It's been 1200 days since Mercy was reworked


not at all

this is an opinion, one not shared by many Mercy players

Personally, I dont find anything about playing Mercy to be “garbage”, and as a support main, I play her quite a bit


news flash, everything about balancing a game is subjective, overpowered and underpowered are subjective, they can be slightly explained with certain stats such as pick rates but it’s still a matter of opinion as to what stats matter (does rank matter? do we balance around GM or the general population? does every hero deserve to be equally viable?) and what an ideal version of those stats would look like. maybe respond to some of the reasons that i listed in that post instead of zeroing in on the stated position and saying “boo, you have an opinion”

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There is no requirement in the forums that one respond to every part of a post

The part I had issue with was where an opinion was described specifically as if it were a fact when it was (and still is) not a fact, and as such, thats the part I responded to

I wont be responding further on this specific item in this thread

-Did I say it was part of the rules? No, it was just a suggestion as to how you could potentially add more to this conversation

-Really, dude? It may have been poor word choice in one sentence but that doesn’t erase the rest of the post. You’re really just nitpicking.

Neither will I. I’m busy with some dire stuff IRL right now anyway.

Dodo takes everything literally-and tends to never let somethings go. Just a heads up.


I just want to pop in and thank you for providing this. My only nitpick is that “primarily balanced” doesn’t mean “exclusively balanced”. But, setting that aside, your overall point remains valid. Indeed, from my point-of-view, I concur with Toast when he opines:

That argument falls flat considering:

  • Ana has received 3 nerfs this year, but stopped getting nerfed the past several months because she wasn’t strong/meta in OWL and the supports that WERE meta in OWL (Brig, Bap) were also highly picked on ladder in GM and hence received heavier nerfs. And also people in GM/OWL don’t complain about Ana or say she’s OP (because she’s not) and statistically she isn’t in those places either.

  • Symmetra HAS been buffed to compete. She got an HP buff 3 patches ago. And when she was too strong in GM during Double Shield she got hit hard.

Love Toast but that’s a poor argument with even poorer examples.

When heroes are overperforming in OWL and GM, they get nerfed. This process is sped up when the pro players actively complain about how overbearingly opressive/broken/overtuned said hero is.

When heroes are underperforming in GM/OWL, they get buffed. Sym got reworked after being the only hero in OWL with a 0% pickrate. The recent buff patch that buffed Bap, Brig, Orisa, Mei, Sym, etc. was buffing all the lowest picked heroes in GM. Mercy got an HPS buff at Anniversary because she was one of the lowest picked supports in GM and OWL, despite having a healthy pickrate in all other ranks below masters, and because pros said she was weak.

They also keep trying to make Pharah more viable which low ranks complain about but it doesn’t matter because Pharah is “struggling” in high tiers compared to other DPS.

I can’t think of a single change in the past 2 years that was made because of low ranks. People will claim the Reaper lifesteal nerf is one of them but he was also overperforming in both GM and OWL at that time he got nerfed.

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I want to point something out - people say “hide and rez” happened because of the invulnerability buff. This is not the case at all, you’d have more reason to hide without the invulnerability. So the invulnerability buff, while misguided because it made it far more difficult to punish the Mercy, can’t reasonably have provoked such a change in player behavior. More likely the invuln buff coincided with the discovery of the rez sr-bug.


But they do not exist in regular games, so you often won’t get any value from it. It didn’t change since pre-rework.

You use multi rez not because you don’t want to mimic pros, but because tempo rez doesn’t work with regular players - you need 2+ players to get same value as 1 pro player, and even then, you often have to account for enemy ulting, as soon as your resurrect is spent.

Or players simply realised, that you have to survive fight to get value out of it. With Mercy’s mobility connected to teammates, chances are you won’t have any escape options, if you get caught.

I suggested independent mobility for Mercy back there, as you couldn’t use GA to fly away from combat to save your life, when your ult is almost ready. Encouraging “hiding”, when fight goes for the worse.

Strange, not for me and I play her for hours a day. I’ve had so many games where I knew that I was the one who carried the teamfight/game as Mercy, and I’ve had enemy players and teammates alike comment that I carried at the end in match/team chat. I literally started keeping a folder of screenshots of match chat from everytime the enemy complains about me/says I carried because of how Animetic made a poster like that onetime lol.

One match where I could feel how much I hard carried the game, I ended up getting POTG even and when I watched the enemy DPS’s VOD (he was a popular DPS streamer Kabaji) he even said “That Mercy carried…the rezzes, the healing, everytime we were about to win, she swoops in, gets a rez off, crazy bro, actually crazy”.

I also see lots of Mercy youtubers I follow like Dinnik and Elezhau and Seren1ty get told they carried in match chat after a lot of their games.

Ever considered maybe you need to play her differently or something? There’s obviously some games where you feel useless but that shouldn’t be the majority of the time…

And old Mercy had no healing spike at all…

Current Mercy has E rez (which is a spike of utility) and an ultimate that makes her potential healing output for 15 seconds go from 825 to 4,500. Pretty good IMO considering how fast Valk charges. Probably the best anti-dive ult in the game sustain wise.

Her projectile speed is increased. It’s doubled in Valkyrie. It was never removed. Her bullet speed in Valk is doubled, you can check in workshop.

Agree that the damage boost change sucks tho, but at least you can damage boost a Moira orb or Ashe dynamite and then go back to doing other stuff now while it still ticks away.

Except dive usually involves focus fire, which Valkyrie can do nothing against.

Sure, except game isn’t that slow. To heal that much, you need teammates take low, consistent damage…which is unlikely to happen in game, where burst damage is undisputed choice, when it comes to attacking enemy team.

To be clear, I never claimed Hide and Res only happened due to the I-frames and SR exploit - but they did make it commonplace. After those changes went live, that’s when teams were expecting you to do it.

But let’s make a distinction between that and simply trying to take cover or play cautiously because you know the enemy has Ults ready, shall we? A lot of people were/are quick to scream HIDE AND RES simply because the Mercy player wasn’t standing out in the open and/or with her healing beam neatly telegraphing her location.

A lot of times back then, I would get so much abuse simply for trying to stay out of the line of fire, and they’d always accuse me of hide and res, even if I’d simply managed to dodge a Grav behind a pillar or something like that. Even if I’d only been there for 2 seconds.

I find that they only enable the person who gets ressed to have that playmaking moment. That’s my issue.

I agree, her mobility is way better, but I personally wish Blizzard would just make Superjump a proper ability instead of the “does it work or doesn’t it?” janky key-press combo it is now.

I agree with the first part, I was there during the Moth Meta (talk about ridiculous) which is why I’m in favor of Mercy getting another rework that frees more of her ability/power budget up by removing E-Res and keeping her new movement tech, with some adjustments as I mentioned above.

As for the video you mentioned, that is from a Top 500 player, who’s playing with other Top 500 players. It is completely unrealistic for your average Overwatch player to have the conditions to pull off those stunts (amazing as they are) in their games. I never claimed it to be impossible to do things with Mercy as she is now, my issue is that it seems to only be confined to the high-end of the playerbase. I’ve seen plenty of these sorts of videos, but as when people try to claim something is “fine because OWL did it”, it usually ends up being nearly impossible to do in your average game of Overwatch.

I’m glad you find some enjoyment there, though :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, which usually is for nothing - as regular teammate just doesn’t have necessary capabilities to make a difference.

You evaded, dodged and sneak through to resurrect someone in hard to reach spot? Doesn’t matter - teammate gets killed in next 5 seconds. Leaving you questioning, why are you even trying to use resurrect.

Resurrect offers second chance, but that’s all. Old resurrect allowed to rely on numbers to achieve desired effect(if 1 teammate can’t do much, 2-3 will do the job), single resurrect doesn’t have that.

Cleopatra, I’m not trying to sound rude, but in so many of the conversations I’ve found you in, you consistently describe all of Mercy’s interactions in the worst, most pessimistic light possible. So often have I and other Mercys gotten difficult resses, and have had those resses go on to bring major value by having that player revived. If you’re ressing teammates in such bad situations that they’re consistently dying after five seconds, then it might just be on you and your decision making, and not so much due to the ability itself.

I’m not interested in getting too involved in the discussion here but it’s something I’ve noticed from you over the years, and I think that’s a perspective of yours you might want to consider. I don’t want to sound like I’m saying “uhh just get better lol” but rather that your view with this ability is, if nothing else, a bit exaggerated. At the very least, I’m rarely noticing my own resses not get value, even my riskiest resses, so it’s jarring to hear otherwise.


Yes, because I do not expect from my teammates to have extraordinary abilities.

Which is why I eventually stopped resurrecting anyone, but smurfs - don’t want to waste ability with 30 s cooldown on someone, who almost certainly will die, before my cooldown ends.

My regular, if you want, experience, is players simply charging into enemy. And repeating that again, after resurrect, with similar result with their previous attempt. Don’t ask me, why are they doing that, because I don’t know - could be believing in themselves, or overestimating my 55-60 hps in terms of keeping them alive.

They don’t need extraordinary abilities, not if you res them in smart situations where they can get value after being ressed. So many times I’ve managed to res a deep-backline Tracer or Genji or Doomfist, and sure enough, them being put back into the action usually makes a difference, without anything extreme added in – not even an ultimate. Them simply being alive and able to have that second chance, usually, makes a pretty big difference in the game – getting one more kill, or stalling an objective, or just retreating back to the team to stabilize – in a way that no other support would have been able to.

I genuinely think we’re playing two different games then lol. I can res just about anyone and they’ll usually do enough post-res to have been worth the costs. And in the few times where that doesn’t work out, it’s shrugworthy at best – not every res is gonna be the big tide changer.

Sometimes you get dummy allies but like, how often are you really getting whole teams of dummies? I play quick play exclusively, so you’d think it’d be me getting the dumbest and worst teammates, but even in this hectic environment, I’m often achieving some very valuable resses, and making value out of the rest of Mercy’s kit. If nothing else I’ve never felt that I should never use res except on smurfs lol, I’ve ressed even our weakest links and sure enough, them simply being alive is usually still worthwhile.

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Quite often. And it’s not like they are dummies, they just don’t do anything together.

In past, I sometimes used my ult just to make players group up, after well known “run in one by one and die” incidents.

It’s a bit similar with experience of playing Mei with friendly Reinhardt, that happens to have some addiction to charging off cliff. Making me put ice wall near cliff to stop that.

Can’t say, that it annoys me - after all, in TF2 it was also common situation, sometimes on bigger scale(like having one sentry gun getting 10+ kills in a row, as players again and again are trying to run past it). So I am accustomed to it, but not to my inability to do anything about it.

That’s the problem. So far games were won, only if enemy actually focuses on me and my pocket smurf, while teammates are generally doing nothing. If it’s other way around, then I would only have to watch, as everyone get destroyed.

Expecting that is, basically, relying on enemy’s stupidity.

Except…that’s how support works. You enable your team. That’s how discord and damage amp works. Anti-nade and speedboost and sleep and IF. Sure those things can also be capitalized on by the support who used it…but not really. An Ana’s team gets much more potential value from an anti-nade than an Ana does. Zen can use discord and try to hit all his orbs but it’s his team capitalizing on it that gets real value.

And in case you haven’t noticed…this has always been Mercy’s design. Her mobility is even team dependent. If you wanna play a more independent support, go play another one? Mercy 1.0 was even more team dependent so I’m not sure why you keep trying to enjoy this hero who is clearly not going to satisfy what you want.

I mean I personally can aim very well and would be fine if Mercy got reworked to be more mechanically demanding and independent and have different direct impact abilities but…is that even Mercy anymore?

Perhaps in OW2 she will get a minor rework, who knows, though I doubt it since in the OW2 trailer we see her use Valk and E Rez both in PvE and PvP and in the new UI they show off it’s from Mercy’s PoV and her kit is the same. Guess we wait and see though.

Oh god no, this suggestion is so gross and I hate when people say this. I know it makes a lot of other Mercy players annoyed too. Someone on Reddit asked Geoff to do this and they got flamed into oblivion, and I wish I had an account to join in >.>

  1. It’s not a “janky key press” it’s just one more button than her normal slingshot takes…pressing Crouch and GA at the same time is not hard.

  2. What about it is “does it work or doesn’t it” ?? It works the same every time. Hit space at the same spot to go the same distance into the air every single time it’s used. Hit space earlier to go less high but further forward. It’s completely consistent.

  3. Keeping it the way it is allows Mercy to have skill expression…making it a single button-press ability that’d probably have a stupid CD is quite possibly the worst change they could make to the hero. I know it’d piss off a lot of Mercy players, especially the top ones. It’d be less skillful, have less control over it, and make her mobility feel a lot worse.

…how? lol. What in low ranks prevents Mercy players from doing cool GA stunts or superjump rezzes or killing enemy Widowmakers? If anything all of those things should be EASIER for you to do because the enemy is much worse.

Also, whenever I buy a new account I have to rank it up through low ranks (usually starts in gold or plat) and it’s MUCH easier to do those things down there. You can legit never die and just bully the enemy rezzing in their face and harassing them with pistol.

When I’m ranking up a new account as Mercy I will throw myself in front of the enemy to force them to shoot me and get their attention, using GA tech to stay alive and bait them. Pistol enemy supports and DPS with superjump or with Valk, especially snipers. Pull off the most risky rezzes bc the enemy can’t punish you. Too many Mercy players in low ranks play passively, and try to heal all game instead of using her entire kit.

Again, all I want to emphasize here is that you should really consider your perspectives like this more critically. Your experiences as Mercy seem so far-flung from even an ordinary user’s experience with Mercy, more so compared to mine. I’m rarely finding myself with teams that are so bad that Mercy feels useless without a smurf to pocket, so I can’t help but think that you might just have a really poor perception of your teammates’ performances. And that might very well be obstructing your ability to enjoy Mercy – because yeah, she is an unenjoyable hero if you have inherently zero trust in your team at any given moment.

Or you’re playing in a rank where this is more likely to happen, but I don’t want to assume something like that.

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Oh…awkward. I dont agree with myself anymore :sweat_smile:

The game is balanced around the top with OWL being the primary focus. Now, I would argue that it isnt consistently applied to every hero in terms of buffs but the game is clearly balanced around the top when it comes to nerfs.

Looks like Ryan’s got this. He’s right on the general point. Although how consistently Blizzard apply this for buffs would still be debatable.