The "hiding mercy" fallacy

You are very mistaken.

Mercy’s ult is the only ult in the game that doesn’t get max value unless she’s the last one standing. Part of the reason most other ults have cast times or don’t have all their effects go off at one time is because their teammates (should) still be alive to help them pull it off. That is one reason why Mercy’s ult did not have as much visible counter play as the rest… because surviving whatever claimed your team is not the easiest thing in the world.

You later mention that Sombra’s ult does not accomplish anything on its own. Mass Resurrect was the same way. If your team was terrible… bringing them all back doesn’t do anyone any good. I cannot tell you how many times I got a great Mass Res and we’d lose the next fight anyway. That’s another reason why Mass Resurrect does not need as much counterplay as most ults.

Transcendence and Sound Barrier are insane on both numbers and counterplay when compared with the nearest DPS ults, Death Blossom and Tire/DVa bomb. Why? Overtime does not end until one team is completely knocked off the objective. You CANNOT win by just living forever. For that reason, defensive ults cannot win fights or games. All they can do is prevent losing a fight and give your team another chance. That’s why they can be far harder to counter and have far larger numbers than damage ults and remain balanced. Mass Resurrect is no different. That’s my third and final reason why Mass Resurrect did not need as much counterplay as most ults.

However if you had said that giving her that invulnerability buff was dumb I would agree with you.


Lol well I don’t agree that mass res was a poorly designed ultimate hence the title but nice try.

Well, they are always just make up some artificial “reason” for making changes. Totally disregarding actual issues. One can only wonder why is that.

It was balanced fine, just very annoying/frustrating to play against (and sometimes frustrating to play as, though it also had amazing moments). Kind of like doomfist


counterplay was not to use all your ultimates at the same time.

it shouldn’t be that hard, cuz like you say, mercy is hiding all the day and let her team run into 5vs6.


You did just admit that Mercy did have to hide until after the teamfight to use rez.

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It’s really easy to say these things when it’s not around anymore isn’t it?


No i didn’t, stop speaking for me.

Well, you’d be wrong about Ana, Rein and Orisa. All of their ults can be interupted between pressing Q and the ult going off.

Also, Mercy gets maximum value from her ult in an instant. Zen or Pharah can be shut down during their ult to reduce it’s value. This cannot happen with Rez.


AOE rez definitely had counterplay. Aside from just killing the mercy, you could save ults (particularly something like deadeye that’s great vs rez and useless otherwise), trickle enemy kills, or just play well and win the 5v6 without losing too many people.

But it was annoying to play against, and had less counterplay than many other ults.


DISCLAIMER : if youre clicking this thread and this is the most recent reply you should know that there isnt a single new thought on mercy avove this paragraph…you know EXACTLY what is said up there…and you know what will be said going forward…pls abandon thread now and proceed with your day

carry on


oh come on now… did you actually read my post?

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Yeah and so could mass res before she was made to be invincible lol like it literally has happened

SShhhhhhh, quiet you Mercy main.
Your opinion doesnt matter because nothing productive gets out of Mercy threads.


Its better to dismiss something peeps hate rather than acknowledging it.

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I don’t remember there ever being a cast time on Mass Rez.

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And i’ll keep on saying it until something changes

There’s a difference between doing a flank to pull off your ult, sneaking about and watching the match for the perfect time to strike…

…and hiding for a minute or more staring at a wall while your team dies…


Well obviously there wasn’t a cast time on mass res. But i’ve popped res and died immediately after losing my entire ult and having res’d no teammates.

This seems like a bug more than anything else. Ults with no cast time are instant (obviously), so you should have rezzed your team.