The game isnt balanced for GM

There, i said it.

The game isnt only balanced for GM or t500 or owl.

While their personal opinions are more valued than lets say plat or gold players, the game clearly very obviously is balanced towards both Casuals, and Professionals.

Firstly, we would not have gotten heroes such as moira or brig in the first place if the game was to only cater to skill elitists, owl, gms etc.
Next to that a lot of the balance changes are things that affect lower ranks more than higher ranks.

While yes the game is more balanced for higher ranks thats for 1 simple reason.

its a lot easier to balance for them, where skill isnt as much of a varied thing as it is in lower ranks, where youd have to track tons and tons and tons of players to get even slightly accurate stats. IE one widow could destroy 5/6 games while one widow could get 5/6 kills per game, while still technically being the same rank.

While that is still a thing in higher ranks, its less varied.

But thinking the game is only balanced for those higher ranks is just off, because it isnt.


This isnt proof against my post, my post is saying its not only balanced around GM, which that statement proves.

A game being PRIMARILY balanced doesnt mean EXCLUSIVELY.

The post is just saying that, its not 100% only for gm, t500 and owl.


Yes and poeple still think the game is balanced around gm/master which is totally wrong, this is the first time in overwatch i’d rather be plat or low diam only to not play with and against this stupid double shield meta!!!


yeah, the game is balanced aroun the game, not around a specific rank, while the ideas they take for balancing come more from GM than from Plat for example, its 100% not true that theyre only balancing for high ranks

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Yeah, high elo players complain about balance just as much as low elo players.

Nobody is happy and they never will be.


You are entirely right.


The game is much more balanced in low rank. And if the game is balanced at high tier it will also be the case for low tier, exemple season 8 .


Low elo players especially on this forum tend to invent pb that don’t even existe.

And also forget or do not know the fundamental problems.


The OW community is entitled

You’re right, it’s not balanced for GM, GM has had as much a stagnant meta as the rest of the ladder for best part of a year.

It’s OWL that’s the only place that’s seen variety. And the only place and reason we’ve seen changes pushed for.

If we had balance for GM, then Rein, Ana, Sigma would have been looked at far sooner, perhaps Ashe too. At the other end Sombra, Baptiste, Zen, might have seen some love sooner.

Truth is, the game isn’t balanced or altered for a single player that posts here or on Reddit.

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don’t forget that hero pull is one of the main reason we see variety in OWL.

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Exactly, the game is balanced around what the devs want it to be balanced around, not specifically any specific meta

One of, but not the only. Their ability to choreograph movements and strategies together that’s impossible to achieve on ladder helps too. That displays unusable and unworkable hero power we don’t have access to, but is assumed to be ‘balanced in’.


Yes, this is why i said " one of the main reason ".

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Lets not forget OWL is only seeing variety coz of hero pools

Sorry the break the echo chamber in here, but the latest patch literally says it’s balancing around the Top end of ladder specifically.

Just because they’re balancing around the top ladder doesn’t make it a bad thing. I don’t see why it’s considered such a bad thing to begin with.


This post isnt about a specific patch, its about the entirety of ow, and the recent patches altogether, while this patch might be for the top, theres been multiple patches for the bottom as well


Past balance doesn’t matter when it will not affect us now. They have very clearly had a change in balancing direction. From looking at GM+ meta, to their creator discord. Again not a bad thing.

Sure, they added Brig and Moira, but they’re also rapidly nerfing them to fit in with the “high skill” heroes. Point being, this title is no longer true and misleading.

Post balance does matter as post balance is what got us to present balance.

Because even right now, if they only balanced around higher ranks they would nerf sigma, nerf ana, nerf rein, and nerf brig.

but theyre not doing it, at least yet. because those heroes arent in as much of an abudance in lower ranks. ashe is barely viable in bronze or silver, and is only decent in plat and gold, while being borderline unstoppable in GM.

If you read the post i say “They take GM and owl more into account than lower ranks, but still listens and balances around lower ranks as well” or something along those lines.

I would argue that the game isn’t balanced for any level. Nerfs/buffs appear to be more to do with popularity and pandering to various groups than anything else.

For example, if the game were balanced exclusively for gm Ana would have been nuked years ago. Equally, F tier heroes such as Sym would have been buffed to compete.

Moira and Brig were added specifically because the groups you listed screamed that dive heroes couldn’t be nerfed despite dominating the meta. They demanded counters instead and, well, got them :man_shrugging:

Overall I’d say the game is deliberately imbalanced to keep various vocal groups happy. Nobody can look at a game where Ashe and Sym both exist and claim there’s even an attempt to balance both of them.


I agree to an extent, i think the game is still balanced not around a specific group of people from a rank, but around all ranks altogether, some ranks just… scream louder