The "hiding mercy" fallacy

When mercy will get fixed lmao

Lol yeah I’ve never played Mercy. Not one time

Mercy or those abusing the SR system at the time?

Don’t confuse the two. Mass Res wasn’t the issue.

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Same as well. I never ‘hid’ and let my team die.

The only time I hid was when I heard an angry japanese man yelling, I aint dying out in the open.


It was the issue. If a team fight was looking bad, you had to hide rather than try to salvage it or you would be berated because dying was dumb when you could have just waited and hit a reset button.

On the contrary, the existence of her entire kit excluding mass Res meant that you never had to hide, at all. Besides, if it isn’t encouraged by the ultimate, it isn’t a problem. Also, hiding counters itself; a sure fire way to completely lose the fight.

By the way, I don’t think you know what “Hide n Res” is. What you described isn’t “Hide n Res” but rather, common sense at its finest. “Hide n Res” is when you hide before the fight even starts.


good for you.
but i dare say their is a few 1000 more people who played her doing the mass rez age, so it was still a thing even though you didnt do it.


guys PLEASE move on!

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Well I saw many PoTG where a ulting McCree/Dva/Junk/Phara just 2nd teamwiped a rezzed up team… Maybe I just halucinated. :thinking:


Given the fact that that angry Japanese man would be after me, I wouldn’t be hiding then, either. Rather, I’d be flitting around between my team mates, screaming, “get him off me!”

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A lot of people try to say that Mercys never used the hide-and-rez tactic. It’s really dishonest of people to try to claim that my experiences in matches didn’t that they weren’t there for never actually happened.
So many players did it and it would put a huge amount of pressure on a single player. You know how people don’t like when you search deep for teleporters because you could just be helping your team on the point instead? Mercy was a bit similar to that, only unlike a teleporter she could actually move and her resurrection was instant.
Viable at pro levels or not, it was a pubstompy strategy that led to very awkward and frustrating gameplay.

Hide-and-use DPS ults weren’t instantaneous. They didn’t fully revive up to five characters. They weren’t all on a slippery character who could hide and dash. Mercy hitting Q wasn’t the kind of teamwork that a four-person Graviton Surge ult combo was. Mercy wasn’t even a particularly good character back then and her questionably-designed ultimate was what carried her through so many games.


Really? Got any proof of that?

If you were using Hide 'n Rez as a ‘winning’ strat, then quite the contrary. Unless your team has already baited out all enemy offensive ults, Hide 'n Rez is a near guaranteed loss.

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Do you have any proof that I didn’t? We’re all talking about anecdotal evidence. Unless anyone has any hard statistical evidence of who did and didn’t use the strategy, all we’re doing is talking about personal experiences. I’m not trying to prove any number or statistic on the Mercys who used the strat, I’m simply saying that in the games I played, I found the strategy used a lot.

Mercy would tell us to die on point. We cause as much mayhem as possible, try getting a few kills, and bait out ultimates. Mercy presses a single button and revives the push after it peters out.
Baiting out ultimates was almost the entire point of the hide-and-rez strat. That’s exactly what made it a huge pubstomper and it’s exactly why so many people didn’t like it. It has counterplay and I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t any.
A single use of a fast-charging ultimate was not the same as coordinated use of several at once.

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Fast-charging… lol.

Also, using

with Mercy still alive, is brain dead. You deserve the L that Mercy likely handed to you. And you don’t even need a Mercy to get punished for that. An enemy team, who now have a lot more ults than you, will almost certainly wipe you on their next push.


Maybe when she is at least fun and doesn’t have a kit that undermine all the skills you developed to play her.
It’s easier to advocate for something that was in the game previously that statistically showed a healthier game because when she had Mass Rez she never hit 100% pick rate anywhere, but with the rework she hit 100% at multiple levels, including GM.
It is easier to advocate for something that showed some essence of thought and skill that you earned, instead of being handed a Rez that counters pushes which delay the main part of the game (team fights) every 30 seconds with an ultimate that literally does everything you learned how to do and yet still feels like it does it poorly.

Like woopie-doo, chain beams that falsely pad heal numbers of people who can’t prioritize anything and have garbage healing without it.
Woo-hoo, I fly anywhere I want to like a big glowing target in the air while I watch my team die from 50hp/s and watch as most of the time enemies can’t do anything about me during my ult because it removes all of my weaknesses that I spent so much time learning to cope with. You know, team reliant mobility.

Everything about her is awful and now she takes up a off-support slot just for E-Rez which means losing a strong defensive ult. This design cannot be balanced with Rez on E and if they intend to keep Rez on an E then they have no choice but to go back to an ultimate mechanic. Otherwise, just loose the Rez for something like invulnerability, so save the life before they die.

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What if she evaded an ultimate and got away? Should a single hero have so much influence that she singlehandedly decides the fate of a match? Zarya’s ultimate is the only non-support ult to be even remotely close to doing so and it got nerfed.
Zenyatta’s another top-priority target. He doesn’t have Mercy’s agility and he doesn’t directly reverse the effects of a good teamplay to nearly an extent.

Given the fact that, in theory, any other hero has the same ability, yes.
Why should Mercy be the only hero not allowed to impact fights in a big way?


Yes because most other characters main job isn’t to heal their teammates with Mercy it is. You can’t be a main healing character and then just completely abandon your job of healing your teammates by hiding and waiting for your whole team to die so you can Rez them. It’s just flawed game design and blizzard has corrected that with the rework. And about the “well i didn’t hide” argument, Mercys in high ranks would always hide for Rez because that’s how you got value out of the character. If you died with Rez you got absolutely zero value out of the hero pick


No hero can singlehandedly wipe or revive a team with the press of a button. You’re falsely equating mass rez with mass-damage ultimates. No hero can press a button to literally instantly kill up to five enemies.

'scuse me?

  • Reaper
  • d.Va
  • McCree
  • Junkrat

just to name a few, can all single-handedly wipe a team with their ultimates.
And d.Va’s and Junkrat’s are pretty instant.