The homogenization is the one thing I can't get over

Yes, the homogenization is relegated to role, for now, though tanks and DPS in OW2 beta filled the same role. Tanks play very similar, as do many DPS. It will be interesting to see how supports fair come October. I expect they will be a third DPS role, honestly.


Yeah, because only new unique heroes like Sorjorn, a hit scan hero with mobility, which is completely different than the last hit scan hero with mobility, or the other hit scan hero with mobility, or the other hit scan hero with mobility, or the other other hit scan hero with mobility, or wait, sombra is a hit scan hero with mobility, lets remove her hack so she’s also just a hit scan hero with mobility, such fun!


She was more unique before. Teleporter is basically a Reaper shadowstep you give your team, her primary is now like Zarya’s. She felt awesome before, playing her felt like painting a picture or decorating a room.


I don’t see the point of having “40 Fighter game characters, but only 6 of them are good choices”.


Such a bad arguement, taking everything at surface level

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Old unique sym was fine for 95% of the player base, she only fell behind at top tier play and even then you could 1 trick her to top 500 if you were good enough. They should have kept her how she was rather than tear the soul from her. I had 300 hours on old Sym I have 2 on current Sym because she is so boring.


Are all of the current DPS roster viable? No, and there will always be that which is best, all the homogenization in the world won’t ignore the fact that there is only 2 dps slots, and people aren’t going to pick the less optimal one’s, no matter how much identity they remove from the game.


Her teleporter is definitely still very unique compared to Reaper, her beam is nothing like Zarya’s other than the fact it is a beam weapon that charges(which it always has been)

She’s still unique, just because she “isn’t as unique” doesn’t mean she isn’t unique


I’m on the other shoes, I feel like Sym has to go through multiple changes because it’s needed to find a ground for her ever since she went from support to dps.

While I do think old shield gen sym was better, having her current iteration means she’s a lot more viable (Especially in top plays that utilize rush comps).

I’d argue that OW2 can get a lot closer to a much wider “viable tier” set of choices than OW1.

Which might only be relevant for the bottom 95% of the playerbase.

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That’s the whole point of the thread, she IS less unique, and the game suffers from it the more they make changes to add to pile of less unique.


But why make her less unique? For balance? Easy to balance does’t always translate into good gameplay.


The game doesn’t suffer actually, it benefits. It feels real bad whenever your character is so gimmicky that they just can’t win matches. Maybe a very small minority of people can live with that, but everyone else that would like to play the character but also like to win just lose out if nothing changes.


She’s still unique, there is no problem

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Yes because they will all be the same. Should I pick soldier or soldier? Hmm.


So real variety, instead of theoretical variety.


People loved the playstyle, I don’t think they cared that their character was not the best pick in every situation or whatever. You could get top 500 with her. They removed her playstyle and basically deleted her, I remember hundreds of threads from people saying they were dropping Sym at the time. They should have left her as she was.


You say that until your favorite hero is gutted.


You could say that about Sym 1.0 as well, but I’m not seeing any defense of that iteration :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The difference between 1.0 and 2.0 was very small compared to the deletion that was 3.0.