The "hiding mercy" fallacy

Not really a bug cause the same thing happens with Ana. If you cast ult and die immediately after the nano straight up disappears

That’s because there’s a cast time. You press Q, she lifts her arm to aim, and then shoots.


Hardly but okay. No matter how small, every ability has a cast time

Omg this again. Alright listen up.

It’s ok for dps hero’s to hide and use ults because that gets kills. That’s there job.

Now the reason why it’s not OK for Mercy to do it, is because she hid from her own team and told them to die on point so she could rez them all.

You see, a healer isn’t supposed to do that. To leave their team to die. This is why it’s not OK for a healer to hide. Because a healer is meant to keep the team alive. Not tell them to die. This is what the devs wanted to change.

This is explained, very, very clearly in the dev update about the Mercy rework.


Um. It does. There isn’t even room to disagree here.

This is untrue. Some abilities have an animation that represents a cast time, but if they are stunned or killed during it, the ability still goes off.


My apologies, I was not made aware that every hero in the game can now resurrect the entire team after a successful attack/defense.


Except… Mercy still needs to hide the majority of the time in order to successfully rez. So… Care to explain why that is still happening? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I, personally, don’t think they’re comparable to “Hide n Res” but I can agree that people did exaggerate over the amount of people that supposedly hide as Mercy. Also, it isn’t an issue. It wasn’t encouraged by the design of the ultimate at all; just the broken SR system at the time.


Because its not hiding thats the problem, it was leaving her team to die. She doesn’t do that anymore. She now keeps them alive as long as she possible and then rezes when someone’s falls.

She doesn’t go “oh I have my one rez back, team mate go out there and die” does she? But she did before. And that was the problem.


Doesn’t the cast time do that? When someone dies, you withdraw from the fight, leaving your teammates without a Mercy, to Resurrect one teammate and this is usually done by the means of hiding.

Ofc, the intentions are different but the outcome is still the same. That means the whole, “we don’t like that Mercy isn’t doing her role” still applies meaning the problem still persists.


Are you saying that All Mercies left their team to die in 1.0? What source can you provide that proves that Mercy “Let her team mates die” back then, but “Keeps them alive as long as possible” now? Are you trying to say that Mercy mains didn’t do that back then? If so, do you have a list of all the Mercy players from the past with data that proves how they played to back those claims? I’d love to see them, if you don’t mind :blush:

Did she really? Or was that based on a subjective opinion? Are you speaking for all Mercy mains or just the loud minority of people who saw it happen in their games? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

1:00 min in. Case closed.


I’m so disappointed in Jeff because of this video. He confirmed the fallacy knowing who he is and the reaction it would get even though it was hardly true.


He can’t even measure it lol. Like, seriously, how do you even measure hiding? It’s obvious he was going off of what pro players and well-known faces in the OW community were experiencing.


Exactly. Instead of being impartial like he should’ve been, he completely took the other side of the argument.


What case? Jeff making a quote of what they “think” went on during the matches, based on speculation and assumptions from the loud minority of players? No data sheets, no pie charts, no research or documentation, just word-of-mouth PR speech is your only source as proof?

If it is, I’m sorry, but I hope you understand how I’m a bit skeptical:

They also said that “Deathmatch is not coming to Overwatch”, and then it appears as a game mode months after.

They also said “We have no plans to revert Mercy”, only to revert her voiceline and her healing months after.

So… If your “proof” is just word-of-mouth from them saying “She hides and rezzes”, I will have to scratch my head, because that still hasn’t answered my questions.

  • Why is Mercy still hiding in order to res?

  • Are you saying that All Mercies left their team to die in 1.0?

  • What source can you provide that proves that Mercy “Let her team mates die” back then, but “Keeps them alive as long as possible” now?

  • Are you trying to say that Mercy mains didn’t do that back then? If so, do you have a list of all the Mercy players from the past with data that proves how they played to back those claims?

So once again, how would this qualify as “closing the case” again? I’m curious. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Didn’t know other heroes hid and waited for their teammates to die… I learn new things on the forums everyday.


It’s worse than that…they hide and wipe your whole team


They do? I’ve never witnessed such a thing in diamond… weird.


They do it in plat and masters too.