The "hiding mercy" fallacy

No hero can press a button to literally instantly kill up to five enemies.

I guess deadeye and riptire aren’t a thing anymore.

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you can tell an argument is bad when you have to use deadeye as an example to prove a point

rip-tire isn’t even an instant kill ultimate either


They aren’t instantaneous. Reaper’s ultimate has a much shorter range, it’s on a slower character, it isn’t instantly dealing unsurvivable damage, and it it can be canceled or blocked. D.Va’s ultimate deals a ton of damage but is directly counterable with shields, can be repositioned to a harmless location, and is blocked by walls. McCree’s ultimate is not instant (it has a chargeup) and is, again, blocked by walls or cancelled. Rip-Tire is incredibly strong but, like the others, it is not triggered the instant Junkrat hits the button, it has travel time, and it is a fragile object with a larger hitbox.

Again, you’re falsely equating mass rez with ultimates that do not function in the same way.


rez doesn’t belong on ULT. any other ULT can be cast when ever, but Rez requires a dead ally, not cool

I have never once hidden to ult while playing any character, but you completely misunderstand why it is so much worse with Mercy. The reason is because it was much more time efficient to go away, let your team die at once and then res them than to heal and let attrition take its toll. The fault of this of course was the fact that there was no res penalty, and everyone came back at 100% health with no drawbacks for having died.

In doing this, many Mercys were abdicating their role as support/healer to focus on being mass res manager first, and healer yo build ult charge.

The issue with “hide and res” was far bigger than the combination of those two acts.

It clearly doesn’t belong on E, either (was much better balanced and fixable as an Ultimate, which it still is, despite its nerfs)


it should work like no other ULT.

You start the match with one charge
Once you get 100% ULT you now have 2 charges and the counter starts over
You can save up to 100 rez’s…maybe 6, 8 or 10 idk

Why use Rez if you can prevent their deaths in the first place? Just like you can go entire matches without Valk, you can do the same with Rez. If you feel a solo Rez doesn’t cut it, and your team somehow never loses more than one person at a time, then you end up with not using Rez, at all.

For me, Rez was that second chance. A last resort, in case my healing had failed to keep the team alive. Tempo-Rez was something I only learned later on, but once I saw how much more valuable those were, I started looking for more pre-emptive Rez’s.

Reversing picks in the middle of a fight can save your team from being snowballed, or having to invest ultimates to win the fight, and the resulting advantage can cover for the absence of Rez while you fill up the ult meter again.


Yeah i made the same point, you can’t be the “main healer” and then just abandon your job of healing to hide for Rez. There’s no argument other than “i didn’t hide” ok great but even if that’s true pretty much all the other mercies did especially at masters gm and top500. Also the other heroes who are said to “hide for ult” are usually mccree, reaper, genji etc. For those characters it actually makes sense to not be seen before you ult. If you’re genji or reaper and you just blatantly walk right up in plain view to the enemy team to ult you will die and not get any kills. Flank high noons are also a legitimate tactic as mccree, but it usually only works at lower ranks.

Unacceptable. One of the big problems with E-Rez, is that it’s given, not earned.

On top of that, Rez still has the power of an Ultimate. It should never have been put on E.


Your experience isn’t representative of mercy gameplay for the entire player base. Many mercies hid for Rez whether you believe it or not

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Just as literally anyone else in this thread. What’s your point? All that’s going 'round in the anti-Rez thing is anecdotal evidence.

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Every single hero you listed has a counter play… other than “just kill them lul”

Lol this logic being used on the forums literally is annoying right now… goes to show a lot don’t even understand how the game works.

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The “i didn’t hide for Rez” argument doesn’t work. Most mercies did hide for Rez

Cannot be proven


if widow can take with a click, mercy can give with a click

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It doesn’t need to be proven by me. Blizzard already had all the information/data they needed hence why she was reworked. Also if you think most mercies did not hide then you didn’t play the game enough/watch YouTube/Twitch

No. Blizzard used the community sentiment to hide behind, so they wouldn’t have to explain why Mercy got reworked, just before the inaugural OWL season… See, Mercy never got reworked because the community whined, but because one of the most popular heroes in the game wouldn’t see much play time in the OWL.

Anyone who believes Blizzard reworked Mercy with the community in mind, is delusional and needs their heads checked.


It’s seagul’s fault! Mass-rez was fine! /s


Literally all of that is just your opinion lol, doesn’t mean any of it is fact. It’s actually not fact simply because just like you said to me “it can’t be proven” Also you are partially right about the rework not being with the community in mind. In the developer update Jeff said the rework was due to hero design not the community