The homogenization is the one thing I can't get over

The amount of people that dont understand this is INSANE to me. Its literally game balancing 101.
I, myself, could design, easy, at least 10 heroes that are unique and just throw them into the game.

Its very easy to complain about the new heroes not being unique, specially when you dont have to balance them to not make them trash in many situations vs Generalists. The best we can expect is heroes that have unique things, like animations, character, poses, ways of doing things, weapon designs etc, but not so unique that almost no one on the roster does something similar.

As the game becomes bigger, uniqueness becomes smaller.
Again, balance 101.

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Orisa was the worst tank in the beta. That’s a statistical fact. She did nothing that is actually required of tank, and the kit had no synergies. Atleast before she a proper function to play around. Im a orisa main, and hated that she homogenized into another offtank with zero kill follow up. Tanks should be tanks.


Yeah, Orisa feels great to me – her first iteration felt a bit like “you asked us for a new anchor tank so here you go”. This new one feels like what I’d have expected from launch Orisa and I can picture this version in an “animated overwatch netflix series” haha

  • Sigma too a bit but since so many still like him, I don’t think we are getting the gravity themed rework I’d love to see :thinking:

People nitpick their subjective takes and try to present them as facts. I liked all Sym versions in some way and I still see Sym 3.0 as “unique” haha

She literally summons a wall across the whole map, can send ults through her teleporter and give OW1 Bastion mobility

I would still love to see Symmetra buffs but this ‘reduced uniqueness’ thing just feels silly.

If there is any complaint of ‘homogenizing overwatch’ I have then it lies with slapping Role Queue into the game and forcing 30ish unique heroes into three basic shapes (this shift should have come with aggressive reworks years ago, not tiny balance updates)

Yeah, I think Orisa could have worked too – honestly, I was expecting nearly everyone else to lose their barrier except her!

The devs mentioned almost changing her looks and giving her two legs instead too so I see this as more of the devs changing her in a way that excites them more than the players. Almost like they sat in a room and went “centaur knight? centaur knight!” and just ran with it haha

It’s sad to ‘lose a hero’ but for me, I kind of wish the devs were more open about what they want from these heroes and the changes they’d like to see get made.

Like, if they could redo Symmetra today, what would they turn her into? If Doomfist was a brand new tank, would they give him the same hit and run approach or something more menacing? Is hanzo still made to melt tanks or would they shift him?


So devs are maximizing the amount of players they make happy, and building the game around the playerbase they actually have.

And you think that’s a problem because a portion of 1/100th of the playerbase might get upset?

I would say Orisa’s Javelin Throw is very similar to Sigma’s Accretion. But I agree that there’s no full hero overlap. Some heroes have very few changes for OW2, and every hero still has unique distinctions in their kit.


Is this another “I dont like the Bastion/ Sombra/ Orisa/ XYZ” thread?

In Orisas case she was to passive for OW2 and while she needs more balancing her new kit is much better than the old one.

For heroes like Sombra, Mei and Bastion its pretty simple. They were trash and frustrating to play against. No one wanted to be frozen, hacked and busted down in 1 second. Its also not the normal “well its not fun getting killed” kind of thing and more of a HOW you got killed.
In OW2 they are now real DPS (before that somewhat to gimmicky or team dependent) and I predict that they will be more popular and more accepted in general.

We play a FPS. It also has not changed much. JQ is like Roadhog more a DPS than a tank yes and the same maybe for new Orisa. But if you think they play the same then you should really educate yourself. Especially with just one tank in the game.

Homogenized into another off tank

Tanks should be tanks

Pick one, you can’t have both

Yes you can. You should know there’s two different types of tanks with different focused. Off tanks can be off tank which have a focus between Dps and tanks. While main tanks are much more cemented in their role as tanks. Orisa should have stayed under a main tank design.

Most heroes already filled those shapes, the few outlies were sym, brig, hog and maybe bastion.

Everyone else were filling the same roles they were doing anyway.

And why should she? And why is her switching community given sub roles removing uniqueness from her? Also off tanks aren’t a thing any more because there’s only one tank


Every hero is unique in one way or another. They’re not “homogenising” anything, you’re just imagining it to suit your view.

I think its a problem as it simplifies the game in three ways, how you play the hero, how your ally plays with you, and how the enemy plays. It removes a significant chunk of uniqueness and thus replayability from the game. The whole game is worse off when the game becomes a snore fest as it feels like every match is the same.

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Except literally every hero still does something unique…

In comparison to themselves they are less. Just look at sym 2.0 vs 3.0 or how now Bastion spends most of his time outside of sentry form and is a generic run and gun without self healing even.


Sentry isn’t even that unique. It’s still a normal gun, you just can’t move

Welcome to Blizzard development. When they can’t figure out how to make something work, they just make everything work and play the same.

Just look at WoW. They figured they had a problem with talent trees and spells, so they basically just removed talent trees and spells to a point where every class plays and feels the same.

That’s the future of Overwatch, Blizzard is just falling back on their old ways of developing. Why spend time being creative when you can just make a template and fit every hero into that? People will play it anyway and money will roll in.


I’d argue that theoretical variety doesn’t really help your realistic worthwhile choices.

Tell me, what is so unique that is being removed? And what made it so unique? Did it really spice up the game that much having a “more unique” character that was almost literally never seen?

Which is what makes it unique, you trade mobility for stoping power, Bastion 2.0 offers no such trade off thus no such change in tactics nor gameplay. Making for uninteresting game play.

Every hero in OW2 is still unique.