The "hiding mercy" fallacy

So it’s okay for literally every other hero in the game to hide and pop ult except for Mercy? And because of that one small complaint that could be applied to any other hero, Mercy is dang near unusable. It’s an absolute double standard. Not cool. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve hid and flew out to pop ult. And even then it was two or three teammates. A 5 man res was EXTREMELY rare and not as rampant as people make it out to be. I was so disappointed when the developer update was released (you know the one) and confirmed the tall tales. It was so unprofessional and I’m certain it was made with pro players and the OWL league in mind which not for nothing, a lot of overwatch players including myself don’t pay attention to.


As much as I disagree with the argument as well, I don’t think your way of explaining it really helps to explain why it wasn’t the main issue. Because the main issue people have with Mercy’s ult is that it had no counterplay. She could hide wherever she wanted, and fly in at the very end and use her ult before anyone could react. With other “hiding” ults like Reaper’s or Pharah’s, there is a large chance for counterplay there.

IMO all Mercy needed was the level of counterplay all other ultimates had, with a small cast time like Lucio’s.


Yes it absolutely did.


Yes, because they don’t get massive rewards for it like Mercy did. Genji hiding and waiting to use Blade still has to use the same Blade as if he took an off angle. Hiding Mercy got insane value with very little effective counterplay.


But it really didn’t in terms of most ultimates. She just presses a button and it happens, instantaneously. Only Sombra’s is also like that, because Sombra’s doesn’t actually kill anything on its own.


oh boy…todays mass rez thread is here!!!


sighs as I tick my “it has been X days since a mass rez thread” counter back to zero


The main issue is that she would hide and wait for her team to die. I think the waiting for their team to die is the part that tilted people the most. It’s probably the only difference between her hiding to wait for them to die and then rezzing than say Junk’s where he needs to take cover to ult to win a team fight.

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has it ever made it past 1?


Mercy would hide for the duration of the fight, then pop out and rez after the fight’s over and everyone’s dead. Mercy hid in safe locations behind her own team, where it’s difficult to be spotted and with teammates+reliable escapes.

Other heroes hide before the fight, and pop out right before the fight starts or just when things start to heat up. Other heroes hide in risky locations near or behind the enemy team, where being spotted usually ends in death.


Maybe one day it will.

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Could say the same about Reinhardt, Orisa, Pharah, Ana and Zen though.


“Fallacy”, when I myself am living proof. You know, I’m tired of people acting like I don’t exist.


It had counterplay. High Noon, D.Va Bomb, Grav, and now Hammond Mine and Molten Core can counter it too. Not to say I particularly like Mass Res, but there was counterplay.


Reinhardt’s has a second wipe up time, Orisa’s can be automatically destroyed once it’s placed, Pharah’s doesn’t instantly kill people, Zen I’ll agree with but it can be countered by Ana grenade. Mercy’s ult couldn’t be countered unless you killed her which isn’t really countering.


This needs to stop.

Mass Rez is not coming back. If you don’t like that fact, that’s fine; you’re welcome to have your own opinion. But this game does not revolve solely around Mercy or Mercy play. Please, just move on from Mass Rez. Blizz has already stated that Mass Rez is not going to be reverted.


Reinhardt has a cast time. Very much so.

Orisa is just like Sombra, it’s more supportive and doesn’t kill anything on its own.

Pharah is locked in place and glows like a christmas tree when ulting, that gives counterplay. Hers is one of the most notorious ults to be shutdown.

Ana again same as Sombra and Orisa, inherintly supportive.

Zens has a super huge ult charge and can be countered using anti-healing or one-shot moves.


A healer should NEVER stop healing and let her team die as a strategy. It’s not the same thing as a dps hiding to get into position to kill the enemy (their job).


This is a serious misconception. Obviously she’s healing mid-fight if she has res. You don’t get res by hiding and not healing. That’s literally how the game works.


You heal/boost until you get it and then go hide when you know the enemy has ults that can potentially wipe. Just because you didn’t do it yourself doesn’t mean countless others didn’t do it either.