginally. It will not help Pinball D.Va.
The problem is still that she is too much of a strain on healers, she cannot use her faster resource charge, and heroes that were countered by dive still countered it.
Zippity doo dah D.Va sounds fun and all. And I could be wrong. Yes, I only have to wait like around 1 second (though the post made it seem like it might not be a 3 second cooldown) after I fully drain DM–assuming I do in order to boost out. I’m still gonna get shot in the butt, so I mean… But like. I don’t understand luvs.
Me neither but maybe it makes more sense in practice. When is ptr day?
More mobility = less shot at = less healing needed = more damage because closer = more peel
I just I–why are we taking the most roundabout way possible? I’m tired of these fundamental changes that aren’t complete reworks. D.Va has been changed thirty gorillion times. Hopefully they don’t blame me for being flustered about it.
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More flying wet paper bag is still a wet paper bag. =)
That hasn’t changed.
Except that we might get motion sickness now from playing dva, lol.
Dva is still the only tank who’s moving at -50% movement speed when firing or using shield, booster buff is yet another bandaid on a archaic design problem they refuse to fix.
I mean, I get it, but lemme put it this way:
All through the shield patch I was giving my opinions but HEAVILY stressing that we should all wait and see.
The Shield Patch has ended up being great for me, not entirely perfect, but pretty dang great.
I just don’t think its a good look being “but why tho?” Immediately after getting the news.
Tracer’s Blink is three seconds, now’s might be too. Try testing out how the change would feel in a custom game against bots and stuff. Practice the routines, try some new stuff.
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This is kinda off topic minus the kinda but do you want to join the Winky Face Discord?
It’s not. I’m just spitballing.
I’m fully always down to try and see on the PTR–I’ve given that caveat in prior theorycrafting posts of D.Va buffs.
I forgot that disclaimer because I was, as you can expect, in a rush (and also in a WoW BG lol). So that’s my apologies.
Does anyone know when the next ptr update is?
My game theory is Wednesday or Thursday, honestly. Leaning more towards Thursday just based off of the verbiage Josh gave about it tho… I’d hope not any longer than that.
I mean.
I’m gonna give it a shot–I think I’m moderately less skeptical than my post might make it seem.
But D.Va’s mobility isn’t getting her picked over Sigma at all ever as it stands. Because Sigma doesn’t need mobility to outdo her. So idk.
Maybe they tried faster walking speed, then thought faster booster would be more fun.
Also the near constant boosters combos well with Hammond.
Yeah some people said the same with last buff. I learned from that error.
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Guilty of saying that with the DM CD buff but not the recharge rate buff
Oh god so it’s not gonna be just the frikken hamster booping you constantly, it’s going to be dva in the mix too. Because hamster booping you around constantly wasn’t bad enough. Toss a doomfist in there too for maximum fun times.
I swear to god why does this balance team want MORE GODFORSAKEN CC?
I knew it was useless the moment I read it. I was entirely correct. =p
But man blizzard is actually making her boop far more often too. I’d rather pilot a mech and not an annoying boop bot. More boops makes this game even worse to play.
The one thing this game doesn’t need is more boops. Come on…
more mobility means more running away, instead of tanking
Hey, this makes nabbing hp packs easier too, right? Like, a lot easier.
i think this actually might work, depending on how if they nerf the problem heroes for her like reaper, hanzo, mei. if they give them a light and clever nerf like this clever buff, this could actually be just what she needs.
she may still need a bit of durability, but at least she’ll be at the pace of the new game. so good flying, good dm usage (aided by more flying making up for distance lost in previous nerf), good tracking of your primary when in someone’s mouth, you could really stretch a buff like this tbh.
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