The homogenization is the one thing I can't get over

I have a lot of complaints about OW, and OW2, but honestly what makes OW OW is the heroes, the uniqueness of each and everyone of them is what drives me to play this game. Swapping from one hero to the next one keeps the game fresh and has me coming back for more.

But this design approach they’ve been on, removing everything unique from every hero, its just not right. I never felt more bored at any point of playing OW than I did during the OW2 beta’s. Everything is just the same, half the time I’m playing a hero, I’m remembering a time in which I was having more fun playing them at an earlier point in time. It just baffles me that so much of the soul of OW is being removed, and has been removed, and no one seems to care enough collectively to change it as “its not my hero”.


Well said, agreed.

Homogenisation is bad for the game

The only kind of homogenising I will tolerate is homogenised milk


I dunno, I like the Orisa rework, I think the gameplay is more exciting, and no less unique. Doomfist isn’t bad either, although he has a srronger character in OW1. In OW2 he feels a bit like alt-Winston.


I’d argue that higher player agency, and “effective real choices” is better “theoretical choices”.

It baffles me when people insist that designing the game around the playerbase you actually have, or are likely to get, is a bad thing.


Every hero is still unique, quit this tripe


Considering every time they do it encourages me to leave, I think you overestimate the changes as positive.

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Why would a developer care about losing 1 player?


Because I’m not the only one in question. When someone has a problem with something, generally there is a population that has a problem with it. You keep talking about this mythical majority, but not once have I seen you give proof of it.


Compare Symmetra now to Sym 2.0. She was so much more unique back then, there was no other hero like her. Now she is so boring.


Being unique doesn’t necessarily means they’re viable, and honestly, we got 5 years to find out that the hard way.

Heroes need to be somewhat viable, and if means sacrificing some uniqueness, then that has to be a price.

Only way we can pray for that uniqueness to shine is PvE.

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I would rather be unique and UP than viable.


I’m sorry but I strongly disagree. I would much rather that Sym stayed unique, fun and awesome even if it meant she wasn’t viable for the top 1%. They changed her to make her viable for the top 1% and in the process ruined her.


Well I have a problem with people using circular logic of basically saying “Thing is bad, because another word that also means bad.”

I think three of the tanks in OW2 beta have the same abilities; Doomfist power block, Orisa spinny spear, and Sigma accretion are basically the same friggin ability.

Doom throws his punch, Sigma throws a rock, Orisa throws a spear, Rein throws fire. Come on. Why even have three heroes at this point? Cosmetics?


What part of the game is worse due to the heroes becoming less unique is circular? The game IS becoming less unique, and each hero is feeling more and more samey, it makes the game bland and boring when everything is the same flavor.


Honest question here. What are they removing? And did they add anything to replace it?

While I don’t play a bunch of toons, they all feel quite different to me anyhow. Zen doesn’t play like Rein that doesn’t play like Echo that doesn’t play like Phara, etc etc.

Maybe I’m missing something?

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Again, I’d argue that realistic choices is better than theoretical choices.

I would argue the exact opposite, better to have the illusion of choice than no choice.

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There still is no hero like her


Others disagree, since unique and UP often means very little things you can do when you climb upwards (Or work so much more just to get anything done, which frankly isn’t fun.).

Initial Sym had little things to do beyond giving shield, turrets and a 6 time usage portal. Some may find it fun, but others don’t. (Frankly I prefer the shield gen era.)

Blizz sucking at changes doesn’t mean that Sym doesn’t need changes, she does, cause otherwise, there’s no real reason to get good at her due to the skill ceiling being limited.

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