Sombra’s ult technically has a cast time as well. It can be interrupted, it’s just that predicting it is based on luck for the most part because it has such a short cast time. The odds of cancelling it is very low as a result, so I will agree that it doesn’t invalidate your point for the most part as a result. ;o
As a 400+ hour mercy main who was GM back during AOE rez, this is not a misconception. If you have rez and the enemy is running dive, staying in the fight means you’re likely to die first or second, vs a coordinated team. There’s not much mercy and her team can do vs 4 divers, a speed boost, and a discord orb. So most of the time vs dive you needed to hide - either you delay the enemy while they chase you down or they ignore you and you get a 3 - 4 man rez, which evens the fight.
Obviously if the enemy is running double hitscan or triple tank you can safely heal during the mid-fight, because good positioning can protect you 100% from those comps. But back when people were complaining about hide-n-rez the meta was lucio-zen dive.
And of course if you don’t have ult yet you heal, because there’s no point hiding without rez.
Expect that Rein’s ult can be blocked and dodged, Orisa’s can be destroyed instantly or the enemy could simply leave making it useless., Pharah becomes immobile and half the time kills herself in close quarters. Nano-Boosted targets and be killed or disabled shortly after it is activated, and Zen can be CC and hit by anti-heals making his ult useless.
Mass Rez was just one button and possibly 5 people are back to life. more the likely after the enemy just used all of their own abilities to put them down in the first place.
Haven’t seen this point be made a topic and debated before
Pls guys
It made it to 1.2 days once.
Hiding=NOT doing their job
Genji is flanker his job to surprise enemies to get kills
Mercy is MAIN healer her job to heal teammate not hiding
My point was that she’s not the only hero who has an instant ult with a big payoff if used correctly
Expect if that Healer has the ability to bring their entire team back from the dead with a press of a button.
Also healer is a gender neutral term.
Because every other hero ulted DURINGthe fight. Mercy ulted AFTER the fight.
And a decent McCree has the potential to delete an entire team with one ultimate. So???
The difference is timing. A hiding reaper death blossom wins a fight before it starts, or swings the balance in the mid-fight. A hiding mercy comes in after the fight’s over, and can win a fight after it “feels” like it’s already been lost.
Balance-wise there was nothing wrong with AOE rez or hide-and-rez. Honestly it wasn’t even very strong: that’s why the meta was lucio-zen. But it felt “unfun” to play against because it happened after the fight ended, instead of during the fight like all other ults.
Instead of “get ready to push, oh we’re dead” it was “we won the push! oh now we lost.”
But she was the only one who had an ult wit ha big payoff with no counter play, so your point is invalid to the topic that was being discussed.
No one was talking about instantly useless ults but the counter play that is needed.
I mean you can’t really res a teammate who’s still alive…
Honestly, if they gave her a 0.8s cast time and a LoS requirement we could have avoided this…mess of a rework.
Sometimes simple changes are the best.
You just said mass res had no counter play. Sorry Sir or Madam but your point is invalid. Sorry about it.
Patch notes:
All heroes: ults cannot be used unless the enemy has had line of sight on you for three seconds.
(Non-existent) problem solved.
I recommend you check out my post history and look at my previous Mercy thread.
Everything has counterplay, including AOE rez. Kill mercy, save ults, trickle kills, etc etc. Mercy wasn’t even overly strong with AOE rez, that’s why the meta was Lucio-Zen.
But AOE rez did have less counterplay than something like death blossom or deadeye - basically anything can stop those ults because of their significant, immobile TTK and risky positioning.
I agree, but I don’t agree. You see, Mercy is a healer. The team can survive for a while without their DPS dealing damage, but your team cannot survive for long if your healer is hiding. And those heroes which people hid with probably have ults that require more than just pressing Q. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying Mass Rez took no skill. However, you just fly in and press Q. That’s a massive reward for such little effort.
Whereas a Genji dragonblade has to move to people and kill them.
Exactly. Thank you for agreeing that mass rez was poorly designed ultimate.