The homogenization is the one thing I can't get over

Less so is the problem.

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“But if people have abilities that counter my favorite character I will have the sad some times”

Sadly some wont be happy until every character is just a reskinned soldier 76


I get that they are both more focused on dps now, but they all go about it in a different way. Doom doesn’t play like soldier doesn’t play like Diva doesn’t play like Bastion doesn’t play like Rein doesn’t play like Widow doesn’t play like Zarya. They all have their own way of playing. They don’t feel homogenized to me…IMHO.

More unique+worthwhile choices, is better than a larger amount of unique choices that aren’t worthwhile.

Doesn’t help that theyve catered the game towards so many types of players

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I’m pretty sure they are gonna do “something” substantial to make Support players more happy. They have to.

The reason they mostly skipped Support changes at the beginning of Beta #1, is that they were rushing to get a patch that OWL could play on.

And the way I see it, they haven’t really done much of anything yet to make Support players a ton more hyped to play.

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Sym was viable for the 99% of the playerbase and that is what was important.

Literally the biggest reason why she was reworked was because of 0 OWL playtime. And look where that got her: an OWL gimmick with no strength in ladder.

Most people talk about 2.0 when they mean her golden era. No one in their right mind prefers 1.0, since all she was able to do is being a shield hp and TP bot.


You trade less mobility for less stopping power, it’s the same thing bro

Also Bastion is waaaaaaaay better now, so

What GreyFalcon said.

Every hero is still unique in OW2, and they’re also more worthwhile choices.

From the looks of it, they’re going to turn supports into DPS just like they did tanks.


Yeah basically, but they can constrain it with certain mechanics.

Like “Raising Support’s dueling capability by giving them stronger critical headshot multipliers, and faster base movement speed”.

So “More Lethality” doesn’t necessarily mean entirely just direct raw firepower buffs.

I also like the idea that all healing a Support player receives, is 1.25x. Since the most likely player to peel for a Support, is another Support.

Here’s hoping they don’t do that and make more Mercy like supports like they said they are going to.


Kinda depends.

I’d have to go back to the article, but were they referring to “non-combatant” style Supports, or “Easily aimed heals” Supports.

Because Zen would fit that second definition.

If I had to guess, which ever one I like the least, as that seems to be their track record for everything. So zen, because having more than just a single pacifist healer is apparently too much to ask for.

You say that like tanks don’t various strengths to perform certain jobs that still fit either of those roles? But yes I’m sure removing orisas unique shield mechanics for accretion 2.0 and making another damage focused tank that doesn’t do tank things isnt homogenization. /s


Well even if they went for more non-combatant Supports.

Wouldn’t that imply it would be fine to make all the other Supports more lethal?

Since “Mercy style Supports” would seem to be implying “An exception to the rule”.

Hard disagree. As a dva main, the “uniqueness” and “nicheness” of heroes has for too long been an easy excuse for keeping heroes uniquely BAD and their niche being LOSING.

The heroes are not losing fundamental character, they are being rounded out so they can actually survive and thrive in a 5v5 environment.

Yup, when it comes to the Tank role. “Each Tank hero can be balanced to be near equally viable, instead of keeping some Tanks as trash picks outside of certain Tank synergy strategies” is pretty huge for worthwhile+unique choices.

That said, could use a bit of a buff in 5v5, but that’s the thing, there’s nothing structural stopping her from getting a buff(s), other than the devs haven’t gotten around to it yet.


Because Orisa 1.0 wasn’t just a hodge podge of different abilities that already existed

Orisa Barrier-Winston Barrier
Orisa gun-Bastion gun
Orisa Halt-Zarya Grav
Orisa Super Charger-Mercy damage boost

Her only unique aspect was fortify, and that ability went with little change

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You are reaching really really hard on calling any of those the same my guy. Wow.