The fundamental problem with Brigitte

So what does it make for a hero to become a “brain dead” hero?

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Dude, look at the pickrates of the heroes she ruins. They’re nearly zero.

Yeah, you can play around her. You have to.

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We’re about to see four hours of non-Brigitte Overwatch. It seems like this new, secret, invincible hero is not fully understood. Maybe the Dragons need to hire you.

Dominance over Roadhog? Not sure what you’re smoking…

Not by herself, but a stunned Roadhog in a teamfight is dead meat.

I just created a way to balance Brig properly:

Exactly. The problem isn’t Brig, she’s just strong with this current meta. Wrecking Ball is gonna change the meta, which means we dunno how Brig will be. I.E. Does her shield slam stop his rolling, if so, does he un-transform or just stay a ball?

And considering she’s all about people staying together, which Wrecking Ball is all about breaking up, I’m willing to bet he will be added to a counter list for her. :slight_smile:


Wrecking Ball is for sure going to change things up, he’ll be putting Hanzo and Widow in their place as well, so they won’t be as big an issue either when he goes live. Like right now Hanzo and Widow are in the same place as Brig, they’re strong regardless but the current meta allows them to run wild and just own games. Like Hanzo and Widow are my DPS mains and with the lack of dive I’m usually free to just snipe heads.

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If her shield broke when she stunned someone she would actually have to make a choice instead of being a mary sue who can do everything shy of hitscan. This would make her think of whether or not to use her stun rather then using it at every potential opportunity securing kills for her team on a very short cd.

Exactly. Hanzo’s re-work IS strong, but it isn’t why we’re feeling the heat. It’s because characters that would usually counter him (like Dive) are shut down in the current meta. That’s why they just feel so oppressive. Widow hasn’t even gotten any changes recently, and she’s always been ‘okay’ but with the current meta and nobody to contest her, she’s free to just pop head.

Those are bad Brig, and you can capitalize by baiting that slam she wants to live by, and then just ulting. Because a good Brig keeps her slam for a guaranteed kill, or an ult interrupt. It’s too easy to punish gung-ho Brigs. I know, I use to be one. :laughing:

I think the main problem of Brigitte are players who keep playing against her as heroes she supposed to counter. Thats it. She is a kind of melee, she wrecks divers and flankers. That is her role. Learn to deal with her from range, she is absolutely worthless against Pharah, Junkrat, Soldier, Orisa, Hanzo.

Also you will praise devs for adding Brigitte when Hammod will come into play.

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So I guess it just sucks to be you if you’d like to play as Winston, Reaper, Roadhog, etc.?

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I run with a Rein friend, and we just train the other Brig. Wait for the inevitable shield slam most open with, then I shield slam her and we both just focus her down. Easy peasy.

I actually had a Genji school me the other day, and I’m not a bad Brig at all–but the fact that he created his own strategy for dealing with me got an endorsement from me. Dude was on another level, haha.

In this meta? yeah.

Just like it sucked being a support main in Dive meta. xD

It was better then than now, you could actually play something other than Mercy!

I don’t main Mercy in this meta though? O_o

In literally 3 days Wrecking Ball drops. And then your Brig woes will be over. And then we’ll have all these forum posts from Hanzo’s, Brig’s, and others about how overpowered and oppressive he is.

It happens every meta. Dive was just around for a grip. But before that, with other meta changes, it was always the end of the world and everyone was always ‘super broken’ when they were meta.

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That is not how it works in this game. I love to play Winston simetimes. But ni matter how much I want to play him - I will not play him if enemy team has decent Reaper. Because I understand the concept of countering. I love to play Pharah but I never play her if enemy team has great hitscans like McCree or Soldier or especially a good Widow. Why? Thats right, because I understand the basic concept of countering.

It is okay to enjoy some certain heroes. But if you play them when you are clearly countered - it is your fault, not fault of hero that destroys you.

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It’s a little different with Brig:

A. Brig is too easy to counter with. You have to be a great Widow to counter a Pharah. Brig can easily wipe her counters with no skill.
B. Brig is too effective a counter. Most counters are not hard and fast; you can play into them if you do it carefully and your team supports you. Brig totally owns her counter-victims.

I mean, the whole problem can be summarized as this; Brig wipes all of the short range DPS heroes, which should realistically be some of her best counters.

No, you don’t need to be great,. All you need is to be able to shoot. Just like all you need is to be able to shoot as Reaper to counter Winston.
Just like all you need to counter as Brig is to close the distance and be able to hit target.

Every hard counter totally owns their counter-victims. Decent Winston has little to no chances against decent Reaper. Decent Pharah has little to no chances against decent Widow. Decent backline supports have little to no chances against decent Winston. Decent Brigitte has little to no chances against decent Pharah or Junkrat.

You are simply wrong. She is a queen of melee. She counter melee by being better as melee hero.
She is countered by range and splash damage. Almost hard countered, tbh.

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But the short range DPS have nothing but their combat ability. They should not be hard-countered by a hero who brings a tank and a support to the party, too.

Or, to put it another way - if being the king of close range combat isn’t the point of Reaper, what the hell is?