The Illari Ultimate Nerf is Ridiculous

I believe it was confirmed that these are being pulled back a bit to make it less lethal to Illari

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Nah. At best she might get a few " cool" looking clips made but overall shes not better then ana or kiri. So she would not see significantly play at high ranks.

These nerfs are ridiculous. Her ults dumpstered.

I’ve never seen a successful sunstruck detonation while i was playing rein or sig. Yeah the sun goes through but you can block all her shots and teammates can hide till it wears off.

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I just want to make sure that the barrier nerf doesn’t go through.


Gotta say, even a low elo dva main like me kinda just…laughs at her ult.
Look for the glowing flying angry person…wait…DM the photon torpeedo…win

And yes, i mentally sound like kirk when i play illari and fire her ult.


I have no problem with the nerfs. She doesn’t actually need them but I’m fine with them.

Except the barrier impact change.

We were about to finally enter a meta without Winston Ana and brig, and this change puts us back there.

Winstons bubble and brigs ult now providing enough cover for the team that the meta won’t change now.

Seasons with new heroes where the meta doesn’t change are bloody boring.

We had a good thing coming for once. An organic change to the meta. But unless they change their mind we are back to wintana


Yeah. The projectile size of the Sun is almost the same size as the impact explosion. Much larger than the anaimation.

You can deflect it or eat it without even looking at it in some circumstances.

Most counterable ult in the game. No other ult is blocked, faded, eaten, deflected, stunned, hacked, mitigated and cleansed. None.

And you can just spread out and outheal it if your not playing one of it’s many counters.


Agreed, if shes at an off angle, as long as i can cover the path its all good.

Pylon nerfs, fine, totally agree. Maybe give her a .25 extra duration on secondary fire to compensate, but let her ult go thru shields and maybe nerf the duration of the effect to 3.5 seconds. Everyone should be happier then


I was so frustrated when typing this that I forgot to mention the numerous defensive ways to counter this ult:

DVA’s Matrix
Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp
Orisa’s Javelin Spin
Genji’s Deflect
Rammatra and Doomfist’s block

Barriers would be overkill and pretty much make her pointless outside of an EMP combo.

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Its the same argument I make for sigma ult. Just because you can free fly in your ult, doesn’t mean you’re required to ascend to the skybox or over cover. I see Illari players constantly die solely because they pop ult and fly straight up


It’s a high risk high reward ultimate, which makes it balanced.

Agree to the healing beam, it feels to clunky and delayed to me

its not high risk…Pharah ult is high risk and less rewarding … you give this ult to pharah and she instantly become a better pick

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This is why I was saying locking heroes out in comp in release is stupid. comp is the only real place to get meaningful data on hero performance

If you can’t utilize one of the 20 ways to punish her, that’s a you problem.

Again her ult gets is a better value than pharahs ult and shes in an actual DPS—you ignored to acknowledge that part. that ult is a guaranteed 1 kill. Any dummy who learns when to use it will always get value

Pharah has entered the chat.

Now its no reward all risk.


Who illy? She definitely does not. You know a phara main is the NUMBER 1 RANKED PLAYER?

Pharahs ult probably needs a nerf.

The changes are live on the server. The barrier nerf went through :man_facepalming:t5:

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Pylon nerf is great (they could go even further), ult nerf is dumb.

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