The homogenization is the one thing I can't get over

Yeah okay then, weak

Sym 3.0 also started seeing a lot of pro usage (At least before they nerf the gun ramp up). and from then on, is regularly used as part of the rush down comps on 2cp.

I’m fine with some homogenization so long as it comes in the form of new heroes.

I get that hero development gets progressively harder as more game-breaking combos are possible. While I appreciate how unique the heroes are, I’m fine with a bit of overlap so long as it doesn’t deter from what existing heroes have.


You say that as if people just pick meta all the time, the vast majority of the playerbase couldn’t care less about meta they just pick whichever character resonates with them or think is the coolest.


Her mains didn’t care about OWL. Infact it’s the main reason I hate OWL because it ruined my fave hero.


The only thing 2.0 lost from 1.0 was the E shield, on the other hand 3.0 lost her barrier E, she lost her shield generator, her orbs are fundamentally different, her noodle used to let her be played and loved by those with disabilities, teleporter is fundamentally different, and she lost half of her turrets.

Of course people are going to complain less about 1.0->2.0 not much was lost yet a lot was gained. The exact opposite of 3.0.

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I’m saying that as a Tank main that basically had their choices limited dramatically to a relatively boring playstyle. Meanwhile in OW2, all Tanks are more fun than they were in OW1.

And given that they don’t have to worry about Tank Synergy, they can balance all Tanks to be similarly viable.

While I can see why people like it, I don’t see why orisa needed a rework in the first place. Her ow1 kit would work well in ow2 and it was a lot more unique and fun (in my opinion). Even if you hate old Orisa, they could’ve saved the javelin kit for a new hero and left my once beloved horse alone :stuck_out_tongue:

Doom on the other hand I think is good. He is not a winton clone. He trades Winston’s high defensive capabilities and massive hitbox for hyper mobility while still retaining some of his kill potential and the majority of what made doom a great hero to begin with. I would saw Doom compares more closely to ball with the dive in dive out look for picks play style



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Yup, they took away Symm’s unique shielding ability that was nothing like Torb’s armor packs

They gave her a moving barrier, completely unique and nothing like Rein or Winston. Gave her the shield generator, an ability that once again was nothing like Torb’s armor packs and was 100% wholly unique in every piece of the design and function. Her turrets? Also a unique feature not seen in any form on another character, same for her gun.

She was just so unique before, how could they even think about giving her all of these homogenized abilities?

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This is not true, even heros with reworked abilities have unique uses for it. Cassidy’s new stick grenade has no mechanically equivlent.

Even the new orisa DM and Stun like abilities, are still unique from other abilities. The spear spin increases her movement speed and applies a knock back, giving her some rather strong crowd control while actively eating cooldowns that could otherwise counteract her. While the spear throw nearest equivlent being doom fist punch, but without the mobility allowing her to hold a space instead of taking such.

Their is still no other hero that completely over lap each other.

Didn’t Bastion get something very similar? Tracer has a sticky grenade as well.


Which is baffling as they removed his self heal to give it, his self heal was great.


Bastion is a pretty great example of “Unique choice versus worthwhile choice.”

What’s the point of having a unique character, if they have like a 0.1% pickrate?

Because for that 0.1% he drastially changes how you approach the game, keeping it fresh and interesting. OW2 bastion is more of the same.


And unfortunately, it worked.

Sym is used and much more accepted than just a throw pick simply by public perception. She can get stuff done a lot more than what she used to do (Or at least, doesn’t put a problem out like shield gen does which make tracer go up to 225 hp) and help out even on her lonesome.

Eh not really cassidy has rather short range, and a aim assist feature built into it. That makes it easy to land on targets like tracer. as long as your aiming around roughly at her.

Bastion’s works more like a rat nade, their is no hard range cut off, no aim assist, on top of doing less damage. Be it that bastion can sticky jump off of it.

Yeah but again, her mains loved the playstyle. They didn’t care that she was considered a throw pick. Which was a stupid label anyway because she was fine at the level 95% of people were playing at. If they cared that people thought she was a throw pick then they wouldn’t have played her. She went from being my go to to literally never playing her because they deleted her.

I loved her old playstyle so much. I used to play her when I was in a really specific mood and didn’t feel like playing anyone else but now that that style doesn’t exist I just play the game overall less.


Bastion is not more of the same, he hardly even changed in terms of what he’s capable of doing! What changed was how you could use the dang character!

You’ll have a blast playing PvE.
Your favorite hero will be yours again, more than ever before.

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