The Illari Ultimate Nerf is Ridiculous

you know its not because of the ult right. that fact that you gonna sit here and use pharahs ult to make your point about the 1 ranked player tells me all I need to know

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EMP is mandatory against any competent team now. I’m already seeing Illaris flank ult like Cassidy.

I was so frustrated when typing this that I forgot to mention the numerous defensive ways to counter this ult:
DVA’s Matrix
Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp
Orisa’s Javelin Spin
Genji’s Deflect
Rammatra and Doomfist’s block


If this was posted in a generic thread, you wouldn’t be able to name which ult you mean. There are TONS of ults countered by the same things.

There should be no dps ult in support’s kit in a first place.

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Good. Keep it as a support ultimate first not a reason for supports to top the dps numbers.

Except you have no point because it’s not sometimes, it’s all the time, because the projectile is (was) incredibly huge and not hard to counter. That’s kind of the point of this thread.

The change to Pylon is whatever I guess - unnecessary but people won’t shoot it even though it almost always sticks out like a sore thumb on purpose, which is why I personally thought it was balanced.

However, they straight up butchered her ult, that for sure didn’t need any changes since it was so easily countered and absorbed. Being able to be both blocked by shields AND have the projectile size halved AND the time to trigger the explosion is way too much at the same time. Just one of those was already unnecessary considering that her ult is a setup ult as well.

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It annoyed me so much because people were acting like Illari was out here killing four by herself. That ult needs teamwork to team wipe.

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character flies=vulnerable to hitscan. ok lul.

To be fair, if you gave Pharah any other ult she would be a better pick.

I like it. I’ve got a big gold swordgun!

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Yeah, accept none of those ults affect any on other support ult except window kind of.

I think she would actually be worse if you gave her whole hog. Not to be contraction and plug Hog as I usually do… But, yeah. Pharah mains would flip. Not because I think whole hog is worse than barrage. I love whole hog and believe barrage is worse than your average person cares to admit. But if Pharah specifically had it, I doubt many would ever use their Q.

Ha ha ha… What? I just noticed that my autocorrect turned contrarian into contraction. That is wild.

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This entire comment just screams victim complex.

I’d much prefer if Illari’s Ulti was of defensive nature instead of offensive. Every time I pick her and say “I’m just gonna heal” I end up being full on DPS with healing as extra. I know some are cheering it, but I’d rather see if her Ulti would affect own team and for every damage they did, it would return as health with some large multiplier so you replenish health much quicker by dealing dmg. This way it would be defensive for Illari, but offensive for the team. Also no flying nonsense unless you decide to fly by jumping before ulti, just like you do for the jumpy action thingie (whatever it’s called).

Her ult is still good, you just need to avoid shields like most of the ults in the game.

You know whats fair? Playing dva, sigma and orisa and getting to play against sym zarya echo because illari gets ultimate every 1,5 minutes at most and the only chance you had to negate the press q half my team dies was to eat it.
So what happends next is that they just play stuff to demeck you.
Zarya bubbles cleanse the sunstruck but not the slow effect meaning zarya is basically useless against illari half the time anyways because your team still gets run over. Zarya sym and echo get easy kills if you dont eat it, even if you play orisa or dva.
You basically either lost every time illari pressed q whenever you played tanks that couldnt eat it or you got rolled by every counterswap made to the tank and lost every fight when illari pressed q, even if you played very very well as tank.

The blocking it with shield was justified, she can fly, so fly above a shield and hit the backline and kill them or the squishies.
Just because you can no longer press a button and kill 2-4 people guaranteed doesnt mean shes trash.

You have enough counters for tanks to make them near unplayable or atleast very miserable and ineffective.

You mean 1 firestrike through a shield because the ult was thrown through the shield and illari hit a bodyshot?

Tell me with a straight face that this is fine:

Well, that’s one rare interaction with Symmetra’s ult.