The Illari Ultimate Nerf is Ridiculous

This made me so upset that it’s my first time logging into the forum to complain this year. I can understand the pylon nerf because she was getting very high value for very little effort, especially in lower ranks where they refuse to shoot turrets of any kind, but the Rising Sun nerfs are uncalled for.

Illari flies in the air at an incredibly slow speed while lining up the blast. She’s completely vulnerable for several seconds to hitscan, Sigma’s Rock, Orisa’s Energy Javelin, Roadhog’s Hook, and multiple counter ultimates that reach the sky. The payoff for putting herself out there like this was being able to shoot through barriers and do massive explosion damage on anyone that takes 100 damage. The Sunstruck effect could also be cleansed by Kiriko’s Suzu, Beat Dropped by Lucio, and negated by Transcendence or Coalescence. It was not an instant kill. There were dozens of options to survive it or counter it, but instead of forcing people to adapt to a very strong ultimate with so many holes in it, Blizzard caved in to the lazy whiners who have no desire to improve and made it effortless.

Just when we thought they finally made a support that could efficiently and consistently defend herself under most circumstances and have an impactful offensive ultimate, they took away what made her special before she even got to see Competitive or OverWatch League. I’m so disappointed because I was about to play Competitive for the first time in OverWatch 2 just to grind for her gold gun, but now I do not care because I know she’ll just keep getting nerfed. The primary fire damage will be next and then she’ll have nothing.


To be honest, Illari’s golden gun is one of the most underwhelming ones in the game. It’s already pretty much gold if you ask me and the golden skin only adds a bit more shine.

On the subject - nerfs were expected, the game revolves around DPS (the whole 5v5 was made because “muh we DPS don’t like shooting barriers”) and those DPS were crying rivers. Just look at the recent trend of complaining about how supports are better at everything compared to DPS and how all supports need nerf across the board. It’s a joke.


As a DPS main, I was thrilled that there’s a support that has a playstyle that is pretty much identical to a DPS with excellent healing abilities. Handicapping her DPS abilities is just going to make the support role even less attractive.

As for her gold gun, I wear the pajama costume and I have the pink gun by default. It’s cute, but I just prefer the shine of the gold gun.

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Has the nerf officially been released yet? I know they announced there would be a nerf, but I don’t see patch notes yet.


It’s not so much that DPS control the game development, it’s Streaming and E sports do. What looks good and flashy on streams is important. Dps is also the largest part of the player base, so for better or worse Blizzard always caters to them.

All that said you can’t with a straight face say Illari was balanced at launch. Her dmg is good and her healing was amazing. Her ult also had almost nothing to do with a normal support Ult, it just did dmg.

Considering the last hybrid support in Brig, who was trying to be a tank/support was nerfed into the ground I am not overly hopeful for this Dps/Support in Illari.

Basically either Illari is going to need a lot more nerfs in the future, or every other support is going to need a lot of buffs if she’s the new standard.

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This is the alleged original list of changes that was sent to Contenders players last week. Hopefully someone talked to or is talking some sense into the devs to let them know this is overkill and to dial back the nerfs, especially with the barriers blocking it.

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I hate to say it, don’t jump me. I think the needs are very fair, and she would still be easily A tier. I can flash ny GM Card if it makes my opinion anymore credible lol. I would like to see some buffs to jump/knock back ability, and possibly a longer duration to her healing beam, but other than that this seems very very fair.


I guess I’d also like to ask you personally which part of the nerfs do you think is overkill?

As a GM, you know she will be deleted upon activation by any competent Widow in your elo. That should start around Masters four if we’re being completely honest here.


If those changes went live, yes that would be too much. That’s 6 nerfs. But I have a hard time believing they will do all of that. Because that would so obviously kill the character. I’m going to wait to see the patch before getting too worked up about it because hopefully they can’t be that crazy.

I think you’re forgetting that you don’t have to go to the skybox in your ult??? You can stay on the ground, or behind cover. There’s a lot of strong projectiles in the game, and all of which are blocked by shields. Also rein is terrible, so you’re not seeing that too often, half the tanks don’t have barriers, IMO this brings that projectile in line with the majority of them in game.


And I’m sure you understand that people don’t have to be flying to be instantly deleted by Widow. Illari is still in a very vulnerable position and moves incredibly slowly. The flight is an added bonus to get maximum value by sticking more people.

To answer your question about what I find to be overkill: I think barriers blocking it should not be a thing. It made her unique and extremely impactful. If those alleged changes go through, they will be pulling a reverse Lifeweaver. I called this the best release Blizzard has ever done because Illari is extremely strong without being overpowered since she has plenty of counters. This just erases all of that.

The Contenders players bawked at the changes. Pretty hard in fact. Would have thrown away weeks of work with those nerfs.

There’s a twit/x post somewhere about the proposed nerfs being dialed back.

You have to realize this doesn’t come off as reason to not nerf illari, you sound like you have a problem with widow

I Can agree that it made it very unique, but I’m not sure something with such a high DMG potential should be able to go through barriers, it doesn’t really seem fair to me.

A nuanced changed I think would be cool is if the ult went through a barrier and hit you, the slow wouldn’t apply

I’m pretty sure they’ve already said they’re not going through with all those nerfs. They probably realized initial complaints about Captive Sun were largely overblown due to a lack of understanding how to play around it.

It’s a good ult, but once you face an Illari a few times you kinda learn to spread out, eat it, w/e. It might charge too fast but lowered pylon output and/or uptime could fix that by itself. They can always add additional nerfs at a later date if it’s still a tad too good.

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This very tweet you linked said they scaled the nerfs back already.


Naz is right. Here’s the sauce on that.


Honestly, it should have never gone through barriers to begin with. I am fine with that change.


stop acting like that Ult takes any skill. I don’t have a problem with ult per say but she can ult and fire almost back to back making one kill almost confirmed and the rate the ult recharges is way to fast

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